Department of the Interior

Departmental Manual

Effective Date: 4/20/92

Series: Delegation

Part 212: Policy, Management and Budget

Chapter 14: Chief, Division of Personnel Services

Originating Office: Division of Personnel Services

212 DM 14

14.1 General. Authority described in the following Departmental Manual chapters and/or paragraphs, which is delegated to the Assistant Secretary - Policy, Management and Budget, is hereby redelegated to the Chief, Division of Personnel Services. The same limitations prescribed in the following delegations apply to this redelegation.

A. 205 DM 5.4 - Long Distance Telephone Calls.

B. 205 DM 6.2 - Authority to Authorize Employees to Certify or Approve Their Own Time and Attendance Reports.

C. 205 DM 15.3 - Reimbursement for Expenses Incurred in the Use of Taxicabs Within Designated Post of Duty.

14.2 Personnel Services. Except as limited by the Assistant Secretary - Policy, Management and Budget, the Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary - Policy, Management and Budget, and the Deputy Assistant Secretary for Human Resources, the Chief, Division of Personnel Services, is authorized to perform the functions set forth in 112 DM 14 and to approve personnel actions before they may be taken by supervisors pursuant to 212 DM 1.1. The authority delegated to the Chief, Division of Personnel Services, includes matters concerning personnel management within the Office of the Secretary, excluding the Office of Inspector General. It also includes authority for technical review and oversight of the exercise of personnel management authority delegated to the Director, Office of Aircraft Services.

4/20/92 #2942

Replaces 3/22/91 #2910