American Treasures of the Library of Congress: Memory, Exhibit Object Focus

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Moby Dick Literary Map

Supply Object Title
Everett Henry (1893-1961)
The Voyage of the Pequod from the
book Moby Dick by Herman Melville.

Cleveland: Harris-Seybold, 1956
Geography & Map Division

The Voyage of the Pequod is one of a series of twelve literary maps based on British and American literary classics produced by the Harris-Seybold Company of Cleveland between 1953 and 1964. The map was part of a calendar printed to advertise the capabilities of the company's lithographic printing equipment. Illustrator Everett Henry was a well-known New York commercial artist also noted for his mural paintings. The Library has more than 225 literary maps that record the location of places associated with authors and their literary works or serve as a guide to their imaginative worlds.



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