Note: 'pop-windows' must be turned on for internet browser. To create your own time series of ERSST, go to the NCDC NOMADS server: -- click on 'Access' -- click on Reynolds SST -- find the row with database 'Smith-Reynolds Extended Reconstructed SST's' and click 'plot' -- Next page - fill in the start year, month, day and the end year, month, day - check the 'Generate control file ...' - Click on 'Build Collection' button -- Next page - Click on 'Plot Data' button -- Next page - You will see a long list of choices for what date you want, if you want plot the whole time series you defined in the former steps, then scroll all the way down and select "ALL" otherwise you can refine your time period you selected before form the list. - Select 'include variable definitions and units' for better information describing available data - Select 'Time series' - Click on 'Next Page' button -- Next page - Input the geographic range. Notes: 1.latitudes range from -90 to +90 where negative latitudes are in degree S and positive latitudes are in degree N. 2.longitudes range from -180 to +180 where negative longitudes are in degree W and positive longitudes are in degree E. 3.the start latitude or longitude must be smaller than the end latitude or longitude. for example, if the latitudes range from 60s to 80s, the start latitude is -80, and the end latitude is -60. - Click on 'Create Plot' button -- A plot should appear - Towards bottom is an option to download a postscript file or Download data file. If you have more questions about making time series, please Contact: Questions about NOMADS, please contact: