National Endowment for the Arts  
Lifetime Honors
  National Medal of Arts  

The National Medal of Arts is the highest award given to artists and arts patrons by the United States Government. The National Medal of Arts is awarded by the President of the United States to individuals or groups who, in his judgment, "...are deserving of special recognition by reason of their outstanding contributions to the excellence, growth, support and availability of the arts in the United States."

During the past 23 years, more than 200 extraordinary patrons and artists in the fields of visual, performing and literary arts have been honored. With this medal, the President recognizes the wealth and depth of creative expression of America's artists. Annually a vast number of nominations are submitted from citizens across the country for consideration by the National Council on the Arts. Nominations for the 2008 National Medal of Arts are received online until March 17, 2008.

This lifetime achievement award recognizes the extraordinary accomplishments of individuals engaged in the creation and production of the arts in the United States. The arts encompass, arts education, crafts, dance, drawing, film, graphic/product design, interior design, landscape architecture, literature, classical and popular music, painting, patrons/advocates, photography, presenting, printmaking, sculpture, theater, urban design.

President Bush shaking hands with Scott Momaday.   President Bush embraces Andrew Wyeth.

2007 National Medal of Arts recipient N. Scott Momaday receives his medal from President Bush for “his writing and his work that celebrate and preserve Native American arts and oral tradition. He has introduced millions worldwide to the essence of Native American culture.”
Photo by Michael Stewart

2007 National Medal of Arts recipient Andrew Wyeth receive his medal from President Bush for “a lifetime of paintings whose meticulous realism have captured the American consciousness, and whose austere vision has displayed the depth and dignity of rural American life.”
Photo by Michael Stewart

  Les Paul and Henry Z. Steinway embrace.

2007 National Medal of Arts recipient and arts patron Roy R. Neuberger with his children at a reception November 14, 2007 in Washington, D.C. From left to right, Roy S. Neuberger, Ann Aceves, and Jim Neuberger.
Photo by Victoria Hutter.


2007 National Medal of Arts recipients musician and inventor Les Paul and arts patron Henry Z. Steinway.
Photo by Victoria Hutter.

For photos of each medal recipient with President Bush, please scroll to the bottom of the individual's bio page which can be reached from here.



Submit a nomination for 2006