FOR RELEASE: August 29, 1995 CONTACT: Tom DeRocco (202) 208-3983 Michael L. Baugher (303) 231-3162 INTERIOR'S NEW ROYALTY POLICY COMMITTEE SETS FIRST MEETING FOR SEPTEMBER 12-13 IN DENVER The U.S. Department of the Interior's Royalty Policy Committee, an arm of the Minerals Management Advisory Board, will hold its first meeting September 12-13 in Denver, Colorado; the meeting at the Stouffer Concourse Hotel, 3801 Quebec Street, is open to the public. "We're pleased with the formulation of this group and enthusiastic about the important role it will play. By bringing affected stakeholders together to focus on improving and streamlining the royalty collection process, we feel we're creating a climate conducive to achieving consensus on how to tackle some of these complex problems," said MMS Director Cynthia Quarterman. MMS will ask the Committee to focus on streamlining and simplifying processes associated with reporting of federal and Indian minerals revenues, and other royalty audit issues. The MMS collects and distributes nearly $4 billion in revenues each year. Made up of bonuses, rentals and royalties, these revenues are derived from more than 100,000 federal and Indian mineral leases. A portion of the revenues collected from onshore leases is shared with the states in which the leases are located. All revenues collected from Indian leases are turned over to the appropriate Indian organization or individual allottee through the Bureau of Indian Affairs, another Interior agency. For additional information, contact Clare Onstad, Royalty Management Program, Minerals Management Service, Box 25165, Denver, Colorado 80225 (303) 231-3827. -MMS-