American Treasures of the Library of Congress: Memory, Exhibit Object Focus

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New York's Skyline,
September 11, 2002

Fourteen drawings of the New York skyline showing the destruction of the World Trade Center towers during the September 11th terrorist attacks
Rebecca Minnich
[Fourteen drawings of the New York skyline showing the destruction of the World Trade
Center towers during the September 11th
terrorist attacks
], 2001
Photomechanical prints with ink, ink wash, porous point pen over graphite under drawing on paper.
Published with text in:
World War 3 Illustrated
, #32
Prints & Photographs Division
Gift of the artist, 2002 (194.6a-n)

Graphic artist Rebecca Minnich depicts the section of the New York City skyline with the World Trade Center in a striking series of images that re-create the stages of the terrorist attacks on September 11, 2001. Minnich made her initial drawing with a pencil and a ruler, basing it on a widely reproduced photograph. Using ink and ink wash on prints of her initial image, she added details of planes, crashes, fire, flying debris, and smoke in a sequence that captures the tragedy, from the moments before the first plane's appearance to a final view minus the towers and smoke of destruction.

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