Power your business in Tempe
Unlike some Western regions, there is no shortage of power in Tempe. Salt River Project (SRP) and Southwest Gas can supply the electrical and gas needs of your business.

The mission of SRP is to deliver ever-improving contributions to the people we serve through the provision of low cost, reliable water and power, and community programs, to ensure the vitality of the Salt River Valley.

SRP provides electricity to retail customers in the Phoenix area. It operates or participates in seven major power plants and numerous other generating stations, including thermal, nuclear and hydroelectric sources. It also delivers nearly 1 million acre-feet of water to a service area in central Arizona. An extensive water delivery system is maintained and operated by the Association, including reservoirs, wells, canals and irrigation laterals..

Southwest Gas Corporation provides natural gas to residential, commercial and industrial customers in the southwestern United States. Southwest's 2,500 employees serve more than 1.4 million customers in Arizona, Nevada and portions of California. The company added over 60,000 customers last year, making it the fastest-growing natural gas distribution company in the nation


SRP data FY02  

Employees, year-end


Electric customers, year-end


Electric service area

2,900 sq.mi.

Water service area

240,000 acres



Power data FY02  

Generating capability (kW)*


Sales, total (million kWh)


Energy sources, total (million kWh)


Peak-SRP customers (kW)


*Includes SRP participation in jointly owned projects

For a map of the service area covered by Salt River Project, please go to: SRP Electric Service Area

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