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Humans Activities Impact Estuaries     

Want to Learn More?

 Estuaries are Vital to Humans
Commercial Economic Benefits

 Humans Activities Impact Estuaries
Because we are all connected to the nation’s coasts, our activities have many affects on estuaries, many of which are negative.

Do you live in the high mountains, arid deserts, or near fertile farm fields? Where ever you live, your actions affect estuaries. Everything that drains from the land feeds into many different estuaries and the oceans. Everyone lives in the watershed of an estuary. A watershed is the land area that drains into a stream, river, lake, estuary, or coastal zone.  

What lakes, rivers or streams are near your home? And, where does the water in those channels travel? Wastewater (water from your yard, showers, dishwasher, etc.) drains downstream from your home or community and eventually into rivers and bays. On a map, trace water’s path from your community to the ocean. Your water use affects estuaries every day. Keeping our rivers and streams clean keeps our estuaries and oceans clean.

Last Updated on: 06-23-2008


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