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KiMo Contact Information

Who can I talk to about ? (fill in the blank)

Can I contact KiMo Theatre staff on evenings/weekends?

Please feel free to use our our email address.

KiMo Telephone Directory

Business Office / Reception Desk (505) 768-3522
Event Information (24 hr.) (505) 768-3544
Fax (24 hr.) (505) 768-3542
General Manager (505) 768-3589
Business Manager (505) 768-3574
Ticket Office Manager (M-F, 9-4) (505) 768-3544
Technical Manager (505) 768-3578

Outside of Business Hours all phone numbers are answered by our Voicemail system.

To leave a general After Hours message for our Receptionist,
call (505) 768-3524.

Voicemail messages, faxes and email are usually reviewed on the next Business Day.


Evening and weekend staff are provided by the Presenters of the events and are not KiMo employees. They do not have access to the City/KiMo Theatre: phone, fax or email systems or Ticketmaster services.


Our Event Information line has recorded information (outgoing only)
. .. after Ticket Office hours. (505) 768-3544 .



Please feel free to use our our email address to contact us for these or any other questions.

Who to contact about:

General Event information.
In each Event's listing on our Performances & Events page, the name of the Presenter or Entertainer is a link to their Home Page. If you need additional information about their Organization or Event you may contact them directly, or you may call our Event Information number (505) 768-3544.

How are Events at the KiMo selected & scheduled?

About our Mailing List


Purchasing tickets.
Please first go to our Performances and Events page, select the specific Event(s) in which you are interested and review the Ticket Sales / Admission Information for that event. There will be a Link or phone number as needed. .....ifts Gift certificates

Requests for Donations of tickets are referred to the Presenters of the Events.
Tickets to events at the KiMo are the property of the Presenter of the event. The KiMo Theatre sells tickets on behalf of the Presenter via an audited, contractual process and cannot donate the property of others.


Guided Tours of the KiMo Theatre.
Contact either the Business or Technical Managers, (505) 768-3574 or 768-3578. Guided tours usually take approximately 30/45 minutes and can be adjusted in length or topic emphasis to suit your needs.
Guided tours are scheduled by Appointment only, and free.


Accessibility (ADA).
You may review our Accessibility page or contact either the Business or Technical Managers, (505) 768-3574 or 768-3578.


Rental of the KiMo.
For all scheduling or financial inquiries about renting the KiMo Theatre, please first review
our Rental Information page and then contact the Business Manager. (505) 768-3574

Are you the Booking Agent for a Touring Act? - Please inquire about contacting local Promoters and other fee arrangements. (505) 768-3589


Stage Equipment & Labor.
For all technical questions about; use of the building, the stage & backstage areas, theatre equipment and labor for an event, please first review the lower half of our Rental Information page and then contact the Technical Manager. (505) 768-3578


The KiMo building or the KiMo's webpages.
Contact the KiMo's Technical Manager. (505) 768-3578.


Sales calls are usually referred to the City of Albuquerque Purchasing Dept. (505) 768-3320.
All purchases of goods and services for the KiMo Theatre must go thru COA/Purchasing Dept. procedures and comply with their regulations.



Please feel free to use our our email address to contact us for these or any other questions.


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Email -

Our email address

You may use this email address to contact any of the KiMo's staff.
Your email will be forwarded to the applicable person(s).

Responses from our email address usually take 1 or 2 Business Days.
If you are using a spam filter please remember that responses may come from any of our staff and our addresses all end with; .> <.

Please include a daytime phone number.
Some topics are more effectively handled in a phone call rather than by email.


Our Mailing List

The KiMo Theatre's administrative staff sends out a weekly email to inform you of updates and changes to our Upcoming Performances & Events page. These emails are sent directly from the KiMo and are seperate from any other Subscription or Update services offered by the City of Albuquerque.

To be on our mailing list just send us an email with the email address you want the updates sent to, and put the words 'mailing list' on the "Subject" line.
If you are using a spam filter please remember to add < > to your address book.

For more information about our Mailing List click here.




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