September is National Preparedness Month.  Get a Kit, Make a Plan, Be Informed and Get Involved.Photo of young girl in front of family.

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National Preparedness Month Tips of the Day

There are a few simple steps you and your family can take to become better prepared for an emergency: Get a Kit, Make a Plan, Be Informed and Get Involved. This September, during National Preparedness Month, please follow these "Tips of the Day" from the American Red Cross and the U.S. Department of Homeland Security to help you and your family get started today!

9/10 Tip Of The Day - Work Together

A community working together during an emergency makes sense.

  • Talk to your neighbors about how you can work together during an emergency.
  • Find out if anyone has specialized equipment like a power generator, or expertise such as medical knowledge, that might help in a crisis.
  • Decide who will check on elderly or disabled neighbors.
  • Make back-up plans for children in case you can't get home in an emergency.
  • Sharing plans and communicating in advance is a good strategy. Department of Homeland Security