NSSL Briefings

Basin delineation/AMBER implementation

WDSS flash flood alert tool AMBER

A flash flood alert tool has been implemented in NSSL's WDSS for use by forecasters in heavy precipitation events. The AMBER (Areal Mean Basin Estimated Rainfall) algorithm monitors the amount of precipitation that falls into a water-shed or basin and alerts the forecaster to a potential flash flood situation. In addition, NSSL has been working with the originators of the algorithm (Bob Davis of the Pittsburgh Weather Forecast Office), the U.S. Geological Survey, and the National Weather Service (NWS) to develop automated streamlined methods for "delineating" the basins to be used by each Forecast Office in the U.S. Testing is taking place in the Tulsa, OK and Sterling, VA NWS Forecast Offices. This effort is part of the national implementation of AMBER within the NWS's Advanced Weather Interactive Processing System (AWIPS). AMBER is anticipated to be available within AWIPS in early 2001.

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