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Jorge Sarmiento

Sarmiento, Jorge L.

  1. Marinov, I., M. Follows, A. Gnanadesikan, J. L. Sarmiento, and R. D. Slater, 2008: How does ocean biology affect atmospheric pCO2? Theory and models. Journal of Geophysical Research, 113, C07032, doi:10.1029/2007JC004598.

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  3. Marinov, I., A. Gnanadesikan, J. L. Sarmiento, J. R. Toggweiler, M. Follows, and B. K. Mignone, 2008: Impact of oceanic circulation on biological carbon storage in the ocean and atmospheric pCO2. Global Biogeochemical Cycles, 22, GB3007, doi:10.1029/2007GB002958.

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  5. Matsumoto, K., and J. L. Sarmiento, 2008: A corollary to the silicic acid leakage hypothesis. Paleoceanography, 23, PA2203, doi:10.1029/2007PA001515.

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  7. Mignone, B. K., R. H. Socolow, J. L. Sarmiento, and M. Oppenheimer, 2008: Atmospheric stabilization and the timing of carbon mitigation. Climatic Change, 88(3-4), 251-265.

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  9. Moore, W. S., J. L. Sarmiento, and R. M. Key, 2008: Submarine groundwater discharge revealed by 228Ra distribution in the upper Atlantic Ocean. Nature Geoscience, 1, 309-311.

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  11. Rodgers, K. B., J. L. Sarmiento, O. Aumont, C. Crevoisier, C. de Boyer Montégut, and N. Metzl, 2008: A wintertime uptake window for anthropogenic CO2 in the North Pacific. Global Biogeochemical Cycles, 22, GB2020, doi:10.1029/2006GB002920.

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  13. Deutsch, C., J. L. Sarmiento, D. M. Sigman, N. Gruber, and J. P. Dunne, 2007: Spatial coupling of nitrogen inputs and losses in the ocean. Nature, 445(7124), 163-167.

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  15. Dunne, J. P., J. L. Sarmiento, and A. Gnanadesikan, 2007:  A synthesis of global particle export from the surface ocean and cycling through the ocean interior and on the seafloor. Global Biogeochemical Cycles, 21, GB4006, doi:10.1029/2006GB002907.

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  17. Jacobson, A. R., S. E. Mikaloff Fletcher, N. Gruber, J. L. Sarmiento, and M. Gloor, 2007: A joint atmosphere-ocean inversion for surface fluxes of carbon dioxide: 1. Methods and global-scale fluxes. Global Biogeochemical Cycles, 21, GB1019, doi:10.1029/2005GB002556.

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  19. Jacobson, A. R., S. E. Mikaloff Fletcher, N. Gruber, J. L. Sarmiento, and M. Gloor, 2007: A joint atmosphere-ocean inversion for surface fluxes of carbon dioxide: 2. Regional results. Global Biogeochemical Cycles, 21, GB1020, doi:10.1029/2006GB002703.

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  21. Mikaloff Fletcher, S. E., J. L. Sarmiento, et al.,  2007: Inverse estimates of the oceanic sources and sinks of natural CO2 and the implied oceanic carbon transport. Global Biogeochemical Cycles, 21, GB1010, doi:10.1029/2006GB0027

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  23. Najjar, R. G., X. Jin, F. Louanchi, O. Aumont, K. Caldeira, S. C. Doney, J.-C. Dutay, M. Follows, N. Gruber, F. Joos, K. Lindsay, E. Maier-Reimer, R. J. Matear, K. Matsumoto, P. Monfray, A. Mouchet, J. C. Orr, G.-K. Plattner, J. L. Sarmiento, R. Schlitzer, R. D. Slater, M.-F. Weirig, Y. Yamanaka, and A. Yool, 2007: Impact of circulation on export production, dissolved organic matter, and dissolved oxygen in the ocean: Results from Phase II of the Ocean Carbon-cycle Model Intercomparison Project (OCMIP-2). Global Biogeochemical Cycles, 21, GB3007, doi:10.1029/2006GB002857.

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  25. Sarmiento, J. L., J. Simeon, A. Gnanadesikan, N. Gruber, R. M. Key, and R. Schlitzer, 2007: Deep ocean biogeochemistry of silicic acid and nitrate. Global Biogeochemical Cycles, 21, GB1S90, doi:10.1029/2006GB002720.

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  27. Sweeney, C., E. Gloor, A. R. Jacobson, R. M. Key, G. McKinley, J. L. Sarmiento, and R. Wanninkhof, 2007: Constraining global air-sea gas exchange for CO2 with recent bomb 14C measurements. Global Biogeochemical Cycles, 21, GB2015, doi:10.1029/2006GB002784.

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  29. Behrenfeld, M. J., R. T. O'Malley, D. A. Siegel, C. R. McClain, J. L. Sarmiento, G. C. Feldman , J. Milligan, P. G. Falkowski, R. M. Letelier , and E. S. Boss, 2006: Climate-driven trends in contemporary ocean productivity. Nature, 444(7120), 752-755.

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  31. Crevoisier, C., M. Gloor, E. Gloaguen, L. W. Horowitz, J. L. Sarmiento, C. Sweeney, and P. P. Tans, 2006: A direct carbon budgeting approach to infer carbon sources and sinks. Design and synthetic application to complement the NACP observation network. Tellus, 58B(5), 366-375.

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  33. Jin, X., N. Gruber, J. P. Dunne, J. L. Sarmiento, and R. A. Armstrong, 2006: Diagnosing the contribution of phytoplankton functional groups to the production and export of particulate organic carbon, CaCO3, and opal from global nutrient and alkalinity distributions. Global Biogeochemical Cycles, 20, GB2015, doi:10.1029/2005GB002532.

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  35. Marinov, I., A. Gnanadesikan, J. R. Toggweiler, and J. L. Sarmiento, 2006: The Southern Ocean biogeochemical divide. Nature, 441(7096), 964-967.

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  37. Mikaloff Fletcher, S. E., N. Gruber, A. R. Jacobson, S. C. Doney, S. Dutkiewicz, M. Gerber, M. Follows, F. Joos, K. Lindsay, D. Menemenlis, A. Mouchet, S. A. Müller, and J. L. Sarmiento, 2006: Inverse estimates of anthropogenic CO2 uptake, transport, and storage by the ocean. Global Biogeochemical Cycles, 20, GB2002, doi:10.1029/2005GB00253.

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  39. Mignone, B. K., A. Gnanadesikan, J. L. Sarmiento, and R. D. Slater, 2006: Central role of Southern Hemisphere winds and eddies in modulating the oceanic uptake of anthropogenic carbon. Geophysical Research Letters, 33, L01604, 10.1029/2005GL024464.

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  41. Patra, P. K., K. R. Gurney, S. Fan, and J. Sarmiento, et al., 2006: Sensitivity of inverse estimation of annual mean CO2 sources and sinks to ocean-only sites versus all-sites observational networks. Geophysical Research Letters, 33(5), doi:10.1029/2005GL025403.

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  43. Dunne, J. P., R. A. Armstrong, A. Gnanadesikan, and J. L. Sarmiento, 2005:  Empirical and mechanistic models for the particle export ratioGlobal Biogeochemical Cycles, 19, GB4026, doi:10.1029/2004GB002390.

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  45. Orr, J. C., V. J. Fabry, O. Aumont, L. Bopp, S. C. Doney, F. A. Feely, A. Gnanadesikan, N. Gruber, A. Ishida, F. Joos,  R. M. Key, J. Sarmiento, and R. Slater, et al., 2005: Anthropogenic ocean acidification over the twenty-first century and its impact on calcifying organisms. Nature, 437(7059), 681-686.

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  47. Doney, S. C., A. Gnanadesikan, J. Sarmiento, R. Slater, and et al., 2004: Evaluating global ocean carbon models: the importance of realistic physics. Global Biogeochemical Cycles, 18, GB3017, doi:10.1029/2003GB002150.

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  49. Gnanadesikan, A., J. P. Dunne, R. M. Key, K. Matsumoto, J. L. Sarmiento, R. D. Slater, and P. S. Swathi , 2004: Oceanic ventilation and biogeochemical cycling: Understanding the physical mechanisms that produce realistic distributions of tracers and productivity. Global Biogeochemical Cycles, 18(4), GB4010, doi:10.1029/2003GB002097.

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  51. Matsumoto, K., J. L. Sarmiento, R. M. Key, O. Aumont, J. L. Bullister, K. Caldeira, J.-M. Campin, S. C. Doney, H. Drange, J.-C. Dutay, M. Follows, Y. Gao, A. Gnanadesikan, N. Gruber, A. Ishida, F. Joos, K. Lindsay, E. Maier-Reimer, J. C. Marshall, R. J. Matear, P. Monfray, A. Mouchet, R. Najjar, G.-K. Plattner, R. Schlitzer, R. Slater, P. S. Swathi, I. J. Totterdell, M.-F. Weirig, Y. Yamanaka, A. Yool, and J. C. Orr, 2004: Evaluation of ocean carbon cycle models with data-based metrics. Geophysical Research Letters, (31), L07303, doi:10.1029/2003GL018970.

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  53. Mignone, B. K., J. L. Sarmiento, R. D. Slater, and A. Gnanadesikan, 2004: Sensitivity of sequestration efficiency to mixing processes in the global ocean. Energy, 29(9-10), 1467-1478.

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  55. Sarmiento, J. L., N. Gruber. M. Brzezinski, and J. P. Dunne, 2004: High-latitude controls of thermocline nutrients and low latitude biological productivity.  Nature, 427, 56-60.

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  57. Sarmiento, J. L., R. Slater, R. Barber, L. Bopp, S. C. Doney, A. C. Hirst, J. Kieypas, R. Matear, U. Mikolajewicz, P. Monfray, V. Soldatov, S. A. Spall, and R. Stouffer, 2004: Response of ocean ecosystems to climate warming. Global Biogeochemical Cycles, 18(GB3003), doi: 10.1029/2003/GB002134.

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  59. Gao, Y., S-M. Fan, and J. Sarmiento, 2003: Aeolian iron input to the ocean through precipitation scavenging: A modeling perspective and its implication for natural iron fertilization in the oceanJournal of Geophysical Research, 108(D7),  4221, doi:10.1029/2002JD002420.

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  61. Gloor, M., N. Gruber, J. Sarmiento, C. L. Sabine, R. A. Feely, and C. Rödenbeck, 2003: A first estimate of present and preindustrial air-sea CO2 flux patterns based on ocean interior carbon measurements and models. Geophysical Research Letters, 30(1), 1010, doi:10.1029/2002GL015594.

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  63. Gnanadesikan, A., J. Sarmiento, and R. Slater, 2003: Effects of patchy ocean fertilization on atmospheric carbon dioxide and biological productionGlobal Biogeochemical Cycles, 17(2), 1050, doi:10.1029/2002GB001940.

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  65. Gurney, K. R., S-M. Fan, and J. Sarmiento, et al., 2003: TransCom 3 CO2 inversion intercomparison: 1. Annual mean control results and sensitivity to transport and prior flux information. Tellus, 55B(2), 555-579.

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  67. Matsumoto, K., A. Gnanadesikan, N. Gruber, R. M. Key, and J. L. Sarmiento, 2003: Inconsistent model uptake of anthropogenic tracers in the Southern Ocean. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 67(18), Suppl. 1, A278.

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  69. McNeil, B. I., R. J. Matear, R. M. Key, J. L. Bullister, and J. L. Sarmiento, 2003: Anthropogenic CO2 uptake by the ocean based on the Global Chlorofluorocarbon Data Set. Science, 299(5604), 235-239.

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  71. Toggweiler, J. R., A. Gnanadesikan, S. Carson, R. Murnane, and J. L. Sarmiento, 2003: Representation of the carbon cycle in box models and GCMs:  1. Solubility pumpGlobal Biogeochemical Cycles, 17(1), 1026, doi: 10.1029/2001GB001401.

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  73. Toggweiler, J. R., R. Murnane,  S. Carson,  A. Gnanadesikan, and J. L. Sarmiento, 2003: Representation of the carbon cycle in box models and GCMs: 2.  Organic pump.   Global Biogeochemical Cycles, 17(1), doi:10.1029/2001GB001841.

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  75. Watson, A. J. and J. C. Orr (with A. Gnanadesikan, R. M. Key, J. L. Sarmiento, and R. D. Slater), 2003: Carbon dioxide fluxes in the global ocean. In: Ocean Biogeochemistry: A Synthesis of the Joint Global Ocean Flux Study (JGOFS). Berlin, Germany: Springer-Verlag; 123-143.

  76. [No abstract]

  77. Brzezinski, M. A., C. J. Pride, V. M. Franck, D. M. Sigman, J. L. Sarmiento, K. Matsumoto, N. Gruber, G. H. Rau, K. H. Coale, 2002: A switch from Si(OH)4 to NO3- depletion in the glacial Southern OceanGeophysical Research Letters, 29(12), 10.1029/2001GL014349, 2002.

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  79. Doney, S. C., J. A. Kleypas, J. L. Sarmiento, and P. G. Falkowski, 2002: The US JGOFS Synthesis and modeling project - an introduction. Deep-Sea Research, Part II49(1-3), 1-20.

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  81. Dutay, J.-C., J. L. Bullister, S. C. Doney, J. C. Orr, R. Najjar, K. Caldeira, J.-M. Campin, H. Drange, M. Follows, Y. Gao, N. Gruber, M. W. Hecht, A. Ishida, F. Joos, K. Lindsay, G. Madec, E. Maier-Reimer, J. C. Marshall, R. J. Matear, P. Monfray, A. Mouchet, G.-K. Plattner, J. Sarmiento, R. Schlitzer, R. Slater, I. J. Totterdell, M.-F. Weirig, Y. Yamanaka, and A. Yool, 2002: Evaluation of ocean model ventilation with CFC-11: comparison of 13 global ocean models. Ocean Modelling, 4, 89-120.

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  83. Gnanadesikan, A., R. D. Slater, N. Gruber, and J. L. Sarmiento, 2002: Oceanic vertical exchange and new production: a comparison between models and observations. Deep-Sea Research, Part II, 49(1-3), 363-401.

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  85. Gurney, K. R., R. M. Law, A. S. Denning, P. J. Raynor, d. Baker, P. Bousquet, L. Bruhwiler, Y-H Chen, P. Clais, S. Fan, I. Y. Fung, M. Gloor, M. Helmann, K. Higuchi, J. John, T. Maki, S. Maksyutov, K. Masario, P. Peylin, M. Prather, B. C. Pak, J. Randerson, J. Sarmiento, S. Taguchi, T. Takahashi, and C-W Yuon, 2002: Towards robust regional estimates of CO2 sources and sinks using atmospheric transport models. Nature, 415(6872), 626-630.

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  87. Iglesias-Rodriguez, M. D., R. Armstrong, R. Feely, R. Hood, J. Kleypas, J. D. Milliman, C. Sabine, and J. Sarmiento, 2002: Progress made in study of ocean's calcium carbonate budget. EOS, 83(34), 365, 374-375.

  88. [No abstract]

  89. Matsumoto, K., J. L. Sarmiento, and M. A. Brzezinski, 2002: Silicic acid leakage from the Southern Ocean: a possible explanation for glacial atmospheric pCO2. Global Biogeochemical Cycles, 16(3), 10.1029/2001GB001442.

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  91. Peylin, P., D. Baker, J. Sarmiento, P. Ciais, and P. Bousquet, 2002: Influence of transport uncertainty on annual mean and seasonal inversions of atmospheric CO2 data. Journal of Geophysical Research, 107(D19), 4385, doi:10.1029/2001JD000857.

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  93. Sarmiento, J. L., J. Dunne, A. Gnanadesikan, R. M. Key, K. Matsumoto, and R. Slater, 2002: A new estimate of the CaCO3 to organic carbon export ratio. Global Biogeochemical Cycles, 16(4), 10.1029/2002/GB001919.

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  95. Sarmiento, J. L., and N. Gruber, 2002: Sinks for anthropogenic carbon. Physics Today, 00319228, 55(8), 30-36.

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  97. Deutsch, C., N. Gruber, R. M. Key, J. L. Sarmiento, and A. Ganachaud, 2001: Denitrification and N2 fixation in the Pacific Ocean. Global Biogeochemical Cycles, 15(2),  483-506.

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  99. Gloor, M., N. Gruber, T. M. C. Hughes, and J. L. Sarmiento, 2001: Estimating net air-sea fluxes from ocean bulk data: Methodology and application to the heat cycle. Global Biogeochemical Cycles, 15(4), 767-782.

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  101. Gruber, N., M. Gloor, S-M. Fan, and J. L. Sarmiento, 2001: Air-sea flux of oxygen estimated from bulk data: Implications for the marine and atmospheric oxygen cycles. Global Biogeochemical Cycles, 15(4), 783-803.

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  103. Orr, J. C., E. Maier-Reimer, U. Mikolajewicz, P. Monfray, J. L. Sarmiento, J. R. Toggweiler, N. K. Taylor, J. Palmer, N. Gruber, C. L. Sabine, C. Le Quéré, R. M. Key, and J. Boutin, 2001: Estimates of anthropogenic carbon uptake from four three-dimensional global ocean models. Global Biogeochemical Cycles, 15(1), 43-60.

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  105. Gloor, M., S-M. Fan, S. Pacala, and J. Sarmiento, 2000: Optimal sampling of the atmosphere for purpose of inverse modeling: A model studyGlobal Biogeochemical Cycles, 14(1), 407-428.

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  107. Murnane, R. J., and J. L. Sarmiento, 2000: Roles of biology and gas exchange in determining the 13C distribution in the ocean and the preindustrial gradient in atmospheric 13CGlobal Biogeochemical Cycles, 14(1), 389-405.

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  109. Sarmiento, Jorge, 2000: That sinking feeling. Nature, 408(6809), 155-156.

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  111. Sarmiento, J. L., P. Monfray, E. Maier-Reimer, O. Aumont, R. J. Murnane, and J. C. Orr, 2000: Sea-air CO2 fluxes and carbon transport: A comparison of three ocean general circulation models. Global Biogeochemical Cycles, 14(4), 1267-1281.

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  113. Suntharalingam, P., and J. L. Sarmiento, 2000: Factors governing the oceanic nitrous oxide distribution: Simulations with an ocean general circulation model. Global Biogeochemical Cycles, 14(1), 429-454.

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  115. Suntharalingam, P., J. L. Sarmiento, and J. R. Toggweiler, 2000: Global significance of nitrous-oxide production and transport from oceanic low-oxygen zones: A modeling studyGlobal Biogeochemical Cycles, 14(4), 1353-1370.

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  117. Fan, S-M., T. L. Blaine, and J. L. Sarmiento, 1999: Terrestrial carbon sink in the Northern Hemisphere estimated from the atmospheric CO2 difference between Mauna Loa and the South Pole since 1959. Tellus, 51B(5), 863-870.

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  119. Fan, S-M., J. L. Sarmiento, M. Gloor, and S.W. Pacala, 1999: On the use of regularization techniques in the inverse modeling of atmospheric carbon dioxide. Journal of Geophysical Research, 104(D17),  21,503-21,512.
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  120. Gloor, M., S-M. Fan, S. Pacala, J. Sarmiento, and M. Ramonet, 1999: A model-based evaluation of inversions of atmospheric transport, using annual mean mixing ratios, as a tool to monitor fluxes of nonreactive trace substances like CO2 on a continental scale. Journal of Geophysical Research, 104(D12), 14,245-14,260.

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  122. Murnane, R. J., J. L. Sarmiento, and C. LeQuéré, 1999: Spatial distribution of air-sea CO2 fluxes and the interhemispheric transport of carbon by the oceans. Global Biogeochemical Cycles, 13(2), 287-305.

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  124. Sabine, C. L., R. M. Key, K. M. Johnson, F. J. Millero, A. Poisson, J. L. Sarmiento, D. W. R. Wallace, and C. D. Winn, 1999: Anthropogenic CO2 Inventory of the Indian Ocean. Global Biogeochemical Cycles, 13(1), 179-198.

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  126. Sarmiento, J. L., and T. M. C. Hughes, 1999: Keynote Perspective: Anthropogenic CO2 uptake in a warming ocean. Tellus, 51B(2), 560-561.

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  128. Fan, S., M. Gloor, J. Mahlman, S. Pacala, J. Sarmiento, T. Takahashi, and P. Tans, 1998: A large terrestrial carbon sink in North America implied by atmospheric and oceanic carbon dioxide data and models. Science, 282(5388), 442-446.

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  130. Sarmiento, J. L., T. M. C. Hughes, R. J. Stouffer, and S. Manabe, 1998: Simulated response of the ocean carbon cycle to anthropogenic climate warming. Nature, 393(6682), 245-249.

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  132. Gruber, N., and J. L. Sarmiento, 1997: Global patterns of marine nitrogen fixation and denitrification. Global Biogeochemical Cycles, 11(2), 235-266.

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  134. Gruber, N., J. L. Sarmiento, T. F. Stocker, 1996: An improved method for detecting anthropogenic CO2 in the oceans. Global Biogeochemical Cycles, 10(4), 809-837.

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  136. Joos, F., M. Bruno, R. Fink, U. Siegenthaler, T. F. Stocker, C. LeQuéré, and J. L. Sarmiento, 1996: An efficient and accurate representation of complex oceanic and biospheric models of anthropogenic carbon uptake. Tellus, 48B, 397-417.

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  138. Sarmiento, J. L., and C. Le Quéré, 1996: Oceanic carbon dioxide uptake in a model of century-scale global warming. Science, 274(5291), 1346-1350.

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  140. Anderson, L. A., and J. L. Sarmiento, 1995: Global ocean phosphate and oxygen simulations. Global Biogeochemical Cycles, 9(4), 621-636.

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  142. Joos, F., and J. L. Sarmiento, 1995: Der anstieg des atmospharischen kohlendioxids, Physikalische Blatter, 51(5), 405-411.

  143. Sarmiento, J. L., C. Le Quéré, and S. W. Pacala, 1995: Limiting future atmospheric carbon dioxide. Global Biogeochemical Cycles, 9(1), 121-137.

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  145. Shaffer, G., and J. L. Sarmiento, 1995: Biogeochemical cycling in the global ocean. 1. A new, analytical model with continuous vertical resolution and high-latitude dynamics. Journal of Geophysical Research, 100(C2), 2659-2672.

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  147. Suntharalingam, P., and J. L. Sarmiento, 1995: Modeling global air-sea N2O fluxes - A sensitivity analysis of the gas-exchange formulation. In Air-Water Gas Transfer, Selected papers from the Third International Symposium on Air-Water Gas Transfer, July 24-27, 1995, Heidelberg University. Hanau, Germany: AEON Verlag & Studio, 843-853.

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  149. Anderson, L. A., and J. L. Sarmiento, 1994: Redfield ratios of remineralization determined by nutrient data analysis. Global Biogeochemical Cycles, 8(1), 65-80.

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  151. Murnane, R. J., J. K. Cochran, and J. L. Sarmiento, 1994: Estimates of particle- and thorium-cycling rates in the northwest Atlantic Ocean. Journal of Geophysical Research, 99(C2), 3373-3392.

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  153. Fasham, M. J. R., J. L. Sarmiento, R. D. Slater, H. W. Ducklow, and R. Williams, 1993: Ecosystem behavior at Bermuda Station "S" and Ocean Weather Station "India": A general circulation model and observational analysis. Global Biogeochemical Cycles, 7(2), 379-415.

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  155. Murphy, E., J. Field, B. Kagan, C. Lin, V. Ryabchenko, J. Sarmiento, and J. Steele, 1993: Global extrapolation. In Towards a Model of Ocean Biogeochemical Processes, NATO Series I, Vol. 10, Berlin: Springer-Verlag, 21-46.

  156. [No abstract]

  157. Sarmiento, J. L., 1993: Atmospheric CO2 stalled. Nature, 365, 697-698.

  158. Sarmiento, J. L., R. D. Slater, M. J. R. Fasham, H. W. Ducklow, J. R. Toggweiler, and G. T. Evans, 1993: A seasonal three-dimensional ecosystem model of nitrogen cycling in the North Atlantic euphotic zone. Global Biogeochemical Cycles, 7(2), 417-450.

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  160. Siegenthaler, U., and J. L. Sarmiento, 1993: Atmospheric carbon dioxide and the ocean. Nature, 365(6442), 119-125.

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  162. Slater, R. D., J. L. Sarmiento, and M. J. R. Fasham, 1993: Some parametric and structural simulations with a three-dimensional ecosystem model of nitrogen cycling in the North Atlantic euphotic zone. In Towards a Model of Ocean Biogeochemical Processes, NATO Series I, Vol. 10, Berlin: Springer-Verlag, 261-294.

  163. [No abstract]

  164. Najjar, R. G., J. L. Sarmiento, and J. R. Toggweiler, 1992: Downward transport and fate of organic matter in the ocean: Simulations with a general circulation model. Global Biogeochemical Cycles, 6(1), 45-76.

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  166. Sarmiento, J. L., 1992: Biogeochemical ocean models. In Climate System Modeling. Cambridge University Press, 519-551.

  167. [No abstract]

  168. Sarmiento, J. L., J. C. Orr, and U. Siegenthaler, 1992: A perturbation simulation of CO2 uptake in an ocean general circulation model. Journal of Geophysical Research, 97(C3), 3621-3645.

  169. Abstract

  170. Sarmiento, J. L., and E. T. Sundquist, 1992: Revised budget for the oceanic uptake of anthropogenic carbon dioxide. Nature, 356(6370), 589-593.

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  172. Joos, F., J. L. Sarmiento, and U. Siegenthaler, 1991: Estimates of the effect of Southern Ocean iron fertilization on atmospheric CO2 concentrations. Nature, 349(6312), 772-774.

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  174. Joos, F., U. Siegenthaler, and J. L. Sarmiento, 1991: Possible effects of iron fertilization in the southern ocean on atmospheric CO2 concentration. Global Biogeochemical Cycles, 5(2), 135-150.

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  176. Nuttle, W. K., J. S. Wroblewski, and J. L. Sarmiento, 1991: Advances in modeling ocean primary production and its role in the global carbon cycle. In Global Change and Relevant Space Observations, Oxford, England: Pergamon Press Inc., 67-76.

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  178. Sarmiento, J. L., 1991: Oceanic uptake of anthropogenic CO2: The major uncertainties. Global Biogeochemical Cycles, 5(4), 309-313.

  179. [No abstract]

  180. Sarmiento, J. L., 1991: Slowing the buildup of fossil CO2 in the atmosphere by iron fertilization: A comment. Global Biogeochemical Cycles, 5(1), 1-2.

  181. [No abstract]

  182. Sarmiento, J. L., and J. C. Orr, 1991: Three-dimensional simulations of the impact of the southern ocean nutrients depletion on atmospheric CO2 and ocean chemistry. Limnology & Oceanography, 36(8), 1928-1950.

  183. Abstract / PDF

  184. Murnane, R. J., J. L. Sarmiento, and M. P. Bacon, 1990: Thorium isotopes, particle cycling models, and inverse calculations of model rate constants. Journal of Geophysical Research, 95(C9), 16,195-16,206.

  185. Sarmiento, J. L., G. Thiele, R. M. Key, and W. S. Moore, 1990: Oxygen and nitrate new production and remineralizaion in the North Atlantic subtropical gyre. Journal of Geophysical Research, 95(C10), 18,303-18,315.

  186. Abstract

  187. Thiele, G., and J. L. Sarmiento, 1990: Tracer dating and ocean ventilation. Journal of Geophysical Research, 95(C6), 9377-9391.

  188. Abstract

  189. Sarmiento, J. L., M. J. R. Fasham, U. Siegenthaler, R. Najjar, and J. R. Toggweiler, 1989, Models of Chemical Cycling in the Oceans: Progress Report II, Ocean Tracers Laboratory Report #6, Princeton University, 46 pp.

  190. Abstract

  191. Sarmiento, J. L., 1988: A Chemical Tracer Strategy for WOCE: Report of a Workshop Held in Seattle, Washington, January 22 and 23, 1987, U.S. WOCE Planning Report Number 10, 181 pp.

  192. Abstract

  193. Sarmiento, J. L., T. D. Herbert, and J. R. Toggweiler, 1988: Causes of anoxia in the world ocean. Global Biogeochemical Cycles, 2(2), 115-128.

  194. Abstract  / PDF

  195. Sarmiento, J. L., T. D. Herbert, and J. R. Toggweiler, 1988: Mediterranean nutrient balance and episodes of anoxia. Global Biogeochemical Cycles, 2(4), 427-444.

  196. Abstract  / PDF

  197. Sarmiento, J. L., J. R. Toggweiler, and R. Najjar, 1988: Ocean carbon-cycle dynamics and atmospheric pCO2. Philosophical Trans. Royal Society of London, A, 325, 3-21.

  198. Abstract / PDF

  199. Sarmiento, J. L., 1987: Tracers and modeling. Reviews of Geophysics, 25(6), 1417-1419.

  200. [No abstract]

  201. Kawase, M., and J. L. Sarmiento, 1986: Circulation and nutrients in middepth Atlantic waters. Journal of Geophysical Research, 91(C8), 9749-9770.

  202. Abstract

  203. Moore, W. S., J. L. Sarmiento, and R. M. Key, 1986: Tracing the Amazon component of surface Atlantic water using 228Ra, salinity and silica. Journal of Geophysical Research, 91(C2), 2574-2580.

  204. Abstract

  205. Olson, D. B., G. H. Ostlund, and J. L. Sarmiento, 1986: Western boundary undercurrent off the Bahamas. Journal of Physical Oceanography, 16(2), 233-240.

  206. Abstract / PDF

  207. Sarmiento, J. L., 1986: Modeling oceanic transport of dissolved constituents. In The Role of Air-Sea Exchange in Geochemical Cycling, D. Reidel Publishing Company, 65-82.

  208. [No abstract]

  209. Sarmiento, J. L., 1986: On the north and tropical Atlantic heat balance. Journal of Geophysical Research, 91(C10), 11,677-11,689.

  210. Abstract

  211. Sarmiento, J. L., 1986: Three-dimensional ocean models for predicting the distribution of three-dimensional ocean models for predicting the distribution of CO2 between the ocean and atmosphere. In Changing Carbon Cycle: A Global Analysis, Springer-Verlag, Inc., 279-294.

  212. [No abstract]

  213. Sarmiento, J. L., and P. E. Biscaye, 1986: Radon 222 in the benthic boundary layer. Journal of Geophysical Research, 91(C1), 833-844.

  214. Abstract

  215. Sarmiento, J. L., and E. Gwinn, 1986: Strontium 90 fallout prediction. Journal of Geophysical Research, 91(C6), 7631-7646.

  216. [Abstract not available]

  217. Sarmiento, J. L., and J. R. Toggweiler, 1986: A preliminary model of the role of upper ocean chemical dynamics in determining oceanic oxygen and atmospheric carbon dioxide levels. In Dynamic Processes in the Chemistry of the Upper Ocean, Plenum Publishing Corp., 233-240.

  218. Abstract  / PDF

  219. Brewer, P. G., J. L. Sarmiento, and W. M. Smethie, Jr., 1985: Transient Tracers in the Ocean (TTO) Program: The North Atlantic Study, 1981; The Tropical Atlantic Study, 1983. Journal of Geophysical Research, 90(C4), 6903-6905.

  220. [No abstract]

  221. Bryan, K., and J. L. Sarmiento, 1985: Modeling ocean circulation. Advances in Geophysics, 28A, 433-459.

  222. [No abstract]

  223. Kawase, M., and J. L. Sarmiento, 1985: Nutrients in the Atlantic thermocline. Journal of Geophysical Research, 90(C5), 8961-8979.

  224. Abstract

  225. Key, R. M., R. F. Stallard, W. S. Moore, and J. L. Sarmiento, 1985: Distribution and flux of 226Ra and 228Ra in the Amazon River estuary. Journal of Geophysical Research, 90(C4), 6995-7004.

  226. Abstract

  227. Moore, W. S., R. M. Key, and J. L. Sarmiento, 1985: Techniques for precise mapping of 226Ra and 228Ra in the Ocean. Journal of Geophysical Research, 90(C4), 6983-6994.

  228. Abstract

  229. Toggweiler, J. R., and J. L. Sarmiento, 1985: Glacial to interglacial changes in atmospheric carbon dioxide: The critical role of ocean surface water in high latitudes. In The Carbon Cycle and Atmospheric CO2: Natural Variations Archean to Present, Geophysical Monograph 32, Washington, DC: American Geophysical Union, 163-184.

  230. Abstract / PDF

  231. Sarmiento, J. L., and J. R. Toggweiler, 1984: New model for the role of the oceans in determining atmospheric PCO2. Nature, 308(5960), 621-624.

  232. [No abstract]

  233. Sarmiento, J. L., 1983: A simulation of bomb tritium entry into the Atlantic Ocean. Journal of Physical Oceanography, 13(10), 1924-1939.

  234. Abstract / PDF

  235. Sarmiento, J. L., 1983: A tritium box model of the North Atlantic thermocline. Journal of Physical Oceanography, 13(7), 1269-1274.

  236. Abstract / PDF

  237. Sarmiento, J. L., and K. Bryan, 1982: An ocean transport model for the North Atlantic. Journal of Geophysical Research, 87(C1), 394-408.

  238. Abstract

  239. Sarmiento, J. L., C. G. H. Rooth, and W. S. Broecker, 1982: Radium 228 as a tracer of basin wide processes in the abyssal ocean. Journal of Geophysical Research, 87(C12), 9694-9698.

  240. Abstract

  241. Sarmiento, J. L., C. G. H. Rooth, and W. Roether, 1982: The North Atlantic tritium distribution in 1972. Journal of Geophysical Research, 87(C10), 8047-8056.

  242. Abstract

  243. Sarmiento, J. L., and C. G. H. Rooth, 1980: A comparison of vertical and isopycnal mixing models in the deep sea based on Radon 222 measurements. Journal of Geophysical Research, 85(C3), 1515-1518.

  244. Abstract
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