Information from Independent Sector:
- Facts and Figures about Charitable Organizations details the scope of nonprofit sector, including the number and type of organizations, employment, and finances.
- The hourly value of volunteer time is $19.51 for 2007. For more detail, see the history of the value of volunteer time.
- The Giving and Volunteering Research Clearinghouse, a compendium of nearly 400 local, state, national, and international research works on charitable behavior.
- Nonprofit Almanac Facts and Findings: Nonprofit Sector Employment (PDF)
- A Nation of Givers analyzes regional patterns in American charitable behavior.
- Experience at Work explores the volunteering and giving behavior of Americans over 50.
- Deducting Generosity, a report on the impact of charitable tax incentives on giving
- Giving in Tough Times measures the influence of personal economic concerns on philanthropy
- View highlights from the latest Research in Practice Seminar: Government Funding and the Nonprofit Sector: The Federal Audit Clearinghouse (FAC) and Federal Assistance Award Data System (FAADS) as Data Sources
- Engaging Youth report demonstrates the lifelong impact of youth service
- Faith and Philanthropy: The Connection Between Charitable Behavior and Giving to Religion, a report on the giving and volunteering habits of givers to religion
- "Keeping the Trust: Confidence in Charitable Organizations in an Age of Scrutiny," an examination of public attitudes toward nonprofit organizations following several months of post-September 11 scrutiny