United States Department of Agriculture
Natural Resources Conservation Service
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NRCS logoNew Employee Suggestion Program Launched

NRCS has launched the Streamlining and Cost Savings Initiative 2007 suggestion program.  Initiated in 2003, the original program resulted in over 1,300 suggestions from field office employees.  For this second round of the streamlining effort, NRCS providing an opportunity for employees throughout the agency to make suggestions.  The agency must be more flexible, more efficient, and better able to deliver its products and services in order to rise to meet new challenges, make conservation easier, and integrate more accountability.

The on-line suggestion system is be available through my.NRCS and will be active until April 6.  A team of NRCS employees from various States are reviewing the suggestions.  This summer, A final report for Chief Lancaster will also be available to all employees.

All employees are strongly encouraged to take the time to articulate solutions to the very real issues that need to be resolved.
Your contact is NRCS Operations Management Team Leader John Gleim, 202-720-3626.