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Unless otherwise noted (copyrighted material for example), information presented on the NeMO World Wide Web site is considered public information and may be distributed freely. If you elect to use materials from this Web offering, please cite NOAA PMEL Vents Program as the source, and include the appropriate URL of the page(s) from which the materials were taken. If you reproduce text, please cite the original contributing author and their affiliation.

  The creation of the NeMO Explorer web site was funded by two programs within the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA): People
  • William Chadwick, lead site designer, NOAA Vents Program
  • Charles Weiland, lead site designer, Stanford University
  • Clay Hamilton, artist/animator, Stanford University
  • Robert Embley, head of NeMO Program, NOAA Vents Program
  • Ginger Barth, technical writer, Stanford University
  • Andra Bobbitt, web page design, NOAA Vents Program
  • Verena Tunnicliffe, biological consultant, University of British Columbia
  • Julia Getsiv, research assistant, NOAA Vents Program
  • Susan Merle, research assistant, NOAA Vents Program
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