United States Department of Agriculture
Natural Resources Conservation Service
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SWCS Publishes Landmark Report

Environmental Benefits of Conservation on Cropland — the Status of Our Knowledge report coverIn conjunction with the Conservation Effects Assessment Project (CEAP), the Soil and Water Conservation Society (SWCS) has published a landmark synthesis of the current scientific literature on what is known and not known about the field-level effects of conservation practices applied to cropland.  Entitled Environmental Benefits of Conservation on Cropland — the Status of Our Knowledge, the report addresses conservation practices for soil management, water management on rain-fed and irrigated cropland, nutrient management, pesticide mitigation, integrated pest management, and landscape management. This report is an important first step in CEAP’s effort to build the science base for conservation and the management of agricultural landscapes for environmental quality.  It is a valuable reference for all conservation professionals in NRCS.

The Resources Inventory and Assessment Division (RIAD) is distributing its limited supply of courtesy copies to national technical leaders and one copy to each state. Copies can be purchased directly through the SWCS Website.
Your contact is NRCS Resources Inventory and Assessment Division Director Wayne Maresch, at  301-504-2311.