Health Disparities Database

Welcome to the Health Disparities Community Solutions Database, sponsored by the American Public Health Association and the United Health Foundation. This historical database contains projects and interventions that have been submitted by members of the public health community since 2003. Some of the programs are still in existence, while others have been discontinued.  APHA has decided to continue to list all programs that were submitted, in order to provide a learning tool for future health disparities initiatives. 

Currently, APHA is not accepting new database submissions.


State (Leave field blank if searching for national program)
Ethnic/Racial Categories:

Gender-specific efforts:
Age specific:

Project/ intervention been formally evaluated:


The database has solicited from its visitors their information about their programs and initiatives that are working to address the problem of health disparities. The programs and initiatives contained in the database are those of the visitors who submitted them and do not represent the ideas or suggestions of the American Public Health Association (APHA). Further, the accuracy of the content of the entries is the sole responsibility of the submitting organization, not APHA. While APHA presents the database of programs as a contribution to the dialogue on health care disparities, APHA has not endorsed or evaluated any of the projects that have been submitted. It is a critical next step that evidence-based tools be developed to assess potential interventions and identify promising strategies.