Celebrating our Centennial  NIST at 100: Foundations for Progress skip navigation NIST Homepage Centennial Homepage

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he National Institute of Standards and Technology's major accomplishments of the past 100 years—and their impact on industry, science and technology, the nation's economy, and the public—are highlighted in a 56-page, illustrated booklet, which is reproduced on this web site. The main text summarizes dominant themes of NIST's work during various time periods, organized in chronological order. Links to each of the 10 major sections and accompanying photographs are provided in the Table of Contents below. Within each section are additional links to text boxes and photographs with captions that detail the most significant individual achievements of the relevant time period. (Click on each photo to view a larger image.) A single copy of the printed brochure can be obtained by calling 301-975-NIST (6478) or sending an email to inquiries@nist.gov.

Table of Contents

 From NBS to NIST
 The Founding
 The Industrial Age
 The Roaring Twenties
 The Depression
World War II

 Postwar Years
The Space Age
 Energy and Environment
New Directions
 Promoting Economic Growth




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he new millennium is opening with the Information Age shining on its horizon, just as the last century unfolded with the dawn of the Age of Electricity. Americans have experienced a 100-year span of extraordinary improvements in the U.S. economy and quality of life. Since 1901, the National Institute of Standards and Technology has contributed to these advances by building the foundations for technological progress.

NIST has been a reliable source of assistance to industry, science, and government. Its research, measurement tools, and technical services are integrated deeply into many of the systems and operations that drive the economy. Factories, communication and transportation networks, laboratories, hospitals, educational organizations, service companies, and the extended enterprises of the new economy all rely on NIST.

On the threshold of its second century, NIST is committed to partnering even more vigorously with industry, science, and government to build an advanced science and technology infrastructure-the foundations needed to ensure future progress and prosperity for U.S. industry and the nation.

Date created: 11/2/00
Last updated: 5/29/01
Contact: inquiries@nist.gov