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Albuquerque - Official City Website


Elena Gallegos Open Space at dusk

Conservation of Natural and Archaeological Resources

Albuquerque's Major Public Open Space (MPOS) protects vital natural processes within the urban area. Open Space serves valuable watershed functions by promoting groundwater recharge and reducing siltation and runoff. These lands also provide habitat for native vegetation and wildlife, and a refuge from the pressures of development.

Many Open Space properties contain archaeological remnants. Ancient pueblo life can be surmised from studying these clues from the past. Open Space co-manages the Petroglyph National Monument which holds a number of petroglyphs and other remains that tell the story of ancient Native American Indians.


Open space areas serve as natural outdoor laboratories for education and research close to schools, universities and other institutions. Guided group tours can be arranged to further enhance visitor's understanding of the ecological, geological and cultural aspects contained within and adjacent to Open Space lands.


Open Space areas provide many recreational opportunities in a natural setting not commonly found in many large cities. Appropriate recreational uses are those that impact lightly on the natural environment such as hiking, picnicking, bicycling, jogging, photography, canoeing and nature study.

Urban Design

Setting aside Open Space can limit development in areas that are economically difficult for the City to serve. Open Space also provides visual relief to the urban setting by defining the edges of the City and preserving its outstanding natural landmarks. This practice encourages in-fill development while discouraging urban sprawl.

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