Patents > Search Colections > MPEP > 2637 Transfer Procedure [R-5] - 2600 Optional Inter Partes Reexamination

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2637 Transfer Procedure [R-5] - 2600 Optional Inter Partes Reexamination

2637 Transfer Procedure [R-5]

Although the number of reexamination requests which must be transferred should be very small, the following procedures have been established for an expeditious resolution of any such problems.

An inter partes reexamination request is normally assigned **>to< the Central Reexamination (CRU) ** art unit which examines the **>technology (Chemical, Electrical, Mechanical, etc.)< in which the patent to be reexamined is currently classified as an original. If the **>CRU Special Program Examiner (SPRE) (to whose art unit the reexamination has been assigned)< believes that the reexamination should be assigned to another art unit, he or she must obtain the consent of the *>CRU SPRE< of the art unit to which a transfer is desired. Pursuant to 35 U.S.C. 314(c), all inter partes reexamination proceedings must be conducted with special dispatch within the Office. This applies to the transfer of reexamination proceedings. Accordingly, the *>CRU SPRE< to whose art unit the reexamination has been assigned should expeditiously make any request for transfer of a reexamination proceeding ** to the *>CRU SPRE< of the art unit to which a transfer is desired (the "new" art unit). **>Further, the CRU SPRE< to whose art unit the reexamination has been assigned should* hand-carry any paper patent file for the reexamination proceeding to the SPE of the art unit to which a transfer is desired. Any conflict which cannot be resolved by the *>SPREs< will be resolved by the **>CRU Director<.

If the "new" art unit accepts assignment of the reexamination request, the "new" **>CRU SPRE assigns the request to an examiner in that unit.<

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