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Welcome to Zia Chapter Online

A member chapter of Paralyzed Veterans of America.

Headquartered in Albuquerque, NM, Zia Chapter, Paralyzed Veterans of America (PVA) is one of 34 chapters across the nation serving Veterans with Spinal Cord Dysfunction. Zia PVA was founded in 1967 as a Chapter of the National PVA organization. PVA is a Congressionally Chartered Veterans Service Organization. PVA and its chapters are recognized by IRS as a 501 (c)(3) Non-Profit Corporation and are eligible to receive tax deductible donations.

Zia PVA DOES NOT receive any federal funding.

Our Mission:

To aid and assist in every way veterans of the Armed Forces of the United States who have suffered injuries or diseases of the spinal cord; to publicize the needs of such veterans through every means and channel available in order to effectuate the fulfillment of such needs as far as possible; to promote the full participation of the spinal cord injured or diseased into society by carrying out educational programs and by acquainting the public with their needs and problems and by aiding and assisting such constituent associations which may be organized for the same purposes; to advocate and foster thorough and continuing medical research in the fields connected with injuries and diseases of the spinal cord, including research in neurosurgery, genitourinary, orthopedics, and prosthetic appliances; to advocate and foster a comprehensive and effective reconditioning program for its members, as well as all paraplegics, to include a thorough physical reconditioning program; physiotherapy; competent walking instructions; psychological vocational education, both in hospitals and educational institutions; psychological orientations and readjustment to family and friends, functional and diversional occupational therapy.


The " Run For The Wall " organization is a dedicated group of the men and woman who start in California and travel to Washington D.C. picking up groups of motorcycles on their way. They arrive in D.C. with about 4,000 bikers and other vehicles to the Capital and then to the Vietnam Wall. This is a site to see if you have never seen them before. This group will be in Angel Fire New Mexico State Monument on May 16th, 2008. They will arrive there around 3:00 PM. Approx. 500 to 2,000 Bikers. They will have a dinner at 7:00 PM at the community Center at $5.00 a plate. Zia PVA has been invited to give a speech for about 7 min. during the dinner. If you wish to attend just show up and enjoy the festivities of the thunder of this fine group. We need to show our support. Hope to see you there. Director of Fundraising Jim Hay


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