Graphic of Vacancy Announcement Board Vacancy Announcement Board - Search and Self-Nominate for Army Job Announcements

The Best Places to Work in the Federal Government 2007 The Department of the Army was ranked one of the best places to work in the Federal Government for 2007.

For more information, visit:
Please select the search criteria for job opportunities with the Army. When you are satisfied with the search areas selected scroll down and click on the search now button.

Announcements close at 12:00am (midnight) Eastern Time.

NSPS Announcements: To search for all NSPS announcements select NSPS from the Special Programs menu. Additionally, if you are interested in a specific pay band (i.e., 1 through 4), select the Pay Band from the Grade/Pay Band menu.

Search - Multiple criteria
Search Criteria
Keyword (Position Title only)
Special Programs:
General Occupations:
Grade/Pay Band:
Countries and U.S. Territories:
Hint: (hold cntrl to make multiple selections)
Occupation Series: (Format 0801,0810,0819 No Alpha Characters. More than one series must be separated by comma. )
Applicant Eligibility  
Are you a current/career conditional Federal civilian employee or do you have one of the following eligibilities:
  • Military Spouse/Family Member Preference (overseas only)?
  • Veterans' Preference?
  • Person separated from the armed forces under honorable conditions after 3 years or more of continuous military service?
  • Person with non-competitive appointment eligibility?
  • Current federal employee in an excepted service position covered by an interchange agreement?
  • Eligible for reinstatement?
  •  No       Yes

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