STATUS OF SALES IN THE 5-YEAR OUTER CONTINENTAL SHELF PROGRAM FOR 1992-1997 (as of October 12, 1995) MAJOR STEPS IN THE OCS OIL AND GAS LEASING PROCESS (as of 10/12/95) GULF OF MEXICO OCS REGION Western GOM/Sale 155 I, CALL, AREA ID, DEIS/PNS, HEARINGS, FEIS/CD, NOS -- Complete; SALE -- 9/13/95 Central GOM/Sale 157 I, CALL, AREA ID, DEIS/PNS, HEARINGS -- Complete; FEIS/CD -- Late 95; NOS -- Early 96; SALE -- Early 96 Western GOM/Sale 161 I, CALL, AREA ID, DEIS/PNS, HEARINGS -- Complete; FEIS/CD -- Early 96; NOS -- Mid 96; SALE -- Mid 96 Central GOM/Sale 166 I, CALL, AREA ID -- Complete; DEIS/PNS -- Early 96; HEARINGS -- Mid 96; FEIS/CD -- Late 96; NOS -- Early 97; SALE -- Early 97 ALASKA OCS REGION Cook Inlet/Sale 149 I, CALL, AREA ID, DEIS/PNS, HEARINGS -- Complete; FEIS/CD -- Early 96; NOS -- Mid 96; SALE -- Mid 96 Gulf of Alaska/Yakutat/Sale 158 I, CALL, AREA ID -- Complete; DEIS/PNS -- Late 95; HEARINGS -- Early 96; FEIS/CD -- Late 96; NOS -- Early 97; SALE -- Mid 97 Beaufort Sea/Sale 144 I, CALL, AREA ID, DEIS/PNS -- Complete; HEARINGS -- Late 95; FEIS/CD -- Mid 96; NOS -- Mid 96; SALE -- Late 96 Key to the Major Steps in the Outer Continental Shelf (OCS) Oil and Gas Leasing Process: I Information Base Review PNS Proposed Notice of Sale (90-day comment period) CALL Call for Information and Nominations (45-day comment period) FEIS Final Environmental Impact Statement (30-day comment period) AREA ID Area Identification CD Consistency Determination (90-days before decision on NOS) DEIS Draft Environmental Impact Statement NOS Notice of Sale The following sales already have been held: Western GOM Sale 141 was held on 8/19/92; Central GOM Sale 142 on 3/24/93; Western GOM Sale 143 on 9/15/93; Central GOM Sale 147 on 3/30/94; Western GOM Sale 150 on 8/17/94; Central GOM Sale 152 on 5/10/95; and Western GOM Sale 155 on 9/13/95. The following sales have been deferred from the current program: Chukchi Sea Sale 148 and Hope Basin Sale 159 were deferred on 2/9/95; and Eastern Gulf of Mexico Sale 151, St. George Basin Sale 153, and Mid- and South Atlantic Sale 164 on 6/22/95. --MMS--