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27 March 2008

Sada Cumber Discusses New Role as U.S. Envoy to the OIC

Ask America webchat transcript, March 27

Sada Cumber, special envoy to the Organization of the Islamic Conference (OIC), answers questions in a March 27 Ask America webchat on his new appointment.

Following is the transcript:

(begin transcript)

Bureau of International Information Programs
Ask America Webchat Transcript

Special Envoy to the Organization of the Islamic Conference

Guest:     Sada Cumber
Date:      March 27, 2008
Time:      8:30 a.m. EDT (1230 GMT)

Moderator: Welcome to today's webchat with Special Envoy to the Organization of the Islamic Conference Sada Cumber. You may submit your questions now or you may wait until the live event begins at 12:30 GMT. If you are a member of the press, kindly identify your affiliation.

We see your questions coming in, thank you. The webchat will begin shortly.

Sada Cumber: Thank you for joining us this morning. I appreciate the opportunity to dialogue with so many friends who are interested in learning more about my appointment as the U.S. Special Envoy to the OIC.

Question [Chat Participant]: Saeed Suhrawardy, Senior Columnist & Writer, New Delhi. I welcome your appointment as Special Envoy to the OIC by USA. Let us hope and pray that it leads to better understanding between the parties. I appreciate quick recognition of Kosovo by the USA and its role in checking the Balqan genocide. But this conduct differs from that adopted in relation to Palestine. US’ war against terrorism is unlikely to succeed if Palestine continues to tarnish the image of the United States. I find a contradiction between the strategy for Kosovo and that for Palestine. Your comments please!

Answer [Sada Cumber]: Thank you, Saeed. I will join you in your hope that my appointment leads to better understanding. That, ultimately, is my goal. My role as Special Envoy presents the U.S. and the OIC with an opportunity to engage in news ways, on new paths, to pursue constructive dialogue and constructive results.

You note the situation in the Balkans, the Middle East, etc. In fact, the commitments to peace and stability that you see bearing fruit in the Balkans is the same commitment that the President is applying to the situation in the Middle East. The goal, as the President has often stated, is to see two democratic states – Israel and Palestine – living side by side in peace and security.

While I am not a policymaker, that is the message I will carry to the OIC and its member nations – the U.S. is a force for peace, prosperity, and stability for all peoples, in all regions.

Q [Chat Participant]: Moin Ahmad, Managing Editor, Urdu Times daily, Mumbai By appointing you, a Pakistani born American as a special envoy to OIC, is America accepting the fact that Muslims around the world really hate America and are against America? Does this appointment reflect US’ hope that no other than an Asian Muslim can bring America and Muslim world closer to each other?

A [Sada Cumber]: In making this appointment, the President really underscored his commitment to advancing understanding between the U.S. and Muslims around the world. Yes, there are challenges and misperceptions – and my role is to address some of those misperceptions, to explain to Muslims around the world that the U.S. has a deep respect for Islam, a firm commitment to religious freedom, and is determined to work with Muslim leaders to advance peace and prosperity.

Q [Lincoln Reading Lounge Islamabad]: Mr. Sada your profile shows that you have vast experience only in Business and Investment, how would you use your capabilities to bridge the gap in between U.S. and Muslim Countries?

A [Sada Cumber]: I plan to leverage my experiences building 11 companies over 25 years to advance a dialogue between the United States and the Muslim Ummah. I have also worked, for the 30 years I have spent in the United States, in building strong civil society institutions and working with Muslim brothers and sisters in Texas.

Q [Chat Participant]: Moin Ahmad, Managing Editor, Urdu Times daily, Mumbai.  What steps are you planning to bridge gaps between America and the Muslim world?

A [Sada Cumber]: This is a great question, because I think that is exactly how I would describe my role. I would like to build bridges from the U.S. to the Muslim world, and from the Muslim world to the U.S. One of the tremendous assets I have to work with is the Muslim-American community, which I believe can serve as a remarkable model for the rest of the world – a model of how Muslims of all varieties can work, live, and prosper together, and how Muslims can work and live in complete harmony with non-Muslims. At the end of the day, we are all Americans, and one of our unifying qualities is tolerance for one another. This is a reality that many Muslims around the world may not understand, and I will be working to tell that story, and create new linkages between America’s Muslims and Muslims from around the world.

Q [Chat Participant]: Moin Ahmad, Managing Editor, Urdu Times daily, Mumbai. How much you are prepared for this job? Are you aware of the basic reasons of enmity between America & the Muslim world?

A [Sada Cumber]: My background is in the private sector, where I have built companies, built assets. In addition to that, however, I have been very active working with civil society, working with Muslim groups in America. As a result, I believe I am well-suited for this position, and well prepared to talk to the OIC about opportunities.

Q [Naimat Ullah Khan - LC Karachi]: Your core mission is to explain to the Islamic world that America is a friend: What has been done about it & what are your future plans?

A [Sada Cumber]: My future plans are already in place as I work with the OIC leadership to advance their 10-year program which includes working on issues like education, science & technology and advancing the status of women.

Moderator: Dear participants, thank you for your questions. If you have more than one question, please submit each one separately. Thank you.

Q [Naimat Ullah Khan - LC Karachi]: America is a nation that does not and will not tolerate terrorism, It is a nation that supports freedom, it is a nation that will not tolerate Islamist theocratic totalitarianism, It is a nation that believes in freedom of religion, freedom of speech and a free press. Does political Islamism share these values with America?

A [Sada Cumber]: The beauty of Islam is that its main tenet is tolerance, rule of law, and justice. It is important that we all work together towards that understanding and build a strong civil society that will allow us to realize the social conscience of Islam.

Q [daud ahaib]: I am Daud from Malawi, I first congratulate you for being appointed as a U.S. special envoy to the OIC. Second, I would like to know that before holding that position, is there anything that you have done to islamic youth Organisations?

A [Sada Cumber]: Absolutely, in fact I have been engaged in working with youths in America for the past 25 years. We have built youth forums, fostered programs dedicated to advancing leadership among Islamic youth, and given them the opportunity to work with wise leaders from whom they can learn. Today my daughter, who just finished her master's degree in America, is now working in Afghanistan with young girls.

Q [Chat Participant]: Abid Wasay, Associate Editor, Munsif Urdu daily, Hyderabad.  Tell me about your first experience at the recently concluded OIC summit at Dakar.

A [Sada Cumber]: I came back very encouraged from Dakar because I personally observed that the Muslim Ummah and our leadership is moving on a progressive path. This will allow us to engage in a dialogue where we can work in an environment where our brothers and sisters around the world can see themselves enjoying the freedoms and the quality of life that we experience here in the United States.

Q [Chat Participant]: Abid Wasay, Associate Editor, Munsif Urdu daily, Hyderabad.  “War against terrorism is not a war against Islam or Muslims”; is it true? How could you prove it?

A [Sada Cumber]: Between five and seven million Muslims live in the United States, and all of them enjoy the freedoms for which America is so widely known – freedom of religion, freedom of expression, freedom of assembly, etc. That is my experience, my family’s experience, and the experience of all the Muslims I know across the country.

Q [Chat Participant]: Abid Wasay, Associate Editor, Munsif Urdu daily, Hyderabad.  United States is the self styled champion of democracy, then why it opposes popular movements like Hamas & Hezbollah in Muslim world, Even though Hamas was elected democratically. Same is the case with Iran. Please let me know if U.S. is interested in true democracy or Democracy of its own choice?

A [Sada Cumber]: The United States is the world’s most stalwart promoter and protector of democracy, and the President has clearly stated his desire to see the benefits of democracy spread throughout the world. While I am not a policymaker nor an expert of Middle East issues, I can state with confidence that the U.S. sees genuine democratic institutions as a key to lasting peace and stability in the Middle East and beyond.

Q [Ibrahim Mohammed]: Selefia Newspaper journalist: Q1) How do Americans perceive Ethiopian Muslims – in terms of the so called extremism? Q2) In Ethiopia there is a debate on practicing wearing “hijab”, conducting prayer, etc… in secular schools. How do American Muslims practice their faith in secular schools? Would you share us your experience?

A [Sada Cumber]: In America, all Muslims are treated as equals. We practice our faith openly and freely in approximately 1200 mosques. We are allowed to observe all of our religious beliefs. Our sisters here have the choice to wear the hijab if they choose.

Q [Chat Participant]: Dr. Rafi Ahmad, Editor-In-Chief, Weekly Urdu News Paper “SEHAR”, Srinagar, Kashmir.  Is the U.S. so terrorized with Islam that it has coined a new term as Islamo Phobia & what measures it is taking to minimize the Phobia since a large number of Muslims reside in America & it is highly dependent on the oil resources of the Middle Eastern Countries?

A [Sada Cumber]: I personally do not use such terms, to be frank with you, Dr. Ahmad. To be sure, there are instances around the world of intolerance directed against Muslims, just as there are instances directed against other religions, ethnic groups, etc. Our challenge is to address these instances with education and unity so they disappear.

As far as the United States is concerned, I am convinced that respect for and understanding of Islam among Americans has grown enormously, and in my personal experience and that of my family, we have never, never experienced anything but the sort of welcoming tolerance for which the United States is famous.

Q [Chat Participant]: Afzal Misbahi, Editor, Hamara Samaj Urdu Daily, New Delhi.  I congratulate you for your new challenging responsibilities and hope you would play a key role in removing anger and grief among Muslims against America. What are your strategies to bridge gap and build up a strong and pleasant atmosphere between America and the Muslim world?

A [Sada Cumber]: Thank you, Afzal. Communication is the key, as I have suggested previously. We need to develop and strengthen the communication between the U.S. and Muslims from around the world. My appointment is just one part of that effort from our side, and I will spend every bit of my energy over the next year to achieve that goal.

Q [Chat Participant]: Dr. Arshi Khan, Associate Professor, Department of Political Science, Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh, India.  I appreciate the appointment of the envoy to the OIC at this critical juncture of conflicts and bewilderment where human beings have become enemy of each other for simple material gains. In this Hobbesian State of Nature, how would you like to respond to mitigate threats to peace and humanity both within your country and outside the United States?

A [Sada Cumber]: Thank you. I see my appointment as just one small element of a U.S. effort to address the peace and security challenges of the world. I believe the OIC is an important organization with which the U.S. must communicate, and about which the U.S. must learn. Ultimately, we are going to achieve our shared goals of peace, security, and prosperity by understanding each other better and finding common ground.

Q [Chat Participant]: Mohammad Jawed Anwar, Ph. D scholar in the Department of Political Science, Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh, India.  What do you want to do for the Muslim world?

A [Sada Cumber]: I want to share with the Muslim world the experience I have had in the United States, that more than 5 million Muslims are having in the United States, an experience rooted in tolerance, acceptance, and respect. This is such an important message for the world to hear – we can come together, we can live, work, and grow together, and the U.S. is a terrific example of how that can work.

In addition, I have committed to work closely with the OIC to develop a plan for cooperation. I am proposing to the OIC leadership that this cooperation focus on three main areas, drawn from the OIC’s Ten-Year Plan. These areas are education, elevating the status of women, and science and technology. I think these starting points should give us plenty to work on over the next year, and I look forward to that challenge.

Q [Ahmedi]: As you aware that Muslim communities had turned their back on America because of Bush's crusade against Islam, Mr. Bush has less 9 month left for the office, in that short term what would you think will you achieve in your newly appointed role? What gap are you going to breach when the US bombs still falling to innocent civilians in every minute?

A [Sada Cumber]: Clearly one of my key goals over the next year is to address misperceptions about U.S. priorities in the world. The U.S. is firm in its commitment to peace and prosperity around the world, and I believe the actions of President Bush demonstrate that commitment. What I and other Muslim Americans need to communicate to the rest of the world is that Islam is treated with deep respect in the U.S., and Muslims are able to practice their faith in an atmosphere of freedom and tolerance.

Q [amina2]: Some Muslims believe that U.S. government does not like and trust Muslims, do you think you can make that problem end successfully and represent the Muslims, also when you advice the US Government will trust you?

A [Sada Cumber]: The United States is committed to bring peace, prosperity and stability in all regions and to all peoples. It is part of our core values to respect all religions and their peoples, including Islam.

Q [Tindiko]: Assallam alaikum! Congratulations for making it to special envoy to OIC. I am Tindiko Ajusu from Lilongwe Malawi.  How are you going to assist Muslims to safeguard their dignity, independence and national rights since in most member states they are sidelined?

A [Sada Cumber]: The 57 member nations of the OIC cover almost all Muslims around the world. We Muslims represent over 20 percent of the world population. The U.S. is committed to work with all of the Muslim leaders to ensure that our dignity, our freedom and our rights are protected, just as we enjoy here in America.

Moderator: Dear participants, there are many questions coming in. Please be patient as Mr. Cumber reviews them. We appreciate your interest in today's webchat.

Q [Salah El Begermy, Cairo]: What is the working paper you are going to submit during the conference?

A [Sada Cumber]: At the OIC meeting in Dakar, I proposed to the Secretary General that the United States is prepared to work on the 10-year program that the OIC would like to engage to advance the quality of life and lifestyle of all Muslims. In fact, I am working on a MOU to allow us to work on some of our highest priorities, such as science and technology, education and advancing the status of women.

kamil: لماذا تتعامل امريكا مع الاسلام باعتباره دين للعرب فقط ؟ ان امريكا تحتاج الي التعامل مع الاسلام باعتباره دين سماوي انزله الرب لمنفعة كافة شعوب الارض..فاذا فهمت امريكا ذلك امكنها ان تكتشف المزيد من سماحة الاسلام عوضاً عن ربطه دائماً دون تفحص بالارهاب. محمد كامل عبد الرحمن- صحفي- السودان-الخرطوم-مركز لمسات للخدمات الصحفية

[Q: Translation: Why does America deal with Islam as if it's the religion of Arabs only? America needs to deal with Islam as a religion for all the people of the earth. If America understands Islam as such, she will discover more of its tolerance. This is better than just linking Islam always -- and with no examination -- with terrorism.]

Mohammad Kamel Abdelrahman, journalist, Khartoum, Sudan, Lamasat Center for Press Services.

A [Sada Cumber]: Thank you for the question. In fact, the United States is a country with more than 5 million Muslims from all backgrounds, ethnicities, and national origins. I myself come from a Pakistani heritage, and moved to the United States 31 years ago. The United States is a country where all faiths, all nationalities live in harmony, in freedom, and that is a message I will be carrying with me when I travel to OIC member nations.

كامل: أشكرك على سؤالك. حقيقة الأمر أن الولايات المتحدة هي بلد يضم أكثر من 5 ملايين مسلم يتحدرون من جميع الخلفيات والإثنيات والأصول القومية. شخصيا أتحدر من باكستان وقد انتقلت للعيش في الولايات المتحدة قبل 31 عاما. إن الولايات المتحدة هي بلد تتعايش فيها جميع المعتقدات الدينية والقوميات بانسجام وبحرية، وهذه هي الرسالة التي سأحملها معي إلى الدول الأعضاء في منظمة المؤتمر الإسلامي التي سأزورها.

Q [Salah El Begermy, Cairo]: Do you have problems living as a Muslim in America?

A [Sada Cumber]: Absolutely not. In fact we have ALL the same rights and privileges to practice our faith in over 1200 mosques. We live a life that many can only imagine. It is a tolerant and understanding country, which encourages each individual to practice their lives as they see fit, embracing the ideals and ethics of Islam.


A [Sada Cumber]: President Bush.

Q [Chat Participant]: Agron Bajrami, Editor in Chief, Koha Ditore, Pristina, Rep. of Kosovo.  After Kosovo proclaimed independence and received recognition from the US and most of the EU countries, expectations were that a large number of Islamic countries would follow on quickly with their own recognitions. This did not happen.

What are the reasons that you think are behind this hesitance and opposition among OIC countries to recognize Kosovo?

A [Sada Cumber]: Unfortunately, I am not an expert on the question of Kosovo, but I can tell you that this was an issue of considerable interest at the OIC Summit in Dakar, and I had the opportunity to discuss the matter with a number of leaders from OIC nations, and will continue to discuss the issue as I travel to individual OIC member nations.

Q [Chat Participant]: Agron Bajrami, Editor in Chief, Koha Ditore largest-circulation daily, Pristina, Rep. of Kosovo.  And what could - and should - be done to bring these countries on board for recognition?

A [Sada Cumber]: I will have to refer you to our Kosovo experts for the complete answer.

Q [Chat Participant]: Agron Bajrami, Editor in Chief, Koha Ditore, Pristina, Rep. of Kosovo. What do Islamic countries think of the US when they see its support for Kosovo, which has a majority Muslim population?

A [Sada Cumber]: I can not speak for any of the leaders with whom I meet, but let me say this: my role as Envoy to the OIC is to ensure that the American vision of tolerance, freedom, and democratic values is understood by the Muslim world. Clearly, Kosovo’s experience could be viewed as illustrative of the U.S. commitment to that vision.

Q [IRC Cairo]: Do you think comparative religion studies can use to decrease the gab between the Nations?

Amb. Chelbaya

A [Sada Cumber]: Yes, and actually, I just read a few days back that King Abdullah of Saudia Arabia has encouraged all faiths to engage in an interfaith dialogue. What you are suggesting is very important, and I agree that education can provide an opportunity for enrichment and understanding. As I have said before, when people talk about a clash of civilizations, I call it a clash of ignorance.

Q [nangadef]: Are you trying to develop researches about the view of America in Muslim world or in Muslim communities in Europe? I think that it'll be interesting. I think that American Institutions can have a great role for building peace between the West and Islamic countries. How can I participate in projects like this?

A [Sada Cumber]: There are over 30 million Muslims that call either Europe or North America their home. We can play a very important role in the dialogue that you are suggesting. I would be happy to work with you if you have any guidance or suggestions.

Comment [studentCLubCenter]: Hello my name is jameel abed alhadi from student club on nablus center (ri) i so happy to participate in this discussion.

Q [nangadef]: I'm well interested by this question.  My Phd thesis was about the role of Islam in Afro-Arab relations. Can you tell me about how Muslim delegations accepted your presence in this conference and which kind of questions they ask you about your interest?

A [Sada Cumber]: I was received with open arms and I had many bilateral meetings with the Muslim leaders, including those from Africa. I was encouraged that everyone one of them showed interest in working with the U.S. to advance opportunities that can bring peace, prosperity and stability in the regions of the world that Muslims live.

Comment [Naimat Ullah Khan: LC Karachi]: Dear Mr. Cumber, first of all congratulation on your new assignment, we are sure that you will do your best to bring United States & the Muslim World closer and try to overcome all the obstacles.

Q [studentCLubCenter]: What is the problem if we have a TV channel common between America and Muslim?

A [Sada Cumber]: I think that is an excellent idea, which presents an opportunity instead of a problem. If there is any recommendation from your side, I would be happy to hear it.

Moderator: Dear participants, if you would like to introduce yourself to our global audience, please select the "comment" option. We will post selected comments.

Q [amina2]: amina, malawi, I congratulate you brother for your big challenge and responsibility and I believe almighty ALLAH will guide you.

Cumber, what strategy’s have you put in place to make sure that Muslim women are empowered socially, economically and politically without fear and discrimination?

A [Sada Cumber]: I am very excited to work with the OIC member nations on their 10-year program, which includes raising the status of women. There are many sisters who need access to education, microfinance, basic healthcare, especially in places like Afghanistan. America is committed to work with the OIC to address these concerns.

Q [mohmmad]: Do you love Muslims?

A [Sada Cumber]: I am a practicing Muslim living in America, and yes I love my fellow Muslims and my family.

Comment [studentCLubCenter]: I am from Nablus relief international schools online office and i am student in alrawda private schools.

Comment [NCBLC]: I think it is good that we have relations with the interests of all countries of the world including America ... But we object to impose their culture. Nor do we impose our culture it.

Q [MAMU FD]: I am frank Mamu. Lilongwe, MALAWI. Mr Sada. Your appointment to OIC is very much appreciated to me and of course to entire Muslim community. I am on IRAN nuclear issue. IRAN insists that its nuclear programme is for domestic power use and not for weapons. The UN inspectors approved this. Despite this evidence from UN another sanction was imposed on IRAN. Just days ago FRANCE was showing its nuclear weapons to the rest of the world. Neither sanction to FRANCE nor comment. WHY US policy sideline Islamic states. Comment the death of innocent Muslims on IRAQ AFGANSTAN & GAZA. So how are you going to persuade the US govt end the IRAN issue simply by using dialogue.

A [Sada Cumber]: Iran is an important nation in the Muslim Ummah and America is committed to bringing peace in that region. We understand that Iran has energy needs to further its progress. America is committed to work with any country to develop a civil nuclear program.

Q [ali2]: Mr. Cumber, This is Ali once again from Malawi. Muslims the world over view the US foreign policy as targeting or fighting Islam. Appreciating fully the tricky position in which you are, I would like to know as to how sure you are that you will be accepted both by the Muslim community world wide (which views the US as an enemy)and the US authorities(who have little trust on Muslims)?

A [Sada Cumber]: My initial acceptance in Dakar gives me great encouragement that the Muslim Ummah and the West can work together to further understanding and promote shared values, helping to expand common ground.

Q [ali2]: Mr. Cumber, I am Ali of the Muslim Youth Assembly in Malawi. Most Muslims in Malawi and the world over face challenges in terms of lack of education due to poverty yet there are many education opportunities in the US. What role do you think you can play to ensure that you work with OIC member countries and your government to ensure that the Muslim youth also benefit from your position in terms of education opportunities?

A [Sada Cumber]: Youth all over the world are our future. We need to invest in our youth wherever they are, including in Malawi. Good education allows us to create a society where all can live under rule of law, benefiting from good governance and transparency.

Q [loay khalafe]: There is camp in main state {seeds of peace} these camp work on the consolidation of the relationship between Muslims, Jews and the Americans. This camp is a step of the peace.

Q [Mish]: I want to thank you that your first meeting conducted included some Africa leaders. I want to suggest in order to make it right, have one Africa Muslim leaders meeting/summit, this should include all African countries then you will be able to understand the pros and cons of muslims.

Q [mohmmad]: Do you accept the Muslims to work in the American government?

A [Sada Cumber]: There are many Muslims who work in the U.S. government, including myself. In fact, the U.S. Permanent Representative to the United Nations is a Muslim from Afghanistan. There are also many Muslims who are advisors at very high levels in the current administration and in various state governments.

Q [studentCLubCenter]: sada, do you visit palestine ?????

A [Sada Cumber]: I am very much looking forward to visiting our Palestinian brothers and sisters soon. Do you live in the Palestinian territories, and could I visit with you when I come there?

Q [daud ahaib]: Am Daud from Malawi, I would like request you to make a special visit to Islamic youth Organisation in AFRICA.

A [Sada Cumber]: Please invite me, and I'd be happy to attend.


A [Sada Cumber]: As I said earlier, the Muslim community and the U.S. should work very hard to engage in a positive dialogue where we can foster positive perceptions, allowing us all to live in peace and bring prosperity.

Q [amina2]: Amina Malawi, cumber what really makes you accept that offer since you have other jobs besides that and how are you organise your self to work on all that to be it successfully?

A [Sada Cumber]: America has given me and my family a life that we thoroughly enjoy and it is a privilege to serve my country in a way that I can positively contribute to mutual understanding.

Comment [studentCLubCenter: yes i live in nablus city and I am a member of student club on relief international -schools online and I work with Mr. Hazem salahat Center Manager on project to establish center in nablus for foriegn visters so you are welcome in our office.

Comment [OSMAN2]: Iam Osman Khwalala from Malawi. Firstly I would like to congratulate you on your appointment. Secondly I want to tell you that muslims all over the world will depend on you to change the negative attitude which Americans have towards Islam. therefore you should know that you have carried a huge responsibility.

Q [Chat Participant]: Andualem Sisay, Guardian newspaper representative and mobile reporter for Africa news Ethiopia:  After the 9/11 incidents most Americans think that all those who say Allah-Ouakbar or people with hats from the Muslim religion followers or Hijab are considered as terrorists. How and when do you think the Americans can improve such attitude and feel comfortable with these people on a plane, in a restaurant or at any public gatherings?

A [Sada Cumber]: There are over 5 million Muslims living in America enjoying a life where we practice our faith in over 1200 mosques. In my vocabulary, I use the words Allah-Ouakbar, Masha'allah and Insha'allah frequently. Many sisters openly wear hijabs in schools, places of work, malls and public institutions.

Q [Chat Participant]: Ezedin Mohammed, Editor-in-Chief, Al-Quds Newspaper, Ethiopia.  How freely do the US media, such as CNN, broadcast authentic information to the domestic audience and listeners so that the people of the US will have a balanced view of what is happening around and be safe from so called terrorist attacks?

A [Sada Cumber]: In the U.S. we have freedom of the press and multiple news sources to choose from, including Al-Jazeera. We are free to watch and participate in a dialogue where may certain perceptions can be amended.

Comment [studentCLubCenter]: yes i live in nablus city and i am a member of student club on relief international -schools online and I work with Mr. Hazem salahat Center Manager on project to establish center in nablus for foriegn visters so you are welcome in our office."

A [Sada Cumber]: I will, insha'allah, soon visit you.

Q [Chat Participant]: Ezedin Mohammed, Editor-in-Chief, Al-Quds Newspaper, Ethiopia.  Why is the US using double standards in the name of promoting global peace and security and avoiding the dangers of terrorism, such as the case in Palestine-Israel conflict compared to the one it is engaged in Iraq?

A [Sada Cumber]: The United States is committed to bring peace to the Middle East, working together with both the Israeli and Palestinian people. The United States is also working to promote humanitarian assistance in the Palestinian Territories, and insha'allah, we will see peace very soon.

Q [MAMU FD]: MAMU FD. MALAWI. MR SADA, What strategies do you have over Israel-Palestine conflict. See Israel killing people of GAZA, building its houses in Westbank, not ready for dialogue. And US pledges full support to Israel.

A [Sada Cumber]: The U.S. supports a two-state solution, with Palestine and Israel living in peace, side by side. It is my personal desire, wish, and prayer that peace comes to the region soon.

Q [Chat Participant]: Andualem Sisay, Guardian newspaper representative and mobile reporter for Africa news Ethiopia:  What do you think is the major reason for the emergence of Islamic fundamentalism that is connected with terrorism? Don’t you think that the United States’ foreign policy on Arab states and Israel is the major cause?

A [Sada Cumber]: Islam is a religion of peace, tolerance and intellect. We should not allow very few people to hijack our beautiful faith and distort the peaceful message of Islam. It is incumbent for all of us Muslims to clearly articulate that Islam is a religion of peace and tolerance.

Q [ali2]: This is Ali again from Malawi. Many Muslims view OIC as a toothless organization which has remained idle in times of turbulence and uncalled for provocation in Islamic countries by the west. Do you share this view? Don't you think the US government is just happy to send you, a Muslim, to an organization whose impact on Muslims is very negligible because they think OIC is less significant to the US government?

A [Sada Cumber]: I was very encouraged in Dakar. I saw a movement that can effect genuine change in the direction that the Muslim Ummah is moving, which I said earlier is on the path of moderation. I am personally looking forward to working with the leadership of the OIC to advance these goals.

It is critical at this point in time that the values and ethics that all Muslims espouse are clearly articulated at every junction. We are encouraged in Islam to engage the concept of Ijma (building consensus) and Ijhtihad (engaging intellect). All Muslims have taken a Shahada, and that allows us to work together in unity to build a society that permits us to live in peace and prosperity. Khuda-Afiz.

Moderator: We wish to thank Sada Cumber for joining us today. The webchat is now closed.

A full transcript of today's webchat will be available on our Ask America homepage usually within one business day.

(end transcript)

(Distributed by the Bureau of International Information Programs, U.S. Department of State. Web site:

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