Request for Photo #: P013007PM-0073

USA Freedom Corps

The White House Photo Office is currently asking that all requests for photos be submitted in writing via fax to the White House Photo Office at 202-395-5247.

The request should include the following information:

  1. The tracking number of the photo. 

    For the photo pictured to the right, the tracking number is P013007PM-0073.
  2. Name and title of person requesting the photo.
  3. Contact phone number and EMAIL ADDRESS.
  4. Deadline for the photo.
  5. Purpose: personal, publication, broadcast, or Web (if not personal, the fax sent should be on letterhead).
  6. Title and targeted audience of publication or Web site (if applicable). 
  7. Estimated circulation and general geographic audience (if applicable).
  8. Photo requirements, such as print or size of electronic file needed.

If you have any further questions, please contact the USA Freedom Corps office at 202-456-7381.


President George W. Bush presented the President’s Volunteer Service Award to Roberta Koscielski upon arrival at the airport in Peoria, Illinois, on Tuesday, January 30, 2007. Koscielski is a volunteer with Common Place Family Learning Center. To thank them for making a difference in the lives of others, President Bush honors a local volunteer, called a USA Freedom Corps Greeter, when he travels throughout the United States. President Bush has met with more than 550 individuals around the country, like Koscielski, since March 2002.

White House photo by Paul Morse