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Lerik residents were directly involved in rehabilitating their local road.Road Rehab Makes Economic Growth Accessible for Remote Communities

Over 3,400 residents in Lerik, a remote mountainous district in southeastern Azerbaijan, and neighboring communities depend on a poorly maintained primary road... Read More ...

Related Items: Azerbaijan, Infrastructure

Ambassador Derse (front, center) and USAID's Yamashita (front, third from left) join Tazakand community leaders and guests to celebrate the inauguration of the villages new irrigation system which now supplies water to 20 hectares of orchards.Irrigation Upgrades to Expand Crops, Family Income

For over 15 years, farmers and villagers in Tazakand (located in Azerbaijan’s Astara district) suffered from the lack of a reliable water supply... Read More ...

Related Items: Azerbaijan, Infrastructure

Getting ready to play (from left): Dr. Michael Farbman, USAID/Director, Peter Duffy, Program Officer, Nenad Rasic, Minister, Ministry of Labour and Social Welfare.Projects Help Improve Living Conditions for Kosovo Serbs

In June 2008, two new projects in Kosovo Serb villages, including the rehabilitation of the Kralj Milutin School in Gracanice/a, and the construction of a playground in Dobrotin [Lipjan/Lipljan] were dedicated... Read More ...

Related Items: Kosovo, Infrastructure

Thomas F. Mefford, USAID Deputy Assistant Administrator for Europe and Eurasia (center), pictured with Angelo Canale, Head of Italy's Department of Tourism (left) and Giandomenico Magliano, Director General for Economic Cooperation and Multilateral Finance, Italy's Ministry of Foreign Affairs (right) at the MOU signing in Rome, establishing an international, public-private partnership to energize Southeast Europe's economy through development of its tourism sector.Italy Joins Partnership to Develop Balkan Region

With the signing of a memorandum of understanding in Rome on July 17, Italy joined the U.S. and Greece in an innovative public-private partnership to stimulate sustainable economic growth, energy security... Read More ...

Related Items: Business Development, Energy, Infrastructure, Environment

More than 100 locals and officials celebrated the completion of the Tazakand’s third project implemented with support from USAID’s Community Development ActivityIrrigation Rehab to Expand Fruit Crops in Southern Azerbaijan

In June 2008, USAID hosted the inauguration of a newly-completed irrigation system rehabilitation project in Tazakand, Astara. More than 100 people, including residents from two neighboring communities... Read More ...

Related Items: Azerbaijan, Infrastructure

MDI specialists, together with Alchevsk Water Company representatives, perform instrumental measurements in the water mains.Water Company Agrees to Operations Improvement Plan

In January 2008, the Municipal Development Institute, a Ukrainian NGO and USAID implementing partner, signed an agreement with the Alchevsk City Council, the Alchevsk City Development Fund... Read More ...

Related Items: Ukraine, Infrastructure

Koryukivka Mayor Ihor Matyukha (standing) speaks at the International Conference on Local Economic Development Toolkits, organized by the USAID LED project, the Kyiv Economic Institute, and Michigan State University on March 3-4, 2008, in Kyiv. Sitting to the right of him is independent consultant Valeriy Kokot, who guided the strategic planning process in Koryukivka on behalf of the LED projectKoryukivka Reaps Benefits of Strategic Public-Private Partnership

A small town of nearly 13,500 residents in Chernihiv Oblast, Koryukivka is home to the Koryukivka Technical Paper Factory, a public corporation that claims to be Europe's largest wallpaper manufacturer... Read More ...

Related Items: Ukraine, Business Development, Infrastructure

(From left:) Bajram Mulaku, Mayor of Vushtrri/Vucitrn, Michael Farbman, USAID/Kosovo Director and Ljubomir Djordjevic, Gracke/Grace Community Representative at the Grace Road Asphalting ribbon-cutting ceremony“Roads Link People” in Kosovo Serb Villages

"Roads link people, and this road project has strengthened linkages among residents of Grace," said USAID/Kosovo Mission Director Michael Farbman said at a ribbon-cutting ceremony for a newly-asphalted road in Grace/Gracke (Vushtrri/Vucitrn municipality)... Read More ...

Related Items: Kosovo, Infrastructure

(From left) Col. Michael Selby, Chief of Staff of NATO's Kosovo Force (KFOR) Multi-National Task Force (East) and Dr. Douglas Menarchik, USAID Assistant Administrator for Europe and Eurasia, shook hands and talked with the schoolchildren attending the May 16 dedication ceremony for the new bridge in the town of Viti/Vitina, Kosovo.New Bridge Brings New Beginnings in Kosovo

“Row, row your boat,” sang children from a local kindergarten at the Viti/Vitina town bridge dedication on May 16, 2008. The bridge, a joint project of USAID, KFOR, Viti/Vitina municipality and Developing Together, was dedicated by Douglas Menarchik... Read More ...

Related Items: Kosovo, Infrastructure

A volleyball match was the first athletic event to take place in Hajihuseynli's newly-rehabilitated school gymSchool Gym Rehabilitation Project Energizes Community

The community of Hajihuseynli, Guba in northeast Azerbaijan, celebrated the opening of its new school gymnasium in January 2008. USAID partners CHF International and UMID HSSC handed the facility over to the community... Read More ...

Related Items: Azerbaijan, Infrastructure

The CSHF 8th award ceremony was attended by representatives from the U.S. Embassy, USAID/Armenia, and Save the Children, as well as members of regional communities and the mediaSmall Grants Help Armenian Communities Make Big Changes

On February 29, 2008, the U.S. Embassy in Yerevan hosted the eighth bi-annual Community Self Help Fund (CSHF) Grants award ceremony. Launched in November 2003, CSHF is a U.S. Embassy program designed to assist local communities... Read More ...

Related Items: Armenia, Infrastructure

Several representatives of the Albanian Mayors' Association, including the Chairman of the AAM, Mr. Fatos Hodaj (back left) and the Mayor of Kucove, Mr. Artur Kurti, participated in the parliamentary session to discuss the borrowing lawCoalition Earns Borrowing Authority for Albanian Cities

Less than 10 years since local governments became independent from the central government, Albania’s 65 municipalities still struggle to provide citizens with basic services, let alone finance larger infrastructure needs... Read More ...

Related Items: Albania, Infrastructure

A TU-154 jet lands on the runway at Chernivtsi International AirportReform Project Helps Chernivtsi Take Off

Chernivtsi International Airport is both a source of pride and problems for its namesake city. The airfield was built back in 1933; and although the runway was renovated in the mid-1980s, modernization of the airport is long overdue... Read More ...

Related Items: Ukraine, Infrastructure

Mariya Duda (left) with her iron 'assistant'Budget Reforms Helps Luhansk Keep Clean

What could be more irritating than litter on the streets of your native city, especially if you have spent your lifetime trying to clean it up? “It is just impossible to win this battle all by oneself,” said Mariya Duda shrugging her shoulders... Read More ...

Related Items: Ukraine, Infrastructure

The children of Shenik waved flags, exclaiming 'Hayastan' (Armenia) to welcome guests and community members to their renovated school buildingRenovations Revitalize Armenian Villages

The Integrated Community Development project is improving the quality of life in rural Armenia through an integrated approach to development and a novel model of partnership between the public and private sectors... Read More ...

Related Items: Armenia, Infrastructure

The USAID-funded project is helping farmers to restore their irrigation systems and improve harvests from their fieldsImproved Water Management to Increase Crop Productivity

An irrigation system renovated with USAID support will increase farmland productivity by 15 percent and reduce water consumption by 25 percent at the Kanal Suv Yuli water users association in Djizzak Province... Read More ...

Related Items: Uzbekistan, Infrastructure

Classroom-based computers equipped with internet access have served as global gateways for Macedonian studentsLandmark Macedonian Wireless Project Powers Down

Over the past three years, USAID’s Macedonia Connects project (MK Connects) brought free broadband internet to nearly 550 schools throughout the country, made internet affordable to local businesses and individuals... Read More ...

Related Items: Macedonia, Infrastructure

USAID funds bring new life to a city's most popular place and boost the local economyGeorgian City Market Brought Back to Life

On June 1, the Ninotsminda farmers’ market opened for business for the first time in fifteen years. The local community, USAID, the Governor’s office and implementer the Urban Institute (UI) participated in the opening ceremony... Read More ...

Related Items: Georgia, Infrastructure

An aerial view of Lviv's historic Market SquareMunicipal Bonds Raise Development Funds for Ukraine's Cities

Ukraine’s cities need massive amounts of investment to modernize their infrastructure, and municipal bonds provide the means to help them attract long-term capital. In late 2004, the USAID-funded Access to Credit Initiative (ATCI) began working with selected cities... Read More ...

Related Items: Ukrarine, Infrastructure

Dr. Michael Farbman, USAID/Kosovo Director helps to lay the foundation for a new annex to the Public Library in north MitrovicaUSAID Supports Infrastructure Strengthening in Kosovo’s North

‘With this project, you took charge, you identified your needs and priorities, and worked to find resources in cooperation with both your local government officials and the international community," said Dr. Michael Farbman... Read More ...

Related Items: Kosovo, Infrastructure

Representatives from Mercy Corps, the city administration, and the local media center signed an agreement to support the information center Center Eases Tensions, Improves Information Exchange in Jalalabat Oblast

On April 25, the USAID Collaborative Development Initiative (CDI), implemented by Mercy Corps, celebrated the completed rehabilitation of irrigation water system in Kyzyljyldyz Village, Nooken District, Jalalabat Oblast, Kyrgyzstan... Read More ...

Related Items: Kyrgyzstan, Infrastructure

AZRIP trainer provides procurement and contract training session for Privolnoye CDC membersAzerbaijani Communities Seek Partners to Sustain Development Progress

Now in its second year, USAID’s Community Development Activity (CDA) program is engaging Azerbaijan’s citizens and communities in identifying and addressing local needs... Read More ...

Related Items: Azerbaijan, Infrastructure

Students of Mitrovica Technical School in the north demonstrate their work at the rehabilitated workshop by USAIDRehabilitating Infrastructure in Kosovo’s Minority Communities

USAID and its implementing partners, Mercy Corps and the International Organization for Migration, dedicated four new rehabilitation projects in late April, as part of an ongoing effort to address the basic infrastructure needs in minority areas of Kosovo... Read More ...

Related Items: Kosovo, Infrastructure

The 'Mobility for Everybody' project works to create a socially accepting and physically accessible environment for Ukrainians with special needsDisabled Woman Fights to Remove Barriers in Ukraine

For seven years now, Anna Harchenko has used a wheelchair to get around in her native town of Cherkasy. At the age of 15, Anna fell and injured her spine while riding a horse... Read More ...

Related Items: Ukraine, Infrastructure

USAID Acting Assistant Administrator for Europe and Eurasia Dr. Douglas Menarchik attended the opening ceremonies for the USAID-supported projectsUSAID Helps Improve Turkmenistan’s Infrastructure

On February 2, three communities in Boldumsaz District, Dashoguz Province celebrated the completion of infrastructural projects supported by USAID’s Water Users Association Assistance Program (WUAAP)... Read More ...

Related Items: Turkmenistan, Infrastructure

Youth of Zubin Potok entertaining the guests at the opening ceremony of the Old Town Hall buildingAmerican Investment Helps Kosovo Rebuild, Rehabilitate

Residents of Zubin Potok gathered to celebrate the opening of their renovated Town Hall building at an opening ceremony on February 1. The day also marked the finalization of another project in this municipality... Read More ...

Related Items: Kosovo, Infrastructure

Carolers performing Malanka, the traditional New Year's skit, on Andriyvsky UzvizAdvocacy in Action: Saving Andriyivsky Izviz

Carolers wearing Ukrainian national costumes visited each and every house on Andriyivsky Uzviz on January 20 to wish residents good fortune and prosperity in the New Year... Read More ...

Related Items: Ukraine, Infrastructure

USAID works with communities to set up water committees to manage this precious resource for Tajikistan's largely irrigated agricultural sectorUSAID Helps Form Water Committees

In the first weeks of July, a series of meetings on how to form water committees and manage water systems were conducted in Jarbulak, Kalam, and Navbunyod - three Asht District... Read More ...

Related Items: Tajikistan, Infrastructure

Children play in the Dzvinochok Preschool playgroundRural Councils Find Solutions for Local Problems

Until recently, single mother Oksana Moskalyuk had to choose between finding a job outside of her village of Gostiv or staying home to care for her four-year-old, Alina... Read More ...

Related Items: Ukraine, Infrastructure

With USAID assistance, Jarbulok community repaired the drainage system and saved their homes and land from deteriorationCommunity Halts Deterioration of Homes and Land Thanks to USAID

After enduring years of damage from rising groundwater, Jarbulok community in Sughd Region was finally able to address the problem when USAID’s Peaceful Communities Initiatives Project arrived in their village... Read More ...

Related Items: Tajikistan, Infrastructure

Bayramali farmers recently marked the rehabilitation of 5.6 kilometers of irrigation and drainage canalsUSAID Enables Turkmen Farmers To Reclaim 300 Hectares of Land

A group of Turkmen farmers, supported by the USAID Water Users’ Association Assistance Program (WUAAP), celebrated the rehabilitation of an irrigation and drainage canal system in Bayramali, Mary Velayat (region) in March... Read More ...

Related Items: Turkmenistan, Infrastructure

Access to water is one of the several issues tackled by USAID’s Peaceful Communities Initiative to reduce tension among communities.Rehabilitated Water Pump Reduces Tension Among Communities in Panjakent District

In a remote and isolated region of Tajikistan, USAID’s Peaceful Communities Initiative Project (PCI)  helped end a decades-long dispute over water between two communities in Jamoat Hurmi in Panjakent District... Read More ...

Related Items: Tajikistan, Infrastructure

A public billboard advertising Indjija's new pay-by-phone parking systemRescuing a Troubled Parking System

Indjija, a municipality located in northern Serbia, has long suffered from critical parking problems. In the city's downtown area, the few available public lots were filled with long-term and residential vehicles... Read More ...

Related Items: Serbia, Infrastructure

Nova Sarajevo school before (left) and after (right) post-war reconstructionBosnia-Herzegovina Receives Return on US Investment of $372 Million for Infrastructure Repair

Infrastructure repair is the most visible of all USAID’s programs in Bosnia-Herzegovina. Starting in 1995, the program targeted structures that would help restart and assist citizens to return to normal living... Read More ...

Related Items: Bosnia-Herzegovina, Infrastructure

USAID Lends Support to Bulgarian-Iraq Economic Forum

With the financial and administrative support of USAID, an Iraqi-Bulgarian business seminar was organized by the Bulgarian-Iraqi Chamber of Commerce and Industry (BICCI)... Read More ...

Related Items: Bulgaria, Infrastructure

View of Budva’s Old Town Water Supply Overhaul in Montenegro Improves Tourism, Creates New Jobs

Montenegro is a country of exquisite natural and cultural resources. Every summer, more than 600,000 tourists flock to its shores and towns... Read More ...

Related Items: Montenegro, Health, Infrastructure, Business Development

The $15 million loan guarantee agreement signed by USAID’s Mefford (left) and and HVB Bank Biochim’s Harold (right) is expected to boost infrastructure developmentNew Loan Guarantee Facility Opens New Opportunity for Bulgaria’s Municipalities

On September 28, 2005, USAID Deputy Assistant Administrator for Europe & Eurasia Thomas Fleetwood Mefford and HVB Bank Biochim Chief Executive Officer Peter Harold signed a $15 million loan portfolio guarantee agreement... Read More ...

Related Items: Bulgaria, Infrastructure

Georgia’s Citizens Take the Lead in Planning Their Communities’ Future

Like other Georgian cities, Poti suffers from high unemployment and poor access to basic utilities, such as electricity and water. In 2003, USAID’s local governance program, implemented... Read More ...

Related Items: Georgia, Infrastructure

More than 350 families in affected villages, like Phari, received supplies of food and medicineUSAID Delivers Flood Relief to Western Georgia

This spring was marred by severe rainfall in the high mountainous regions of western Georgia. The resulting floods and landslides damaged houses, roads, bridges... Read More ...

Related Items: Georgia, Infrastructure

Serbian and Iraqi engineering teams convene in Krusevac Serbian and Iraqi Engineers Benefit from Knowledge Exchange

Based on the extensive capacity developed over the past three years in implementing USAID's large-scale Community Revitalization through Democratic Action (CRDA) program.... Read More ...

Related Items: Serbia, Infrastructure

Bridge between Srebrenica and Bajina Basta Municipalities Refurbished with U.S. Support

On Wednesday, November 3, an inauguration ceremony will be held to mark the completion of renovations of the bridge connecting Skelani, in the Municipality of Srebrenica, Bosnia-Herzegovina, and Bajina Basta, in Serbia and Montenegro... Read More ...

Related Items: Bosnia-Herzegovina, Infrastructure

Bridge Renovation Encourages Increased Cross-border and Interethnic Cooperation

For nearly a decade, cooperation between the communities of Srebrenica, Bosnia-Herzegovina, and Bajina Basta, Serbia and Montenegro, has been virtually non-existent... Read More ...

Related Items: Bosnia-Heregovina, Serbia, Infrastructure

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Wed, 03 Sep 2008 11:57:17 -0500