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Available Displays


The available displays are of three types: functions, triangulations, and convergence plots. Functions can be plotted as a surface plot (shows the function on a uniform rectangular grid, with hidden lines, see Fig. 1), a contour plot, facets (shows the function surface constructed of triangles from the adaptive grid, see Fig. 2), surface plot with the triangulation in the plane below it (see Fig. 3), and facets with the triangulation in the plane below it. The functions that can be plotted are the computed solution, the true solution, the computed and true solutions on the same graph, and the error. The last four can only be plotted if the true solution is provided by the user (see section 7.1). The triangulation can be displayed by itself (see Fig. 4). Convergence plots are log-log graphs of the number of nodes or cpu time vs. the estimate of the energy norm of the error (relative to the norm of the solution), the true energy norm of the error, the maximum norm ( norm) of the error, or the error estimate and energy norm together (see Fig. 5). If the true solution is not provided, only the error estimate makes sense.

The actual graphical displays, with their identification number, are:

1 -- Computed Solution; Surface
2 -- Computed Solution; Contour
3 -- Computed Solution; Facets
4 -- Computed Solution; Surface and Triangulation
6 -- Computed Solution; Facets and Triangulation
11 -- True Solution; Surface
12 -- True Solution; Contour
13 -- True Solution; Facets
14 -- True Solution; Surface and Triangulation
16 -- True Solution; Facets and Triangulation
21 -- Computed & True Solutions; Surface
22 -- Computed & True Solutions; Contour
23 -- Computed & True Solutions; Facets
24 -- Computed & True Solutions; Surface and Triangulation
26 -- Computed & True Solutions; Facets and Triangulation
31 -- Error; Surface
32 -- Error; Contour
33 -- Error; Facets
34 -- Error; Surface and Triangulation
35 -- Error; Facets and Triangulation
41 -- Triangulation
51 -- Convergence; Nodes vs. Energy Error
52 -- Convergence; Nodes vs. Maximum Error
53 -- Convergence; Nodes vs. Error Estimate
54 -- Convergence; Nodes vs. Energy Error and Error Estimate
61 -- Convergence; Time vs. Energy Error
62 -- Convergence; Time vs. Maximum Error
63 -- Convergence; Time vs. Error Estimate
64 -- Convergence; Time vs. Energy Error and Error Estimate

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