Program Announcement LAB97-03
Environmental Management Science Program

Scientists from the DOE National Laboratories are invited to submit preproposals and field work proposals (FWPs) for funding under the Environmental Management Science Program (EMSP). The guidelines for EMSP preproposals and proposals from the National Laboratories can be found in this Announcement. Information about the scientific disciplines and program priorities can be found in the EMSP grant solicitation Notice 97-03, which is available at:

The instructions and format described below should be followed. Reference announcement LAB97-03 on all submissions and inquiries about this program.

All preproposals should be sent to the attention of Roland F. Hirsch; Medical Applications and Biophysical Research Division, ER-73; U.S. Department of Energy; 19901 Germantown Road; Germantown, MD 20874-1290. Preproposals must be received by January 15, 1997. Submit the original and five copies of the preproposal. Submissions by fax or electronic mail will not be accepted.

Formal proposals/FWPs must be received at the same address by April 16, 1997. The original and seven copies should be submitted. Field Office signatures on proposals may be submitted after the deadline, if necessary, provided the actual proposal is received in Germantown by the deadline.

For further information contact Dr. Carol J. Henry, Associate Deputy Assistant Secretary for Science and Risk Policy, Office of Science and Technology, Office of Environmental Management, at (202) 586-7150 ( or Dr. Roland F. Hirsch, Acting Director, Medical Applications and Biophysical Research Division, Office of Health and Environmental Research, Office of Energy Research at (301) 903-5349 (



A brief preproposal may be submitted. The original and five copies must be received by January 15, 1997, to be considered. The preproposal should identify on the cover sheet the institution, name, address, telephone, fax and electronic mail address for the principal investigator, title of the project, and the field of scientific research and category(ies) of environmental application to which the project is responding (using the list below). The preproposal should consist of up to three pages of narrative describing the research objectives and the plan for accomplishing them, and should also include a paragraph describing the research background of the principal investigator and key collaborators if any. A 3.5 inch diskette containing the preproposal in any common word processing format may also be submitted in addition to the required printed copies.

Preproposals will be evaluated relative to the scope and research needs of the DOE's Environmental Management Science Program by qualified DOE program managers from both ER and EM. Preproposals are strongly encouraged but not required prior to submission of a formal proposal.

Proposal format

National Laboratories are expected to use the following format.

- FWP Face Page
- Project Information Page*
- Proposal Classification Sheet (see below for list of categories)
- Table of Contents
- Project Abstract (no more than one page)
- Budgets for each year and a summary budget page for the entire project period (using equivalent of DOE F 4620.1)
- Budget Explanation
- Budgets and Budget explanation for each collaborative subproject, if any
- Project Narrative (recommended length is no more than 20 pages; multi-investigator collaborative projects may use more pages if necessary up to a total of 40 pages)
--- Goals
--- Significance of Project to the EMSP
--- Background
--- Research Plan
------ Preliminary Studies (if applicable)
------ Research Design and Methodologies
- Literature Cited
- Collaborative Arrangements (if applicable)
- Biographical Sketches (limit 2 pages per senior investigator)
- Description of Facilities and Resources
- Current and Pending Support for each senior investigator
While the original proposal and seven required copies must be submitted, National Laboratories are encouraged to also provide a 3.5-inch diskette containing the proposal in electronic format. The label on the diskette must clearly identify the institution, principal investigator, title of proposal, and the computer system and program used to prepare the document.
*Include the following information on the Project Information Page:
- Title of proposed project
- Number of Program Announcement (e.g. LAB97-03)
- Name of laboratory
- Name of principal investigator (PI)
- Position title of PI
- Mailing address of PI
- Telephone number of PI
- Fax number of PI
- Electronic mail address of PI
- Name of official signing for the laboratory
- Title of official
- Fax number of official
- Telephone number of official
- Electronic mail address of official
- Requested funding for each year; total request
- Use of human subjects in proposed project:
(If activities involving human subjects are not planned at any time during the proposed project period, answer No; otherwise answer Yes and provide the IRB Approval date and Assurance of Compliance Number and include all necessary information with the proposal.)
- Use of vertebrate animals in proposed project:
(If activities involving vertebrate animals are not planned at any time during this project, answer No; otherwise answer Yes and provide the IACUC Approval date and Animal Welfare Assurance number and include all necessary information with the proposal.)
- Signature of PI, date of signature
- Signature of official, date of signature
(The signature certifies that personnel and facilities are available as stated in the proposal, if the project is funded.)

Proposal Categories

In order to properly classify each preproposal and proposal for evaluation and review, the documents must indicate the proposer's preferred scientific research field and environmental category, selected from the following lists. More than one environmental category may be indicated if desired.

Field of Scientific Research:

1. Biology, not including plant science
Chemical Sciences (2-6):
2. Analytical Chemistry and Instrumentation
3. Catalysis
4. Heavy Element Chemistry
5. Separations Chemistry
6. Other Topics in Chemistry
7. Computer and Mathematical Sciences
8. Engineering Sciences
Geosciences (9-11):
9. Geophysics
10. Geochemistry
11. Hydrogeology: Flow Modeling and Subsurface Science
12. Health Sciences
13. Materials Science
14. Physics
15. Plant Science
16. Other

Environmental Category:

A. Decontamination / Decommissioning
B. Health / Ecology / Risk
C. High-level Radioactive Waste
D. Waste Disposal Forms
E. Fissile materials
F. Spent Nuclear Fuel
G. Subsurface Characterization
H. Subsurface Contaminant Treatment
I. Waste Characterization & Separations
J. Waste Treatment & Destruction
K. Other