Monitoring the global ocean through underwater acoustics |
UPDATES September 2003 - Matt Fowler will be servicing the northern north Atlantic hydrophone array for the first time. Mooring operations will be done on the British ship RRS Discovery. April 2003 - Joe Haxel is servicing the north Atlantic hydrophone from the Columbia University ship R/V Maurice Ewing. February 2003 - Matt Fowler conducted the initial deployment of 5 hydrophones from the Ring of Fire '03 Ocean Exploration cruise in the Marianas back arc basin. This was a multidisciplinary cruise with 21 scientists from the U.S., New Zealand and Japan. July, 2002 - Robert Dziak and Matt Fowler will be servicing the two hydrophones missed on the February cruise in the Central North Atlantic. 2003 servicing cruise is tentatively scheduled for April on the R/V Ewing. June 2002:Matt Fowler and Joe Haxel serviced the Gulf of Alaska hydrophones using the R/V Ewing. Three of the five hydrophones were recovered (one lost due to release failure; another not recovered due to weather). May 2002: Chris Fox and Haru Matsumoto joined French scientists on Le Suroit to deploy a new array around the Mid-Atlantic Ridge north of the Azores. The Mid-Atlantic ridge is now serviced with a total of twelve hydrophones. February 2002: Robert Dziak and Matt Fowler serviced the Central North Atlantic array from the University of Rhode Island's R/V Endeavor. Two of the six hydrophones were not recovered due to severe weather. In July 2002, they will attempt to service these two hydrophones from the Endeavour. November 2001: Matt Fowler successfully serviced the East Pacific Rise array from the NOAA Ship Ronald H. Brown. |
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