PSHSB Clearinghouse

This clearinghouse has been established for the collection, evaluation and dissemination of public safety communications information. Documents may be retrieved from the Clearinghouse according to target group or subject area (listed above) or by one of the following document types:

Best Practices are defined as the most efficient and effective method of accomplishing the tasks in each of our covered areas, based on repeatable procedures that have proven themselves over time for large numbers of people, responses, organizations, or functions.

Case Studies / Lessons Learned are validated examples of functional, strategic, or tactical disciplines applied to the actual use of best practices.

Communication Plans define the parameters and actions based upon disaster and crisis scenarios and provide guidelines for responding to crisis scenarios. An effective crisis Communication Plan outlines what must be done in a crisis, but should also be flexible enough to adapt to specific situations as they unfold. The Plan should also be periodically tested and evaluated to ensure its effectiveness.

Continuity of Operations Plans are the specific preparations, plans, and guidelines for industry, tribal, local, state, and federal departments and agencies develop to provide for the survival of functional operations in the event of a disaster or catastrophic occurrence.

Emergency Operations/Management Plans provide frameworks for performing emergency functions during a disaster or crisis event. Emergency Plans may be divided into four elements: Prevention, Preparedness, Response, and Recovery.

FAQs ("Frequently Asked Question(s)") refer to listed questions and answers pertaining to a particular topic.

Federal Resources refer to federal government programs and information related to public safety and homeland security.

The following Guidelines offer examples of the ways in which various sectors ensure continuity of operations and manage the security and operability of their communications systems and networks during emergencies. The Guidelines also include plans for preparation, response and recovery.

Handbooks are centralized, published collections of information on one or more related subjects, arranged for quick access to facts or information.

Interoperability Plans establish the future vision, project plan, and/or implementation plan for the planning or continuation of communications interoperability across multiple disciplines and responders at the local, state, tribal, and federal levels.

Reference Materials are documents, files, or intellectual property that are consulted frequently for general information regarding a process or a definition of a term, or background information on a subject.

If your public safety organization has information that it wishes to be considered for posting on our clearinghouse, please send the document(s) to, with "Clearinghouse" listed in the subject line. We welcome information that you can share, and encourage your feedback.
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