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National Institutes of Health

Index of Medications

To find the section of the text that describes a particular medication in the lists below, find the generic (chemical) name and look it up on the first list or find the trade (brand) name and look it up on the second list. If the name of the medication does not appear on the prescription label, ask the doctor or pharmacist for it. (Note: Some drugs are marketed under numerous trade names, not all of which can be listed in a short publication like this one. If your medication’s trade name does not appear in the list—and some older medicines are no longer listed by trade names—look it up by its generic name or ask your doctor or pharmacist for more information. Stimulant medications that are used by both children and adults with ADHD are listed in the children’s medications chart).

Alphabetical List of Medications by Generic Name8

Generic Name Trade Name
Combination Antipsychotic and Antidepressant Medication
Symbyax (Prozac & Zyprexa) fluoxetine & olanzapine
Antipsychotic Medications
aripiprazole Abilify
chlorpromazine Thorazine
chlorprothixene Taractan
clozapine Clozaril
fluphenazine Permitil, Prolixin
haloperidol Haldol
loxapine Loxitane
mesoridazine Serentil
molindone Lidone, Moban
olanzapine Zyprexa
perphenazine Trilafon
pimozide (for Tourette’s syndrome) Orap
quetiapine Seroquel
risperidone Risperdal
thioridazine Mellaril
thiothixene Navane
trifluoperazine Stelazine
trifluopromazine Vesprin
ziprasidone Geodon
Antimanic Medications
carbamazepine Tegretol
divalproex sodium (valproic acid) Depakote
gabapentin Neurontin
lamotrigine Lamictal
lithium carbonate Eskalith, Lithane, Lithobid
lithium citrate Cibalith-S
topimarate Topamax
Antidepressant Medications
amitriptyline Elavil
amoxapine Asendin
bupropion Wellbutrin
citalopram (SSRI) Celexa
clomipramine Anafranil
desipramine Norpramin, Pertofrane
doxepin Adapin, Sinequan
escitalopram (SSRI) Lexapro
fluvoxamine (SSRI) Luvox
fluoxetine (SSRI) Prozac
imipramine Tofranil
isocarboxazid (MAOI) Marplan
maprotiline Ludiomil
mirtazapine Remeron
nefazodone Serzone
nortriptyline Aventyl, Pamelor
paroxetine (SSRI) Paxil
phenelzine (MAOI) Nardil
protriptyline Vivactil
sertraline (SSRI) Zoloft
tranylcypromine (MAOI) Parnate
trazodone Desyrel
trimipramine Surmontil
venlafaxine Effexor
Antianxiety Medications
(All of these antianxiety medications except buspirone are benzodiazepines)
alprazolam Xanax
buspirone BuSpar
chlordiazepoxide Librax, Libritabs, Librium
clonazepam Klonopin
clorazepate Azene, Tranxene
diazepam Valium
halazepam Paxipam
lorazepam Ativan
oxazepam Serax
prazepam Centrax

Alphabetical List of Medications by Trade Name

Trade Name Generic Name
Combination Antipsychotic and Antidepressant Medication
fluoxetine & olanzapine Symbyax (Prozac & Zyprexa)
Antipsychotic Medications
Abilify aripiprazole
Clozaril clozapine
Geodon ziprasidone
Haldol haloperidol
Lidone molindone
Loxitane loxapine
Mellaril thioridazine
Moban molindone
Navane thiothixene
Orap (for Tourette’s syndrome) pimozide
Permitil fluphenazine
Prolixin fluphenazine
Risperdal risperidone
Serentil mesoridazine
Seroquel quetiapine
Stelazine trifluoperazine
Taractan chlorprothixene
Thorazine chlorpromazine
Trilafon perphenazine
Vesprin trifluopromazine
Zyprexa olanzapine
Antimanic Medications
Cibalith-S lithium citrate
Depakote valproic acid, divalproex sodium
Eskalith lithium carbonate
Lamictal lamotrigine
Lithane lithium carbonate
Lithobid lithium carbonate
Neurontin gabapentin
Tegretol carbamazepine
Topamax topiramate
Antidepressant Medications
Adapin doxepin
Anafranil clomipramine
Asendin amoxapine
Aventyl nortriptyline
Celexa (SSRI) citalopram
Desyrel trazodone
Effexor venlafaxine
Elavil amitriptyline
Lexapro (SSRI) escitalopram
Ludiomil maprotiline
Luvox (SSRI) fluvoxamine
Marplan (MAOI) isocarboxazid
Nardil (MAOI) phenelzine
Norpramin desipramine
Pamelor nortriptyline
Parnate (MAOI) tranylcypromine
Paxil (SSRI) paroxetine
Pertofrane desipramine
Prozac (SSRI) fluoxetine
Remeron mirtazapine
Serzone nefazodone
Sinequan doxepin
Surmontil trimipramine
Tofranil imipramine
Vivactil protriptyline
Wellbutrin bupropion
Zoloft (SSRI) sertraline
Antianxiety Medications
(All of these antianxiety medications except BuSpar are benzodiazepines)
Ativan lorazepam
Azene clorazepate
BuSpar buspirone
Centrax prazepam
Librax, Libritabs, Librium chlordiazepoxide
Klonopin clonazepam
Paxipam halazepam
Serax oxazepam
Tranxene clorazepate
Valium diazepam
Xanax alprazolam

Children’s Medication Chart

Trade Name Generic Name Approved Age
Stimulant Medications
Adderall amphetamine 3 and older
Adderall XR amphetamine
(extended release)
6 and older
Concerta methylphenidate
(long acting)
6 and older
Cylert* pemoline 6 and older
Dexedrine dextroamphetamine 3 and older
Dextrostat dextroamphetamine 3 and older
Focalin dexmethylphenidate 6 and older
Metadate ER methylphenidate
(extended release)
6 and older
Ritalin methylphenidate 6 and older
*Because of its potential for serious side effects affecting the liver, Cylert should not ordinarily be considered as first-line drug therapy for ADHD.
Non-stimulant for ADHD
Strattera atomoxetine 6 and older
Antidepressant and Antianxiety Medications
Anafranil clomipramine 10 and older (for OCD)
BuSpar buspirone 18 and older
Effexor venlafaxine 18 and older
Luvox (SSRI) fluvoxamine 8 and older (for OCD)
Paxil (SSRI) paroxetine 18 and older
Prozac (SSRI) fluoxetine 18 and older
Serzone (SSRI) nefazodone 18 and older
Sinequan doxepin 12 and older
Tofranil imipramine 6 and older (for bedwetting)
Wellbutrin bupropion 18 and older
Zoloft (SSRI) sertraline 6 and older (for OCD)
Antipsychotic Medications
Clozaril (atypical) clozapine 18 and older
Haldol haloperidol 3 and older
Risperdal (atypical) risperidone 18 and older
Seroquel (atypical) quetiapine 18 and older
Mellaril thioridazine 2 and older
Zyprexa (atypical) olanzapine 18 and older
Orap pimozide 12 and older (for Tourette’s syndrome—Data for age 2 and older indicate similar safety profile)
Mood Stabilizing Medications
Cibalith-S lithium citrate 12 and older
Depakote valproic acid 2 and older (for seizures)
Eskalith lithium carbonate 12 and older
Lithobid lithium carbonate 12 and older
Tegretol carbamazepine any age (for seizures)