Patents > Search Colections > MPEP > 2686 Notification of Existence of Prior or Concurrent Proceedings and Decisions Thereon [R-5] - 2600 Optional Inter Partes Reexamination

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2686 Notification of Existence of Prior or Concurrent Proceedings and Decisions Thereon [R-5] - 2600 Optional Inter Partes Reexamination

2686 Notification of Existence of Prior or Concurrent Proceedings and Decisions Thereon [R-5]

37 CFR 1.985 Notification of prior or concurrent proceedings in inter partes reexamination.

(a) In any inter partes reexamination proceeding, the patent owner shall call the attention of the Office to any prior or concurrent proceedings in which the patent is or was involved, including but not limited to interference, reissue, reexamination, or litigation and the results of such proceedings.

(b) Notwithstanding any provision of the rules, any person at any time may file a paper in an inter partes reexamination proceeding notifying the Office of a prior or concurrent proceedings in which the same patent is or was involved, including but not limited to interference, reissue, reexamination, or litigation and the results of such proceedings. Such paper must be limited to merely providing notice of the other proceeding without discussion of issues of the current inter partes reexamination proceeding. Any paper not so limited will be returned to the sender.

It is important for the Office to be aware of any prior or concurrent proceedings in which a patent undergoing inter partes reexamination is or was involved, such as interferences, reissues, reexaminations or litigations, and any results of such proceedings. In accordance with 37 CFR 1.985, the patent owner is required to provide the Office with information regarding the existence of any such proceedings, and the results thereof, if known. Ordinarily, while an inter partes reexamination proceeding is pending, third party submissions filed after the date of the order are not entered into the reexamination file or the patent file, unless the third party is a third party reexamination requester. However, in order to ensure a complete file, with updated status information regarding prior or concurrent proceedings regarding the patent under reexamination, the Office will, at any time, accept from any parties, for entry into the reexamination file, copies of notices of suits and other proceedings involving the patent and copies of decisions or papers filed in the court from litigations or other proceedings involving the patent. >It is to be noted that if the Office, in its sole discretion, deems the volume of the papers filed from litigations or other proceedings to be too extensive/lengthy, the Office may return all or part of the submission. In such an instance, a party may limit the submission in accordance with what is deemed relevant, and resubmit the papers.< Persons making such submissions must limit the submissions to the notification, and must not include further arguments or information. Where a submission is not limited to bare notice of the prior or concurrent proceedings (in which a patent undergoing reexamination is or was involved), the submission will be returned by the Office. >It is to be understood that highlighting of certain text by underlining, fluorescent marker, etc., goes beyond bare notice of the prior or concurrent proceedings.< Any proper submission pursuant to 37 CFR 1.985 will be promptly entered into the record of the reexamination file. See MPEP §  2686.04 for Office investigation for prior or concurrent litigation.

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