Name:  An Expert System and New Web Interface for Tools on the Fire Research and Management Exchange System (FRAMES)

Date Published:  2003

Brief Description:  The goal of FRAMES is to be an effective mechanism for wildland fire technology and information transfer. Visit This is a project that is really the development of a tool.

Complete Description:  Throughout history, bold ideas would have faded and disappeared without the tools and technology transfer necessary to help advance them. Today, a variety of tools are critical to wildland fire and fuels management. They range from the Pulaski to the latest fire behavior model. These tools, many of them increasingly available via the Internet, are heavily used by wildland fire researchers, managers, policymakers, and the public. However, these tools are of no use if they are unknown or inaccessible to those who need them when they need them. Tool users need a one-stop source of objective information to compare, evaluate and obtain tools. Tool developers need an eBay-like marketplace where their products can be viewed and delivered to users. For wildland fire and fuels management to progress, tool users and providers need a system of collaboration so that old tools can be improved and new tools can be created. The Fire Research and Management Exchange System (FRAMES) website,, is dedicated to helping provide and improve the availability and quality of electronic tools and related information that serves the wildland fire community and other concerned and interested parties nationwide. In January of 2003, FRAMES will assume the responsibility of managing Fire Management Tools Online (FMTO), the premier website for delivering electronic tools to the wildland fire community. The FRAMES Tools Project is currently underway to construct a new database architecture and web interface to substantially update and expand the current FMTO website. With matching funds, we will create the FRAMES Tools Database, redesign and improve the search engine for the database, and substantially increase the number of tools and the availability to download them. We request funds from the JFSP to: (1) conduct a workshop with tool users and providers, the information gleaned from the workshop will then be used to (2) develop a tool ID card, (3) an expert rule-based system, and (4) web interface that will help potential tool users navigate to the tool or tools that are applicable, accessible, and comprehensible for their need or needs-to match the right tool with the right job. The 1-yr project will address Task 1 AFP, 2003-4 to Develop information structures, tools, or decision support systems for accessing, disseminating, and applying wildland fire and fuels research results from Joint Fire Science Program funded investigations and other relevant sources.

Related Resources*
Resource Name:An expert system and new web interface for tools on the fire research and management exchange system (FRAMES) -- Final Report

Availability & Use
Use Constraints:Please provide the appropriate citation/credit to the contributor(s) or individual/organization(s) that should receive recognition for their contribution to the project
Access Constraints:unknown

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Name/OrganizationContributionRoleContact Information
Robert KeaneCo-Principal Investigator
Lloyd QueenCo-Principal Investigator
Greg GollbergCo-Principal Investigator
Mark TweryCo-Principal Investigator
Wayne CookCo-Principal Investigator
Penelope MorganPI

Metadata Reference
Details ®
Created date:5/5/2005
Metadata Creator:
Chris Szell
The Nature Conservancy
(919) 484-7857 Ext. 142
Type:FRAMES project
Metadata Version:1
Security Info:
FRAMES subject categoriescommunications
GACC regionsALL

Additional Information
FRAMES LogoFor additional resources, disclaimers,  and other FRAMES contact information, please visit the FRAMES website, at
*Please note: Depending on metadata completion, upkeep, and availability, not all related resources may be available through FRAMES.