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2001-04-27 | SCIENCE
Asteroid/Comet Impacts and Human Evolution

A pair of British scientists argue that asteroid or comet impacts may have influenced human evolution over the past 5 million years. Note that there is no new evidence that known impacts correspond to specific events in human evolution. Rather, the scientists discuss the probability that such influences might have occurred and been important for our evolutionary history. Their announcement has generated a variety of reactions within the scientific community, including a number of contrasting, critical opinions. Astrobiology at NASA takes no position on these intriguing speculations, but offers its interested readers the following press coverage of the scientific debate. Understanding how events originating in space may influence the evolution of life is an important aim of astrobiology.

More on this story Full text of original item from, Apr 27, 2001

Apr 24, 2001 (Steve Drury, The Open University)
Critique from an Earth Scientist

Apr 18, 2001 (The Times [UK])
Human Race 'Just Lucky'

Apr 17, 2001 (Liverpool John Moores University)
Comet Impacts Punctuated Human Evolution
Original press release from British scientists.

Apr 12, 2001 (BBC)
Asteroids 'Affected Human Evolution'

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The preceding news links are provided as a public service for interested users. The views and claims expressed in external internet sites are not necessarily those of NASA.


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Editor: Minafra
NASA Official: Lynn J. Rothschild
Last Updated: November 13, 2007
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