Thought Starters for Promotional Activities

  • Work with the state agency that manages your state’s welcome centers and hold press conferences during Thanksgiving week to call attention to the heavy travel period and the need to always buckle up.
  • Reach out this fall to school systems or local boards of education to hang campaign posters in classrooms and school hallways;
  • Stage and publicize a highly-visible mock car crash and emergency response to highlight the real dangers of not buckling up
  • Build and alert the media to a wall display in your state capital, local city hall or some high-visibility area of child art turkey hands with one hand for each fatality in your state due to lack of safety belt use.
  • Work with local theaters or malls where there is high holiday pedestrian traffic and ask them to display one of the posters in their available marquees.
  • Contact your state or local chambers of commerce and encourage them to enlist their member companies to hang posters or distribute flyers reminding all employees to Buckle Up. Every Trip. Every Time.
  • Organize highly-visible and publicized pick-up truck caravans from outlying areas into your state capitol or local town square to call attention to low safety belt among pickup truck drivers and passengers.
  • Contact your local AAA and partner on a pre-holiday travel alert calling attention to the importance of safety belt use.