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Office of Science
Notice 00-06

Energy Biosciences

Department of Energy
Office of Science

Office of Science Financial Assistance Program Notice 00-06: Energy Biosciences

AGENCY: U.S. Department of Energy (DOE)

ACTION: Notice inviting grant applications.

SUMMARY: The Office of Basic Energy Sciences of the Office of Science (SC), U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) invites preapplications from potential applicants for research funding in the Energy Biosciences program area. The intent in asking for a preapplication is to save the time and effort of applicants in preparing and submitting a formal project application that may be inappropriate for the program. The preapplication should consist of a two to three page concept paper on the research contemplated for an application to the Energy Biosciences program. The concept paper should focus on the scientific objectives and significance of the planned research, and include an outline of the approaches planned, and any other information relating to the planned research. No budget information or biographical data need be included; nor is an institutional endorsement necessary. The preapplication gives us the opportunity to advise potential applicants on the suitability of their research ideas to the mission of the DOE Energy Biosciences program. A response indicating the appropriateness of submitting a formal application will be sent from the Division of Energy Biosciences office in time to allow for an adequate preparation period for a formal application.

DATES: For timely consideration, all preapplications should be received by March 8, 2000. However, earlier submissions will be gladly accepted. A response to timely preapplications will be communicated to the applicant by April 12, 2000. The deadline for receipt of formal applications is June 13, 2000.

ADDRESS: Preapplications referencing Program Notice 00-06 should be forwarded to: U.S. Department of Energy, Office of Basic Energy Sciences, SC-17, Division of Energy Biosciences, 19901 Germantown Road, Germantown, MD 20874-1290, Attn: Program Notice 00-06. Fax submissions are acceptable (Fax Number (301) 903-1003).

Formal applications, referencing Program Notice 00-06, must be sent to: U.S. Department of Energy, Office of Science, Grants and Contracts Division, SC-64, 19901 Germantown Road, Germantown, MD 20874-1290, ATTN: Program Notice 00-06. This address must also be used when submitting applications by U.S. Postal Service Express Mail or any commercial overnight delivery service, or when hand-carried by the applicant.

FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Ms. Pat Snyder, Division of Energy Biosciences, Office of Basic Energy Sciences, SC-17, 19901 Germantown Road, Germantown, MD 20874-1290, telephone (301) 903-2873; E-mail

SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: Potential applicants should submit a brief preapplication which consists of two to three pages of narrative describing research objectives. These will be reviewed relative to the scope and the research needs of the Energy Biosciences program. The Energy Biosciences program has the mission of generating fundamental biological information about plants and non-medical related microorganisms that can provide support for future energy related biotechnologies. The objective is to pursue basic biochemical, genetic and physiological investigations that may contribute towards providing alternate fuels, petroleum replacement products, energy conservation measures as well as other technologies such as phytoremediation related to DOE programs. Areas of interest include bioenergetic systems, including photosynthesis; control of plant growth and development, including metabolic, genetic, and hormonal and ambient factor regulation, metabolic diversity, ion uptake, transport and accumulation, stress physiology and adaptation; genetic transmission and expression; plant-microbial interactions, plant cell wall structure and function; lignocellulose degradative mechanisms; mechanisms of fermentations, genetics of neglected microorganisms, energetics and membrane phenomena; thermophily (molecular basis of high temperature tolerance); microbial interactions; and one-carbon metabolism, which is the basis of biotransformations such as methanogenesis. The objective is to discern and understand basic mechanisms and principles.

Funds are expected to be available for new grant awards in FY 2001. The magnitude of these funds available and the number of awards which can be made will depend on the budget process. The awards made during FY 1999 averaged close to $105,000 per year, mostly for a three-year duration. The principal purpose in using preapplications at this time is to reduce the expenditure of time and effort of all parties.

The research description of the formal application must be 10 pages or less, exclusive of figure illustrations, and must contain an abstract or summary of the proposed research (to include the hypotheses being tested and the proposed experimental design). Attachments include curriculum vitae, a listing of all current and pending federal support, and letters of intent when collaborations are part of the proposed research.

Information about development and submission of applications, eligibility, limitations, evaluations and selection processes, and other policies and procedures may be found in the 10 CFR Part 605 and the Application Guide for the Office of Science Financial Assistance Program. Electronic access to SC's Financial Assistance Guide is possible via the Internet using the following Web Site address: DOE is under no obligation to pay for any costs associated with the preparation or submission of applications if an award is not made.

The Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance number for this program is 81.049, and the solicitation control number is ERFAP 10 CFR Part 605.

John Rodney Clark
Associate Director of Science
for Resource Management

Published in the Federal Register December 15, 1999, Volume 64, Number 240, Page 70003.