The American Red Cross

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The Jackson County Chapter of the American Red Cross, a United Way Agency, has been providing services and programs to our community since its establishment in 1917.  Mrs. T. S. Blish and Mrs. L. C. Gifford petitioned the American Red Cross for the necessary paperwork and on May 25, 1917, Woodrow Wilson, President of the United States, signed the charter.  The original copy of this document hangs proudly in the main office located at 410 Indianapolis Avenue in Seymour, Indiana. 

Beginning in the 1940's, the Jackson County Chapter experienced the origination of many of the current practices of today's chapter.  In October of 1942, the Chapter hired its first paid director, Marjorie P. Cordes.  The first blood drive was conducted in 1949. 

The Red Cross is an organization that relies heavily on volunteers to carry out the mission of the Red Cross and provide its services and programs.  The Jackson County Chapter is no different.  Current programs and services rely on a dedicated group of 350 plus volunteers. 

The programs these volunteers support today include: 

Disaster Assistance for individuals recovering from a fire, flood, or other natural disaster/event

Volunteer Dispatch for Large Scale Disasters (Example - Hurricane Katrina)

Health and safety Training

Life Guard Training

Babysitter Training

First Aid Services

Blood Drives

Assistance to Military Personnel and Their Families

The Red Cross does not receive federal or state funding.  The Jackson County Chapter only on the generosity of the American public to support the organization.  The United Way provides approximately 70% of the local annual budget.  The remaining 30% comes from donations.  The Jackson County Chapter pursues grants, conducts direct mailings, and hosts two annual fundraisers, the Olde Time Tourney and the Crazy 8" Hole Golf Tournament.  As you think about the service this organization provides, please consider making a donation to our work a priority.  























   * Check out our Products page for great Graduation Gift possibilities!

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Last modified: 04/17/09