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Iraq Afghanistan Deployment Impact Fund

The Iraq Afghanistan Deployment Impact Fund (IADIF) was created in 2006 to provide funding to nonprofit organizations that offer direct services and other forms of assistance to American military personnel and/or their families who have been impacted by deployment to Iraq and/or Afghanistan.


A special initiative of the California Community Foundation, IADIF grants were administered independently and grant proposals are by invitation only. In the spring of 2009, all of the IADIF funds were allocated, and further applications for funding are not being accepted. Please look for a comprehensive report summarizing our findings, results and recommendations on this page in fall 2009.

RAND IADIF CoverRead the Invisible Wounds of War, a report released in April 2008 by the RAND Corporation and funded by a grant from the Iraq Afghanistan Deployment Impact Fund. The study focuses on the effects of post-traumatic stress disorder, depression, and traumatic brain injury on military personnel of Operation Enduring Freedom (OEF) in Afghanistan and Operation Iraqi Freedom (OIF). For more information about the RAND report, contact the RAND Corporation at (703) 413-1100.

Read profiles of grant recipients:


Since 2003, more than 1.8 million American troops have served in military operations in Iraq and Afghanistan, and thousands have been deployed multiple times. IADIF was created in 2006 in response to a multitude of unmet needs arising among these military service men and women and their families as a direct result of their deployment. Since its inception, IADIF has distributed more than $245 million to 46 nonprofit organizations across the country to provide such services as counseling, child care, transportation, emergency financial assistance, support and recovery programs for the families of those killed in action, physical and mental health care and much more.

Types of Support

Funding from IADIF initially provided direct service and financial assistance grants to nonprofit organizations that provided services to the target population. Our strategy quickly evolved to provide more project-specific grants that included research, policy and advocacy grants, in addition to direct service grants. IADIF identified areas of need in which our funds may make a noticeable difference, with an emphasis on funding programs and services that were not duplicating or replacing other available resources, or that should be provided from other sources, including the government.

Generally, the Iraq Afghanistan Deployment Impact Fund makes the following types of grants to projects and programs specifically benefitting those whose lives have been impacted by military deployment to Iraq or Afghanistan:

buildings at Brooke Army Medical Center

The Center for the Intrepid and the Warrior Family Transition Center, both funded by IADIF, with Brooke Army Medical Center in the background.
Photo courtesy of the Warrior Family Transition

Capital Projects - For building and acquisition projects. All capital projects complied with LEED Building Standards as specified by the U.S. Green Building Council. The construction of specially built and adapted homes that meet the long-term needs of disabled veterans is one example of this type of funding; communal homes that house and provide comfort to families that travel to military hospitals to be near their recovering loved ones is another.
See the list of grant recipients in this area.

Core Operating Support - A small number of select nonprofit organizations serving IADIF’s target population received unrestricted funding to support their general operations.
See the list of grant recipients in this area.

Direct Service - For organizations whose programs and services provide direct support to all military personnel, veterans and their families impacted by deployment in Iraq and Afghanistan. Examples include emotional support, educational programming, programs for children of the deployed, PTSD counseling and other mental health services, and more.
See the list of grant recipients in this area.

Tom Tarantino testifies
Iraq vet and IAVA Policy Associate Tom Tarantino testifies before Congress, March 2008.
Photo courtesy of IAVA

Policy & Advocacy - For efforts to advance legislative agendas that address the needs of Iraq and Afghanistan veterans and their families and that do not constitute lobbying under Section 4911 of the Internal Revenue Code. The promotion of legislation to benefit disabled veterans is one example of this type of funding.
See the list of grant recipients in this area.

Public Awareness - For efforts to raise awareness among the American public about the needs and challenges facing men and women returning from duty in Iraq and Afghanistan, along with those of their families.
See the list of grant recipients in this area.

Regranting and Financial Assistance - Occasionally IADIF made grants to intermediary, or third-party, organizations for the purpose of redistributing funds most effectively to either local organizations or to individuals. One example is a collaboration among three Texas community foundations, which re-granted IADIF funds to carefully vetted nonprofit organizations throughout their region.
See the list of grant recipients in this area.

Research - For efforts to analyze, study and research the needs of and services for military personnel with mental and/or physical injuries associated with deployment to Iraq and Afghanistan.
See the list of grant recipients in this area.

For more information and questions about the Iraq Afghanistan Deployment Impact Fund, email iadif@ccf-la.org.

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