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Assessment Techniques for Concealed Mineral Resources project work

We will focus on methodologies to objectively define the possibility and/or probability of concealed mineral resources in an assessment area. We will pursue several parallel lines of research that all contribute to achieving the goal of a set of methods for assessing covered areas for various deposit types. We visualize the work as falling under four main tasks (larger headings) with associated sub tasks shown in bold:

Primary characteristics of concealed mineral deposits

The main objective of this task is to enhance assessment of concealed mineral resources through improved identification and characterization of the subtle effects of a mineralizing system. Such characterization requires thorough micro-scale documentation of chemical, isotopic, and physical properties of both unaltered and altered host rocks, and documentation of temporal relationships in systems comprised of multiple magmatic and hydrothermal events. Derivative objectives are to determine chemical and physical gradients within large hydrothermal systems, and to devise practical methods to recognize margins and gradients.

Characteristics of post-mineralization cover

The principal objective of this task is to define the time-space nature and distribution of post-mineralization processes, characterize the resulting products, and develop multidisciplinary methods to see through post-mineralization cover to determine the relative likelihood of a concealed deposit being present. Furthermore, modification of mineral deposits can produce environmentally sensitive byproducts, and an understanding of post-mineralization processes can improve the USGS’s geoenvironmental models.

Geophysical and geochemical techniques to identify concealed mineral resources

Find new geochemical and geophysical tools that might be useful for assessing the occurrence of concealed mineral resources, and to develop and test new innovative tools that might be used for assessing concealed deposits.

Methods of combining datasets to produce estimates of possibility/probability

Earlier studies have identified some techniques of combining disparate datasets such as geologic maps, aeromagnetic data, and geochemical point data into products that are useful in carrying out mineral resource assessments. However, recent advances both in theoretical studies (such as complex systems analysis, weights of evidence, fuzzy logic, etc.) and in computational ability suggest other approaches to enhance the accuracy and reliability of assessment of the possibility and probability of mineral resources concealed beneath cover. Because much of the prospective ground in the U.S. now is in areas of cover, tools are needed to produce maps or other coverages to assist in assessment of these areas. There is a need to both produce easily usable tools for known techniques, and to evaluate new and innovative techniques for assessment of mineral resources beneath cover.

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