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Volunteers With Disabilities


Seeing with the Heart
Although Anne Inkret has had difficulty seeing a disaster since 1986, she has helped mobilize the American Red Cross during some of the worst natural events.

Teaching a Second Generation
Kathy King has for 30 years has served the Minneapolis area as a volunteer in Red Cross Health and Safety Services and Disaster Services.

Tuesdays With Chris
Chris greets everyone with a “Happy Tuesday!” during his weekly volunteer visit. He is a 39-year-old with Down syndrome who volunteers with the Lancaster County Chapter in Lincoln, Nebraska.

Historical Portrait of Persons with Disabilities in the American Red Cross
One of the primary missions of the American Red Cross, as mandated by its 1905 Congressional charter, is to provide short-term relief to all victims of wars and natural disasters.

Red Cross Volunteer Who Uses a Wheelchair Earns the Lifetime Achievement Award
Long time volunteer Guy Buckle was recently awarded the Lifetime Achievement Award by the Rockingham County Chapter of the American Red Cross in Reidsville, NC.

Vinnie Coleman, nurse assistant who is deaf
Imagine the excitement and the stress of mapping out the path to becoming a certified health care professional-the lectures, the tests and the practical experience of working with patients. Now imagine undertaking this journey without being able to hear. Overwhelming?

Jim Steward, volunteer with muscular dystrophy, received top AFES award
Muscular Dystrophy has left Jim Steward with little use of his legs or arms—but it has done nothing to take away his courage, compassion, or desire to help others.

Kristina Liddle, a 21-year-old with Spina Bifida, volunteers for AFES
At the age of 14, Kristina Liddle underwent a major surgery relating to her spina bifida and spent the next 2½ months at Broward General Medical Center. After fully recovering, she wanted to help other patients in similar circumstances.

Christine Inman, 15-Year Red Cross Volunteer
Christine Inman has been volunteering with the Tidewater Chapter of Norfolk, Virginia, for nearly fifteen years. Now 48-years-old, Chris has been recognized as one of the most dependable, motivated, and passionate Blood Service workers that the chapter has ever seen. Oh yeah, she also has a developmental disability.

No Limits in Sight
Volunteer dispatcher Megan Smock has responded to more than 500 disasters, but she's never actually been to one. Working mainly on nights and weekends, she guides other American Red Cross volunteers to the scene when earthquakes, fires, floods and explosions strike Orange County, California.

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