Department of Records - City of Philadelphia



September 19 2007 - Smart Client Training Sessions - 9/24  12pm and 6pm

Campaign Finance Smart Client software, available for free download from the Records Department website, is intended to allow campaign finance administrators to maintain contribution and expense databases easily during the periods leading to filing deadlines and then file their required campaign finance records quickly and efficiently.


Based on requests made by users, enhancements have been made to the Campaign Finance Smart Client software for the fall filing cycles. The improvements move the software toward being a seamless, all-in-one records management utility and filing system for campaign finance administrators.


Training sessions:
Two group training sessions will be held to familiarize filers with the Smart Client and the enhancements. These approximately one-hour sessions will be held on Monday, September 24th at noon and at 6 PM. The sessions will be held at the Campaign Finance temporary filing headquarters located in the Marriott Residence Inn, One East Penn Square (corner of Market and Juniper, across the street from City Hall). The room will be identified on the hotel's information board, labeled "City of Philadelphia Campaign Finance Filing Center" and easily-accessible from the lobby.


Training will cover:

  • Smart Client Overview
  • Automatic uploads of campaign finance reports and statements
  • Contribution, Receipt and Expenditure reports
  • Data Entry Improvements

If you plan to attend one of these sessions, please call to reserve space: 215-686-2261.