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FY 2004

Active deformation of the Gorda "Plate": Constraining deformation models with new geophysical data

Chaytor, J.D., C. Goldfinger, R.P. Dziak, and C.G. Fox

Geology, 32(4), 353–356 (2004)

The Gorda plate, the southernmost fragment of the larger Juan de Fuca plate system, is an example of a nonrigidly deforming tectonic accommodation zone or buffer plate, absorbing deformation and allowing the surrounding larger plates to act in a more rigid fashion. Here we present a new structural analysis of the plate based on full-plate bathymetric coverage, augmented by seismic reflection data and earthquake moment tensors and locations. We interpret internal deformation of the Gorda plate as an asymmetrical flexural-slip buckle with a vertical axis, utilizing reactivation of spreading-ridge fabric normal faults as strike-slip faults. Newly formed second-generation faults crosscutting the structural grain overprint the reactivated structures. The spreading fabric faults finally begin a second phase of extension as the plate approaches the subduction zone. This model, based on fault constraints, has allowed investigation of ridge-plate–subduction interactions, and suggests that spreading-rate variations along the Gorda Ridge may be controlled by internal deformation of the plate rather than the reverse, as previously hypothesized.

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