Summary of the Disparities in Health Critical Issue Session
Philadelphia: Regions I, II, III
October 5, 1998



Janet Lee Scott-Harris


Valerie Welsh
Program Analyst, OMH, US DHHS

Provided overview of the Healthy People Goal of eliminating health disparities and raising key questions for consideration during the public comment period.

Key messages:

Nicole Lurie, MD
Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary for Health, US DHHSP

Provided overview of the DHHS Initiative to Eliminate Racial and Ethnic Disparities in Health, which included the selection criteria of the six health focus areas, current HHS activities within the Initiative, and how community groups can become involved.

Key messages:

Michael Carter
Executive Director, Office of Community Relations, Maryland Department of Health and Mental Hygiene

Provided overview of some local programs developed to bring attention to minority health issues, especially among Black men.

Key messages:

Heike Thiel de Bocanegra, PhD
Research Scientist, New York Task Force on Immigrant Health

Provided an overview of the health issues faced by foreign born minority groups in the United States.

Key messages:

Comments/Questions from Open Discussion with Participants