Department of the Interior

Departmental Manual

Effective Date: 3/12/99

Series: Safety Management

Part 485: Safety and Occupational Health Program

Chapter 19: Fire Safety

Originating Office: Office of Managing Risk and Public Safety

485 DM 19

19.1 Purpose. To specify the minimum Safety and Occupational Health Program (Program) requirements for protecting Departmental and public property and persons from the adverse effects of fires.

19.2 References.

A. 29 CFR 1910.

B. National Fire Codes.

C. Uniform Building Code.

19.3 Requirements. Each bureau will:

A. Establish written fire prevention and protection requirements that:

(1) Meet the needs of the organization.

(2) Provide for accidental fires and related fire losses to be minimized, if not eliminated.

(3) Provide for fires to be promptly detected, reported, controlled, extinguished and investigated.

(4) Establish abatement procedures.

(5) Provide for the safe evacuation of building occupants.

B. Require fire detection and suppression systems/equipment to be inspected at least annually by qualified persons and maintained in safe operating condition.

C. Require preoccupancy and periodic inspections to be performed as covered in 485 DM 6.

D. Provide training to employees in the basics of fire prevention and emergency response. Special training will be provided for fire brigade members as necessary to enable them to safely execute their assigned duties.

E. Use the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) Life Safety Code 101 as the minimum criteria for life safety features in occupied Departmental space, unless some other more stringent code is applicable.

F. Secure the services of a qualified fire protection specialist, as needed, to evaluate the bureau's fire prevention and protection program.

G. Maintain the following records:

(1) Acceptance test reports and inspection reports of the fire protection systems/equipment as required by applicable NFPA standards.

(2) Periodic test reports and inspection reports of fire protection systems/equipment for the last 12 years as required by applicable NFPA standards.

(3) Manufacturers' operating instructions for life of fire systems.

(4) Abatement plans and reports of corrective measures for the last three years.

3/12/99 #3249

Replaces 6/10/91 #485A-1

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