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Updated 9 January, 2004
USGCRP Archives
November - December 2001

December 2001


Changes in Ecosystems

Human Dimensions
of Global Change

Climate Variability and Change

Atmospheric Composition The Global Carbon Cycle Paleoenvironment & Paleoclimate

The Global Water Cycle




NOAA's Image of the Day
Image of the Day



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December 2001 Internet Postings Related to...

From NASA's
Earth Observatory Newsroom...
Satellite View of Thick Haze Over Northern India
Thick Haze Over
Northern India
(image posted by NASA
Dec 2001) 

Climate Science and Policy: Making the Connection.  [PDF]   Report (dtd 2001) from the George C. Marshall InstituteThe Report offers critical comments about climate research and the USGCRP; and includes recommendations for revamping the program.  (link posted 7 January 2002)

Educational Resources. Links especially useful to students and teachers.  Includes links to lesson plans. (link posted 18 December 2001)

Pacific Islands Regional Assessment of the Consequences of Climate Variability and Change.  Regional assessment report (posted 18 December 2001) from the East West Center in Honolulu, Hawaii.  The Pacific Assessment was conducted as a regional contribution to the first U.S. National Assessment of the Consequences of Climate Variability and Change (the National Assessment).  See also East-West Center Study to Help Islanders Watch Weather, article (dtd 13 December 2001) from the Honolulu Advertiser.  Additional details on the Pacific Island Regional Assessment are available.

2002 NOAA Postdoctoral Program in Climate and Global Change.  Announcement (undated, circa Dec 2001) from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.  Application deadline is 15 January 2002. (link posted 18 December 2001)

Melting Glaciers to Methane Gasses.  Press release (dtd 13 December 2001) from US Geological Survey (USGS). (link posted 18 December 2001)

AGU [American Geophysical Union] 2001 Fall Meeting Press Conferences and Other Press Events.  Press release (dtd 4 Dec 2001) from the American Geophysical Union. (link posted 18 December 2001)

Scattered Clues to Climate Change.  Posting (dtd 30 Nov 2001) from the European Space Agency. (link posted 18 December 2001)

Our Changing PlanetThe Fiscal Year 2002 Edition. (posted 28 November 2001)

Science magazine's Atmospheric
Science "subject collection
Always up-to-date links
to Science articles.




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Ask Doctor Global Change
Got a question? Visit Doctor Global Change, resident expert at the site of the Global Change Research Information Office (GCRIO).


December 2001 Internet Postings Related to...
Atmospheric Composition

More on this
 Focus Area

Local Air Pollution Could be from Mongolian Desert.  Article (dtd 13 Dec 2001) from Christian Science Monitor. (link posted 18 December 2001)

Pollution in Asian Air Mass Likely Measured on Both Sides of Pacific.  Press release (dtd 11 Dec 2001) from University of Washington. (link posted 18 December 2001)

SAFARI [South African Regional Science Initiative] 2000 Captures Pollution and Climate Interactions, Debuts at AGU Press Briefing, December 12.  "SAFARI 2000 focused on investigating the coupled land-atmosphere processes associated with the emission, transport, transformation, deposition and impact of southern African aerosols and trace gases."  Article (dtd 10 Dec 2001) from NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center. (link posted 18 December 2001)

Atmospheric CO2 Records From Sites in the SIO [Scripps Institute of Oceanography] Air Sampling Network.  Document (dtd December 2001) posted by the US Carbon Dioxide Information Analysis Center (CDIAC). (link posted 18 December 2001)

Shipboard Aerosol Measurements Enhance Climate Models.  Press release (dtd 3 Dec 2001) from Univ of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. (link posted 18 December 2001)



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December 2001 Internet Postings Related to...
Changes in Ecosystems

More on this
 Focus Area

(See also Carbon Cycle Science section)
Engineered Strategies to Mitigate Global Warming Could Influence Biosphere.  Press release (dtd 12 Dec 2001) from University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. (link posted 18 December 2001
Like Storm Clouds, Natural Disasters Carry a Silver Lining, Biologist says.  Press release (dtd 11 Dec 2001) from University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. (link posted 18 December 2001)
Large Volcanic Eruptions Help Plants Absorb More Carbon Dioxide from the Atmosphere.   Press release (dtd 10 Dec 2001) from NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center. (link posted 18 December 2001)

Audio file.Earth & Sky.  Daily science radio series, currently funded by a grant from the National Science Foundation and National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. Both transcripts & audio files are provided.   (link posted 18 December 2001)

Global Warming Could Help Greenback Cutthroat Trout .  Press release (dtd 30 Nov 2001), distributed by UniSci. (link posted 18 December 2001)

Climate Change and Nature Conservation in Britain and Ireland.  Report (dtd November 2001) from the United Kingdom Climate Impacts Programme.  (link posted 18 December 2001)

Coral News

Audio file.Earth & Sky.  Daily science radio series, currently funded by a grant from the National Science Foundation and National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. Both transcripts & audio files are provided.   (link posted 18 December 2001)

Coral Bleaching and Marine Protected Areas.  Proceedings (published September 2001) of the Workshop on Mitigating Coral Bleaching Impact through MPA Design.  Workshop held 29-31 May 2001 in Honolulu, HI.   (posted 28 November 2001)

Chemical pollution and human sewage could be killing corals.  Press release (dtd 6 Nov 2001) from Univ of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.  (posted 28 November 2001)




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December 2001 Internet Postings Related to...
The Global Carbon Cycle 

More on this
 Focus Area

Atmospheric CO2 Records From Sites in the SIO [Scripps Institute of Oceanography] Air Sampling Network.  Document (dtd December 2001) posted by the US Carbon Dioxide Information Analysis Center (CDIAC). (link posted 18 December 2001)

LLNL [Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory] Scientists to Present Global Warming Mitigation Tool for Ridding the Atmosphere of Excess Carbon. Press release (dtd 12 Dec 2001) from Lawrence Livermore National Lab. See also Researchers Develop New Way to Keep Carbon Dioxide from Atmosphere, article (dtd 17 Dec 2001) in Cool News. (link posted 18 December 2001)

Amazon as "Carbon Sink": What Effect on Global Warming?   Article (dtd 13 Dec 2001) from National Geographic. (link posted 18 December 2001)

Satellite Data Help Researchers Track Carbon in Northern Hemisphere Forests.   Press release (dtd 11 Dec 2001) from NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center (link posted 18 December 2001).  See also:

  • A Sink for Missing Carbon Discovered in Northern Forests [PDF] "NASA developed satellite data indicate that forests in Europe, Russia and America have been storing nearly 700 million metric tons of carbon a year, or about 12% of annual global carbon emissions from industrial activities, during the 1980s and 1990s. European forests soaked up 120 million tons of carbon a year, which is about 11% of Europe's annual emissions."  Press release (dtd 10 December 2001) from International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis.  (link posted 18 December 2001)

The Most Efficient Way To Store Carbon in Soils.  Article (dtd 20 Nov 2001) from RFF's Weathervane. (link posted 18 December 2001)

Banana Boat to Help with Climate Research.  Press release (dtd 5 Nov 2001) from University of East Anglia (UK). (link posted 18 December 2001)



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December 2001 Internet Postings Related to...
Human Dimensions
of Global Change

More on this
 Focus Area

Man-made Hurricane Hits South Carolina Coast Monday.  Press release (dtd 13 Dec 2001) from Clemson University. (link posted 18 December 2001) 

FEMA: Grants To Measure River Basin Vulnerability Awarded To University of North Carolina.  Press release (dtd 13 Dec 2001) from Federal Emergency Management Agency. (link posted 18 December 2001)

Cotton Doesn't Shrink From Climate Change.  Press release (dtd 10 December 2001) from NASA's Earth Observatory News. (link posted 18 December 2001)

2nd Annual National Severe Weather Workshop to Be Held March 1 & 2.  Press release (dtd 10 Dec 2001) from National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA). (link posted 18 December 2001)

Food and fuel in a warmer world.  "Agriculture, as victim and villain of climate change, is key to the debate about how to deal with it." News highlight (dtd 4 Dec 2001) from the UN Food and Agriculture Organization. (link posted 18 December 2001)

Study Links Logging With Severity of Forest Fires.  Article (dtd 3 Dec 2001) from National Geographic. (link posted 18 December 2001)

Floods Ain't What They Used to Be; Study Shows Wing Dams Have Made Them Worse.  Press release (dtd 3 Dec 2001) from Washington University in St Louis. (link posted 18 December 2001)

Bureau / Cancer Council Deliver UV Forecasts via Web.  Press release (dtd 3 Dec 2001) from Government of Australia, Bureau of Meteorology.

Companies Not Forecasting the Hidden Costs of Weather.  Press release (dtd 26 Nov 2001) from the UK Met Office. (link posted 18 December 2001)

The Impacts of Climate Change: Implications for DETR.  Press release (dtd 14 December 2001) from the UK Department for Environment, Food & Rural Affairs. (link posted 18 December 2001)


New York City Health Department Releases Summary of West Nile Virus Activity in New York City for 2001.  Press release (dtd 11 Dec 2001) from NY City Department of Health. (link posted 18 December 2001)



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December 2001 Internet Postings Related to...
Paleoenvironment & Paleoclimate

More on this
 Focus Area

The Eurasian Arctic During the Last Ice Age.  Article appearing in the Jan-Feb 2002 issue of American Scientist. (link posted 18 December 2001)

Antarctic Mud Reveals Ancient Evidence of Global Climate Change. Press release (dtd 14 Dec 2001) from Stanford University. (link posted 18 December 2001)

The Past Says Abrupt Climate Change in our Future.  Press release (dtd 13 Dec 2001) from Penn State. (link posted 18 December 2001)

Methane Explosion Warmed the Prehistoric Earth, Possible Again.  Press release (dtd 10 Dec 2001) from NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center. See also:

Audio file.Earth & Sky.  Daily science radio series, currently funded by a grant from the National Science Foundation and National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. Both transcripts & audio files are provided.   (link posted 18 December 2001)



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Up-to-Date Weather, Climate & Wildfire Summaries

December 2001 Internet Postings Related to...
Climate Variability & Change

More on this
 Focus Area

Climate of 2001; Annual Review.  Preliminary report (dtd 17 December 2001) from the National Climatic Data Center. (link posted 18 December 2001)

International Team Returns from Biggest-Ever Antarctic Research Voyage. "The largest-ever Australian Antarctic scientific expedition - a five-week study of the Southern Ocean's role in global processes - ends tomorrow with the return to Hobart of Australia's ice research ship Aurora Australis."   Press release (dtd 12 Dec 2001) from Australian Antarctic Division, Department of the Environment and Heritage. (link posted 18 December 2001)

Possibility of Abrupt Climate Change Needs Research and Attention.  Press release (dtd 11 Dec 2001) from the National Academy of Sciences.  Announces release of report, Abrupt Climate Change: Inevitable Surprises.  See also:

New Study Shows Early Signals of Climate Change in Earth's Cold Regions.   Press release (dtd 10 Dec 2001) from University of Colorado at Boulder. (link posted 18 December 2001)

Satellites Help Researchers Map Global Lightning Patterns:   Article (dtd 7 December  2001) from Scientific American. (link posted 18 December 2001)

TIMED [Thermosphere, Ionosphere, Mesosphere Energetics and Dynamics] Atmospheric Spacecraft Launched.  Press release (7 Dec 2001) from Johns Hopkins University. See also Spacecraft Could Solve Mysteries Of Upper Atmosphere, press release (dtd 10 Dec 2001) from UniSci. (links posted 18 December 2001)

The Sun's Chilly Impact on Earth.  Article (dtd 6 Dec 2001) from NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center. (link posted 18 December 2001)

Beware of Leap Year When Predicting Climate Change, Warns Researcher.  Press release (dtd 5 Dec 2001) from Stanford University. (link posted 18 December 2001

The FCC [Federal Climate Complex]  Integrated Surface Hourly Database, A New Resource of Global Climate Data.  This 42-page report from NOAA (dtd 2001) describes the background, development, processing, and quality control of the new Federal Climate Complex Integrated Surface Hourly (ISH) database. The database includes approximately 20,000 worldwide weather stations, with data from as far back as the early 1900's. (link posted 18 December 2001)

Stratospheric Polar Vortex Influences Winter Cold, Researchers Say.  Press release (dtd 3 Dec 2001) from Univ of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. (link posted 18 December 2001)

Remote Sensing Satellites Fact Sheet.  Article (dtd December 2001) from NASA's Earth Observatory Library.   (link posted 18 December 2001)

Antarctic Climate Change - A Position Statement.  Statement (dtd November 2001) from the British Antarctic Survey. (link posted 18 December 2001)

Audio file.Earth & Sky.  Daily science radio series, currently funded by a grant from the National Science Foundation and National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. Both transcripts & audio files are provided.   (link posted 18 December 2001)

Satellite view of hurricane

Recent Atmospheric Conditions & Impacts:



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Ask Doctor Global Change
Got a question? Visit Doctor Global Change, resident expert at the site of the Global Change Research Information Office (GCRIO).


December 2001 Internet Postings Related to...
The Global Water Cycle

More on this
 Focus Area


From NASA's
Earth Observatory Newsroom...

Birth of a Large Iceberg in Pine Island Bay, Antarctica
Birth of a Large Iceberg in Pine Island Bay, Antarctica

High Resolution View of Pine Island Glacier
High Resolution View of Pine Island Glacier

(images posted by NASA
Nov 2001)

See also: Antarctic Climate Change - A Position Statement.  Statement (dtd November 2001) from the British Antarctic Survey. (link posted 18 December 2001) 

Call for Papers: Mississippi River Climate and Hydrology Conference. 13-17 May 2002.  New Orleans, Louisiana.   Sponsors: GEWEX Americas Prediction Project (GAPP) and the American Meteorological Society (AMS).  (link posted 8 January 2002)

Many Alaskan Glaciers Are Thinning, USGS [US Geological Survey] Study Says.  Press release (dtd 11 Dec 2001) distributed by UniSci. (link posted 18 December 2001)

Research Indicates Alaska's Columbia Glacier Will Retreat 10 miles in Next Decade.  Press release (dtd 11 Dec 2001) from the University of Colorado. (link posted 18 December 2001)

Vanishing Glaciers at San Francisco Meeting.  Press release (dtd 10 December 2001) from US Geological Survey (USGS). (link posted 18 December 2001)

Audio file. Mountains of Change Radio script with link to audio file. Originally broadcast 7 December  2001 by Arctic Science Journeys Radio"Mountain climbers spend a great deal of time traversing glaciers, climbing steep, rocky slopes and huddling in snow caves. So it makes sense that they would have noticed the effects of a warmer climate on the world's loftier regions. As Doug Schneider reports in this week's Arctic Science Journeys Radio, one of the world's top mountain climbers has noticed. He's now helping the rest of us to notice, too." (link posted 18 December 2001)

Tiny Particles of Pollution May Carry Large Consequences for Earth's Water Supply.   Press release (dtd 6 December 2001) from the National Science Foundation (NSF). (link posted 18 December 2001)

New Iceberg "Calves" in the Amundsen Sea in Antarctica, National Ice Center Reports.  Press release (dtd 16 Nov 2001) from National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA). (link posted 18 December 2001)



November 2001


Changes in Ecosystems

Human Dimensions
of Global Change

Climate Variability and Change

Atmospheric Composition The Global Carbon Cycle Paleoenvironment & Paleoclimate

The Global Water Cycle




NOAA's Image of the Day
Image of the Day


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For the documents from the IPCC, 
see our Assessments page.

November 2001 Internet Postings Related to...

Our Changing PlanetThe Fiscal Year 2002 Edition. (posted 28 November 2001)

Climate Action Report 2001.  The United States of America's Third National Communication under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change. Draft for public comment, announced on 15 November 2001 in the Federal Register [PDF].  Written comments should be received on or before noon, 17 December 2001.  [see also Public Comments].  (posted 29 November 2001)

National Science Assessment Shows Stable Scores for 4th & 8th Graders, Declines for 12 Graders.  Press release (dtd 20 Nov 2001) from the National Center for Education Statistics. (posted 28 November 2001)

Global Learning and Observations to Benefit the Environment.  Program Announcement/Solicitation  (posted 14 November 2001) for Science/Educator Teams from the US National Science Foundation. (posted 28 November 2001)

From NASA's
Earth Observatory Newsroom...
Rocket soaring upward, carrying Jason-1 and Sage III
Both Jason-1 and Sage III Launch Successfully
(image posted by NASA
October 2001) 

Research Partnership Focuses on Air Quality, Energy Resources.  "A collaboration involving state-of-the-art technology and higher education announced today by Sun Microsystems, Inc. and the University of Houston will enhance research efforts aimed at solving complex problems in the environment and maximizing the utilization of energy resources.  Sun chose the University of Houston as the site for its first campus computer network, or grid environment, that will focus on applications in geosciences."  Press release (dtd 12 Nov 2001) from University of Houston.  (posted 28 November 2001)

Review of the Hadley Centre for Climate Prediction and Research [PDF].  From the UK Department for Environment, Food & Rural Affairs.  "This report presents the findings from the 10 year review of the Hadley Centre carried out by ESYS Limited on behalf of the Department of the Environment, Transport and the Regions (DETR) and the Ministry of Defence (MoD)." (posted 28 November 2001)

New Investigator Program (NIP) in Earth Science. The program encourages " integrated environments for research and education for scientists and engineers at the early stage of their professional careers."   Research Announcement (dtd 15 Oct 2001) from NASA. (posted 28 November 2001)

Science magazine's Atmospheric
Science "subject collection
Always up-to-date links
to Science articles.




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Ask Doctor Global Change
Got a question? Visit Doctor Global Change, resident expert at the site of the Global Change Research Information Office (GCRIO).


November 2001 Internet Postings Related to...
Atmospheric Composition

More on this
 Focus Area

New mini ozone hole over Europe.  Press release (dtd 9 Nov 2001) from European Space Agency. (posted 28 November 2001)

Children's Paintings on the Ozone Layer.  United Nations collection posted by NOAA's Climate Monitoring and Diagnostics Laboratory. (posted 28 November 2001)



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November 2001 Internet Postings Related to...
Changes in Ecosystems

More on this
 Focus Area

(See also Carbon Cycle Science section)
Climate Change and Nature Conservation in Britain and Ireland.  Report (dtd November 2001) from the United Kingdom Climate Impacts Programme.
Antarctic plants repair themselves.  Press release (dtd 26 Nov 2001) from Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research. (posted 28 November 2001)
Scallop shells hold clues to changes in Antarctic climate.  Press release (dtd 6 Nov 2001) from Univ of Michigan. (posted 28 November 2001)

Coral News
 (links posted 20 Aug 2001)

Coral Bleaching and Marine Protected Areas.  Proceedings (published September 2001) of the Workshop on Mitigating Coral Bleaching Impact through MPA Design.  Workshop held 29-31 May 2001 in Honolulu, HI.   (posted 28 November 2001)

Chemical pollution and human sewage could be killing corals.  Press release (dtd 6 Nov 2001) from Univ of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.  (posted 28 November 2001)




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November 2001 Internet Postings Related to...
The Global Carbon Cycle 

More on this
 Focus Area

Gas Hydrates May Be Converted From Hazard To Resource.  Press Release (dtd 21 Nov 2001) from UniSci.   (posted 28 November 2001)

Calling a halt to climate change - European research centre stage in Marrak.  Press release (dtd 12 Nov 2001) from the European Commission.  "Coinciding with the United Nations' Marrakech climate talks which started on 29 October 2001 and which are planned to finalize the Kyoto rulebook, EU sponsored projects have just published a report on an independent method to verify the amount of greenhouse gases taken up by forests and by the soil, the so-called carbon sinks." (posted 28 November 2001)

KTH research: Increased combustion reduces carbon dioxide emissions.  Press release (dtd 23 Nov 2001) from The Swedish Research Council. (posted 28 November 2001)

Forest management may mitigate global warming.  Press release (dtd 22 Nov 2001) from University of Wisconsin-Madison.  (posted 28 November 2001)

DOE Terrestrial Ecosystem and Carbon Cycle Science Team Meeting.  Session abstracts and other Information from meeting held 29-31 October 2001, Argonne National Laboratory.  (posted 28 November 2001)

Integrated Carbon Cycle Research Program. Program Announcement (posted 15 November 2001) from the US National Science Foundation. (posted 28 November 2001)

Early Release of the Annual Energy Outlook 2002.  EIA Report (dtd 14 Nov 2001).  According to the report, "Carbon dioxide emissions from energy use are projected to increase at an average rate of 1.5 percent per year, from 1,562 million metric tons carbon equivalent in 2000 to 2,088 million in 2020." (posted 28 November 2001)

Earth's Ecosystems Slowed Greenhouse Gas Buildup in 1990s, Climate Changes Could Speed It Up Again.  Press release (dtd 7 Nov 2001) from the US National Center for Atmospheric Research.  (posted 28 November 2001).  See also:



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November 2001 Internet Postings Related to...
Human Dimensions
of Global Change

More on this
 Focus Area

Maps of Lands Vulnerable to Sea Level Rise: Modeled Elevations Along the US Atlantic and Gulf Coasts.  Abstract for article by James G. Titus and Charlie Richman in Climate Research (vol. 18, no. 3, 205-228, 2 Nov 2001). (posted 29 November 2001)

Confronting Climate Change in the Gulf Coast Region: Prospects for Sustaining our Ecological Heritage. Report (issued October 2001) from the Union of Concerned Scientists and the Ecological Society of America. (posted 29 November 2001)

U. of Colorado-led science team studying environmental problems on Alaska's North Slope.  Press release (dtd 7 Nov 2001) from Univ of Colorado at Boulder. (posted 28 November 2001)

Forecasting better odds for farmers.  "The development of Australia's first long-term climate forecasting system will bring benefits for primary producers and land and water managers."  Press release (dtd 20 Nov 2001) from Australia's Commonwealth Scientific & Industrial Research Organization (CSIRO). (posted 28 November 2001)

Bangladesh flood and drought forecasting could bring farmers, cholera victims relief.  Press release (dtd 13 Nov 2001) from University of Colorado at Boulder. See also New Flood Forecasting System Could Help Farmers in Bangladesh, article (dtd 20 Nov 2001) from (posted 28 November 2001)

StormReady.  "StormReady is a nationwide community preparedness program that uses a grassroots approach to help communities develop plans to handle all types of severe weather."  Sponsored by the US National Weather Service. (posted 28 November 2001)

Skin expert issues winter sports warning.  Press release (dtd 15 Nov 2001) from University of Newcastle (UK).  (posted 28 November 2001)

What Drives the Costs of Flood Disasters?  Press release (dtd 2 Nov 2001) from the University Corporation for Atmospheric Research.  (posted 28 November 2001)

Weather Impact on USA Economy.  Article (dtd 1 Nov 2001) from NOAA Magazine Online. (posted 28 November 2001)


Mosquito Adapting to Global Warming, Study Finds.  Article (dtd 5 Sep 2001) from National Geographic. (posted 28 November 2001)



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November 2001 Internet Postings Related to...
Paleoenvironment & Paleoclimate

More on this
 Focus Area

Climate Change Caused Extinction of Big Ice Age Mammals, Scientist Says.  Article (dtd 12 November 2001) from National Geographic. (posted 28 November 2001)

Researchers use tiny bubbles to determine formation temperatures for 300 million year old rocks.  Press release (dtd 5 Nov 2001) from Virginia Tech. (posted 28 November 2001)

Lichens Help Geologists Trace Recent Climate Changes.  Press release (dtd 7 Nov 2001) from the University of Cincinnati. (posted 28 November 2001)

New Analysis Supports Fidelity Of Marine Fossil Record.  Press release (dtd 2 Nov 2001) distributed by UniSci. (posted 28 November 2001)

Earth System History.  Program Announcement (posted 17 October 2001) from the US National Science Foundation. (posted 28 November 2001)



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Up-to-Date Weather, Climate & Wildfire Summaries

November 2001 Internet Postings Related to...
Climate Variability & Change

More on this
 Focus Area

Possibility of Abrupt Climate Change Needs Research and Attention.  Press release (dtd 11 Dec 2001) from the National Academy of Sciences.  Announces release of report, Abrupt Climate Change: Inevitable Surprises.

Researchers discover that volcanic eruptions masked global warming during the past 20 years.  Press release (dtd 27 Nov 2001) from Lawrence Livermore Laboratory. (posted 28 November 2001)

El Niño predictions up to nine months ahead.  Press release (dtd 26 Nov 2001) from Australia's Commonwealth Scientific & Industrial Research Organization (CSIRO). (posted 28 November 2001)

Tracking Global Warming in the Tundra.  Press release (dtd 15 Nov 2001) from the University of Cincinnati. (posted 28 November 2001)

UAF Scientists Share Results of Arctic Research on Global Warming.  Press release (dtd 9 Nov 2001) from University of Alaska, Fairbanks.  (posted 28 November 2001)

NCAR Powers Up Climate and Weather Research with Enhanced IBM System.   Press release (dtd 9 Nov 2001) from the US National Center for Atmospheric Research. (posted 28 November 2001)

NASDA [National Space Development Agency of Japan] and NASA Collaboration: OCTS [Ocean Color and Temperature Scanner] global data set available.  Press release (dtd 14 Nov 2001) from the NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center.  (posted 28 November 2001)

Learning About Weather Forecasting in the Science Classroom.  Lesson Plan (dtd 13 Nov 2001) from the New York Times. (posted 28 November 2001)

NSF-Funded Terascale Computing System Ranks as World's Second Fastest.  Press release (dtd 9 November 2001) from the US National Science Foundation. (posted 28 November 2001)

Satellites Shed Light on a Warmer World.  Press release (dtd 5 Nov 2001) from Goddard Space Flight Center. (posted 28 November 2001)

Europe's environment satellite.  "Early in 2002 an Ariane-5 rocket will launch the largest and most advanced Earth observation satellite ever built in Europe from the European Spaceport at Kourou in French Guiana. From an altitude of 800 kilometres Envisat will deliver images and data that will help us better understand and more effectively protect the Earth."  Press release (dtd 9 Nov 2001) from European Space Agency. (posted 28 November 2001)

TRENDS: Global and Hemispheric Temperature Anomalies. Document (dtd Nov 2001) from the US Carbon Dioxide Information Analysis Center (CDIAC). (posted 28 November 2001)

Audio file.Earth & Sky.  Daily science radio series, currently funded by a grant from the National Science Foundation and National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. Both transcripts & audio files are provided.  (posted 28 November 2001)

  • Arctic Seesaw.  Aired 28 November 2001.  "A ring-shaped current of wind in the North Atlantic might let cold arctic air spill south -- then later shut off the flow. Learn more about an arctic seesaw -- and its far-reaching effect on northern temperatures"
  • Changing Arctic Wind.  Aired 29 November 2001.  "An Arctic wind pattern helps regulate cold polar air that reaches heavily populated areas of the northern hemisphere. Find out more about the effect of greenhouse gases on this wind pattern and warmer winters."
Logo of EPIC 2001 Program

An EPIC Adventure!

The NOAA Office of Global Programs (OGP) and the National Science Foundation (NSF) Division of Atmospheric Sciences  are supporting the placement of two teachers on board the Research Vessel Ronald H. Brown as part of the upcoming Eastern Pacific Investigation of Climate.

During this "Teacher at Sea Adventure," teachers will participate in the science being conducted on the ship, maintain a daily log, take photographs, interview scientists, and engage in dialogue on the special EPIC Teacher At Sea web site (published by end of August). Details on the upcoming adventure are available. For a better idea of what to expect, see material generated during the last Teacher at Sea Adventure during the Asia-Pacific Regional Aerosol Characterization Experiment.

Satellite view of hurricane

Recent Atmospheric Conditions & Impacts:



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Ask Doctor Global Change
Got a question? Visit Doctor Global Change, resident expert at the site of the Global Change Research Information Office (GCRIO).


November 2001 Internet Postings Related to...
The Global Water Cycle

More on this
 Focus Area

TRMM [Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission] Continues to Provide Diverse Insights into Climate Processes on its Fourth Anniversary.  Press release (dtd 26 Nov 2001) from NASA . (posted 28 November 2001)

Melting glaciers diminished Gulf Stream, cooled Western Europe, during last Ice Age.  Press release (dtd 19 Nov 2001) from National Science Foundation. (posted 28 November 2001)

New evidence for sea-level rise along the coasts of Maine and Nova Scotia.  Press release (dtd 5 Nov 2001) fro Geological Society of America.  (posted 28 November 2001)

DAAC Study: New Light on Ice Motion.  Article (dtd - November 5, 2001) from NASA's Earth Observatory News. (posted 28 November 2001)

Audio file.Earth & Sky.  Daily science radio series, currently funded by a grant from the National Science Foundation and National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. Both transcripts & audio files are provided.  (posted 28 November 2001)

  • Tidewater Glaciers.  Aired 8 November 2001. "One hundred years ago, Muir Inlet in Glacier Bay, Alaska, was a maze of glaciers. Since then, many of these glaciers have retreated -- not necessarily due to global warming."




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