The United States House of Representatives
106th Congress, 2nd Session


H-218 Capitol Building
Washington, D.C. 20510
(202) 225-2771

Clerk and Staff Director: James W. Dyer (225-2771)
Minority Staff Director: R. Scott Lilly (225-3481)

Appropriation of the revenue for the support of the government; rescissions of appropriations contained in appropriation acts; transfers of unexpended balances; new spending authority under the Congressional Budget Act. The chairman and ranking minority member are voting members ex officio of all subcommittees of which they are not regular members.

Republicans (33)

C.W. Bill Young, Fla. - chairman
Ralph Regula, Ohio
Jerry Lewis, Calif.
John Edward Porter, Ill.
Harold Rogers, Ky.
Joe Skeen, N.M.
Frank R. Wolf, Va.
Tom DeLay, Texas
Jim Kolbe, Ariz.
Ron Packard, Calif.
Sonny Callahan, Ala.
James T. Walsh, N.Y.
Charles H. Taylor, N.C.
David L. Hobson, Ohio
Ernest Istook, Okla.
Henry Bonilla, Texas
Joe Knollenberg, Mich.
Dan Miller, Fla.
Jay Dickey, Ark.
Jack Kingston, Ga.
Rodney Frelinghuysen, N.J.
Roger Wicker, Miss.
George R. Nethercutt Jr., Wash.
Randy Cunningham, Calif.
Todd Tiahrt, Kan.
Zach Wamp, Tenn.
Tom Latham, Iowa
Anne M. Northup, Ky.
Robert B. Aderholt, Ala.
Jo Ann Emerson, Mo.
John E. Sununu, N.H.
Kay Granger, Texas
John E. Peterson, Pa.

Democrats (27)

David R. Obey, Wis. - ranking member
John P. Murtha, Pa.
Norm Dicks, Wash.
Martin Olav Sabo, Minn.
Julian C. Dixon, Calif.
Steny H. Hoyer, Md.
Alan B. Mollohan, W.Va.
Marcy Kaptur, Ohio
Nancy Pelosi, Calif.
Peter J. Visclosky, Ind.
Nita M. Lowey, N.Y.
Jose E. Serrano, N.Y.
Rosa DeLauro, Conn.
James P. Moran, Va.
John W. Olver, Mass.
Ed Pastor, Ariz.
Carrie P. Meek, Fla.
David E. Price, N.C.
John Edwards, Texas
Robert E. Cramer, Ala.
Michael P. Forbes, N.Y.
Maurice D. Hinchey, N.Y.
Lucille Roybal-Allard, Calif.
Sam Farr, Calif.
Jesse L. Jackson Jr., Ill.
Carolyn Cheeks Kilpatrick, Mich.
Allen Boyd, Fla.

Independents (1)

Virgil H. Goode, Jr., Va.


2362B Rayburn House Office Building
Washington, D.C. 20515
(202) 225-3421

Staff Director: James Ogsbury (225-3421)
Minority Staff: Sally Chadbourne (225-3481)

Department of Energy, except the Economic Regulatory Administration, Energy Information Administration, emergency preparedness, Office of Hearings and Appeals, Strategic Petroleum Reserve, naval petroleum and oil shale reserves, fossil energy research and development, clean coal technology, energy conservation and alternative fuels production, and related matters; Army Corps of Engineers; Bureau of Reclamation; Appalachian Regional Commission; Defense Nuclear Facilities Safety Board; Delaware River Basin Commission; Interstate Commission on the Potomac River Basin; Nuclear Regulatory Commission; Nuclear Waste Technical Review Board; Office of the Nuclear Waste Negotiator; Susquehanna River Basin Commission; Tennessee Valley Authority.

Republicans (7)

Ron Packard, Calif. - chairman
Harold Rogers, Ky.
Joe Knollenberg, Mich.
Rodney Frelinghuysen, N.J.
Sonny Callahan, Ala.
Tom Latham, Iowa

Democrats (4)

Peter J. Visclosky, Ind. - ranking member
John Edwards, Texas
Ed Pastor, Ariz.
Michael P. Forbes, N.Y.


2320 Rayburn House Office Building
Washington, D.C. 20515
(202) 225-6371
(202) 225-0891 Fax

Chief of Staff: Todd Schultz (225-8772)
Democratic Staff Director: Robert E. Palmer (225-6375)

All energy research, development, and demonstration, and projects therefor, and all federally owned or operated nonmilitary energy laboratories; astronautical research and development, including resources, personnel, equipment, and facilities; civil aviation research and development; environmental research and development; marine research; measures relating to the commercial application of energy technology; National Institute of Standards and Technology, standardization of weights and measures and the metric system; National Aeronautics and Space Administration; National Space Council; National Science Foundation; National Weather Service; outer space, including exploration and control thereof; science scholarships; scientific research, development, and demonstration, and projects therefor. The chairman and ranking minority member are members ex officio of all subcommittees of which they are not regular members.

Republicans (25)

F. James Sensenbrenner Jr., Wis. - chairman
Sherwood Boehlert, N.Y.
Lamar Smith, Texas
Constance A. Morella, Md.
Curt Weldon, Pa.
Dana Rohrabacher, Calif.
Joe L. Barton, Texas
Ken Calvert, Calif.
Nick Smith, Mich.
Roscoe G. Bartlett, Md.
Vernon J. Ehlers, Mich. - vice chairman
Dave Weldon, Fla.
Gil Gutknecht, Minn.
Thomas W. Ewing, Ill.
Christopher B. Cannon, Utah
Kevin Brady, Texas
Merrill Cook, Utah
George R. Nethercutt Jr., Wash.
Frank D. Lucas, Okla.
Mark Green, Wis.
Steve Kuykendall, Calif.
Gary Miller, Calif.
Judy Biggert, Ill.
Mark Sanford, S.C.
Jack Metcalf, Wash.

Democrats (22)

Ralph M. Hall, Texas - ranking member
Bart Gordon, Tenn.
Jerry F. Costello, Ill.
James A. Barcia, Mich.
Eddie Bernice Johnson, Texas
Lynn Woolsey, Calif.
Lynn Rivers, Mich.
Zoe Lofgren, Calif.
Mike Doyle, Pa.
Sheila Jackson-Lee, Texas
Debbie Stabenow, Mich.
Bob Etheridge, N.C.
Nick Lampson, Texas
John B. Larson, Conn.
Mark Udall, Colo.
David Wu, Ore.
Anthony D. Weiner, N.Y.
Michael E. Capuano, Mass.
Brian Baird, Wash.
Joseph Hoeffel, Pa.
Dennis Moore, Kansas
Joe Baca, Calif.


389 Ford House Office Building.
Washington, D.C. 20515
(202) 225-9662
(202) 226-6983 Fax

Staff Director: Harlan Watson (225-9662)
Minority Professional Staff Member: Michael Freedoff (225-6375)

Legislation, general and special oversight and all other matters relating to natural resources and environmental research, development and demonstration (RD&D), including RD&D activities of the Environmental Protection Agency; energy RD&D programs relating to energy conservation, solar, renewable and other non-fossil and non-nuclear energy sources; transportation programs of the Department of Energy; operational activities and RD&D related to weather, aviation weather services, climate, and the atmosphere; those ocean RD&D activities of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration related to the quality and management of the environment; operations of earth observing systems; international environmental RD&D, including global climate research; and, to the extent appropriate, agriculture research, environmental health, safety, life sciences, pharmaceutical, medical, and biotechnology activities of Executive departments and agencies.

Republicans (9)

Ken Calvert, Calif. - chairman
Curt Weldon, Pa.
Joe L. Barton, Texas
Dana Rohrabacher, Calif.
Vernon J. Ehlers, Mich.
Dave Weldon, Fla.
Gary G. Miller, Calif.- vice chair
Judy Biggert, Ill.
Jack Metcalf, Wash.

Democrats (7)

Jerry F. Costello, Ill. - ranking member
Mike Doyle, Pa.
James A. Barcia, Mich.
Eddie Bernice Johnson, Texas
Zoe Lofgren, Calif.
Joseph Hoeffel, Pa.

The United States Senate
106th Congress, 2nd Session


S-128 Capitol Building
Washington, D.C. 20510
(202) 224-3471

Staff Director: Steve Cortese (224-3471)
Minority Staff Director: James H. English (224-7200)

Appropriation of revenue; rescission of appropriations; new spending authority under the Congressional Budget Act. The chairman and ranking minority member are non-voting members ex officio of all subcommittees.

Republicans (15)

Ted Stevens, Alaska - chairman
Thad Cochran, Miss.
Arlen Specter, Pa.
Pete V. Domenici, N.M.
Christopher S. Bond, Mo.
Slade Gorton, Wash.
Mitch McConnell, Ky.
Conrad Burns, Mont.
Richard C. Shelby, Ala.
Judd Gregg, N.H.
Robert F. Bennett, Utah
Ben Nighthorse Campbell, Colo.
Larry E. Craig, Idaho
Kay Bailey Hutchison, Texas
Jon Kyl, Ariz.

Democrats (13)

Robert C. Byrd, W.Va. - ranking member
Daniel K. Inouye, Hawaii
Ernest F. Hollings, S.C.
Patrick J. Leahy, Vt.
Frank R. Lautenberg, N.J.
Tom Harkin, Iowa
Barbara A. Mikulski, Md.
Harry Reid, Nev.
Herb Kohl, Wis.
Patty Murray, Wash.
Byron L. Dorgan, N.D.
Dianne Feinstein, Calif.
Richard J. Durbin, Ill.


127 Dirksen Senate Office Building
Washington, D.C. 20510
(202) 224-7260

Staff Director: Vacant (224-7260) - previously Alex Flint
Minority Clerk: Drew Wilson (224-0335)

Matters pertaining to the following agencies: Alaska Power Administration, Appalachian Regional Commission, Department of the Army, Bonneville Power Administration, Bureau of Reclamation, Civil Corps of Engineers, Defense Nuclear Facilities Safety Board, Delaware River Basin Commission, Department of Energy (except for fossil fuels, conservation, compliance, regulation, and information), Interstate Commission on the Potomac River Basin, Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Nuclear Safety Oversight Commission, Nuclear Waste Technical Review Board, Office of Nuclear Waste Negotiator, Southeastern Power Administration, Southwestern Power Administration, Susquehanna River Basin Commission, Tennessee Valley Authority, Western Area Power Administration.

Republicans (7)

Pete V. Domenici, N.M. - chairman
Thad Cochran, Miss.
Slade Gorton, Wash.
Mitch McConnell, Ky.
Robert F. Bennett, Utah
Conrad Burns, Mont.
Larry E. Craig, Idaho

Democrats (6)

Harry Reid, Nev. - ranking member
Robert C. Byrd, W.Va.
Ernest F. Hollings, S.C.
Patty Murray, Wash.
Herb Kohl, Wis.
Byron L. Dorgan, N.D.


364 Dirksen Senate Office Building
Washington, D.C. 20510
(202) 224-4971
(202) 224-6163 Fax

Staff Director: Andrew Lundquist (224-4971)
Minority Staff Dir.: Bob Simon (224-4103)

Jurisdiction of the Full Committee includes oversight and legislative responsibilities for: National Energy Policy, including international energy affairs and emergency preparedness; strategic petroleum reserves; Outer Continental Shelf leasing; nuclear waste policy; privatization of federal assets; territorial affairs, including Freely Associated States; regulation of Trans-Alaska Pipeline System and other oil or gas pipeline transportation systems within Alaska; National Petroleum Reserve-Alaska; Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act; Alaska National Interest Lands Conservation Act; Antarctica; Arctic research and energy development; Native Hawaiian matters; and Ad Hoc issues. [In addition, other issues are retained in the Full Committee on an ad hoc basis. Generally, these are issues which (1) require extremely expeditious handling or (2) substantially overlap two or more subcommittee jurisdictions, or (3) are of exceptional national significance in which all Members wish to participate fully.]

Republicans (11)

Frank H. Murkowski, Alaska, chairman
Pete V. Domenici, New Mexico
Don Nickles, Oklahoma
Larry E. Craig, Idaho
Ben Nighthorse Campbell, Colorado
Craig Thomas, Wyoming
Gordon Smith, Oregon
Jim Bunning, Kentucky
Peter Fitzgerald, Illinois
Slade Gorton, Washington
Conrad Burns, Montana

Democrats (9)

Jeff Bingaman, New Mexico - ranking member
Daniel K. Akaka, Hawaii
Byron Dorgan, North Dakota
Bob Graham, Florida
Ron Wyden, Oregon
Tim Johnson, South Dakota
Mary L. Landrieu, Louisiana
Evan Bayh, Indiana
Blanche Lambert Lincoln, Arkansas

SUBCOMMITTEE ON Energy Research,
Development, Production, and Regulation

308 Dirksen Senate Office Building
Washington, DC 20510
(202) 224-6567

Counsel: Colleen Deegan (224-7933)
Minority Chief Counsel: Sam Fowler (224-4103)

Jurisdiction:  Jurisdiction of the Subcommittee includes oversight and legislative responsibilities for: nuclear, coal and synthetic fuels research and development; nuclear and non-nuclear energy commercialization projects; nuclear fuel cycle policy; DOE National Laboratories; global climate change; new technologies research and development; nuclear facilities siting and insurance program; commercialization of new technologies including, solar energy systems; Federal energy conservation programs; energy information; liquefied natural gas projects; oil and natural gas regulation; refinery policy; coal conversion; utility policy; and oil, gas and coal production and distribution.

Republicans (7)

Don Nickles, Oklahoma, chairman
Pete V. Domenici, New Mexico , vice chairman
Jim Bunning, Kentucky
Slade Gorton, Washington
Larry E. Craig, Idaho
Peter Fitzgerald, Illinois
Gordon Smith, Oregon

Democrats (6)

Bob Graham, Florida - ranking member
Daniel K. Akaka, Hawaii
Byron Dorgan, North Dakota
Tim Johnson, South Dakota
Mary L. Landrieu, Louisiana
Evan Bayh, Indiana