Office of Science
User Access

2007 Science Challenge and Capabilities-based Call for Proposals

EMSL accepted user proposals from April 23, 2007 until May 30, 2007, 5:00 PM Pacific Coast Time, that were focused on specific use of new or unique EMSL capabilities as outlined below. Those seeking to use other EMSL capabilities may submit an Open Proposal at any time. The next Computational Grand Challenge Call and Science Theme Call are expected in 2008.

Because of the strong response to the recent EMSL Science Theme Call, the current call is narrowly focused on the specific capabilities listed below. We are particularly interested in proposals that would use these capabilities in new or novel ways or apply their use to new areas of research. Other EMSL capabilities may be requested in support of the proposed research. Investigators are strongly encouraged to contact the appropriate Scientific Facility Lead prior to submitting a proposal. Proposals in response to this call are valid for 1 year and can be extended once for a total of 2 years.

Instructions for submitting a proposal, types of EMSL proposals, and information required in a proposal can be found by clicking the appropriate topic in the Proposal Resources box at the right.

Capabilities Open for This Call

The specific areas for which we are seeking proposals:

Computational Resources

Computational hardware and software resources are available at EMSL to perform molecular-based modeling in support of this capabilities call. These capabilities can include visualization and data analysis in the Graphics and Visualization Lab (GVL). Proposals that link computation and experiment are encouraged, but the maximum computation request for this call is limited to 40,000 hours computation or less on MPP2. Note – supplemental information for requesting computer use must be added to the description of proposed research. Since MPP2 is currently oversubscribed, proposals requesting only MPP2 computer time will not be accepted.


For information regarding this Call:
Andrew R. Felmy, Ph.D.
Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
P.O. Box 999, K8-96
Richland, WA 99354

User Support Office: , 509-371-6003