FOR RELEASE: May 19, 1995 CONTACT: Michael L. Baugher (303) 231-3162 Lee Scurry (202) 208-3983 INTERIOR DEPARTMENT PRESENTS ANNUAL STEWARDSHIP AWARDS TO TOP MINERAL RESOURCE COMPANIES The U.S. Department of the Interior today honored three mineral resource companies for their superior record in production reporting and royalty reporting during the last year. Marathon Oil Company, Caulkins Oil Company and CIG Exploration, Inc. were presented the Secretary of the Interior's Mineral Revenues Stewardship Awards at the 1995 North American Petroleum Accounting Conference in Dallas, Texas. "We applaud these companies for their achievements. Their professionalism has not only contributed to a successful partnership between the Federal Government and industry," said Minerals Management Service (MMS) Director Cynthia Quarterman, "but has enhanced our nation's energy program, which is a benefit to all Americans." In presenting the awards, MMS Associate Director for Royalty Management James W. Shaw said, "While many companies maintain especially good records in meeting their responsibilities for payment and reporting, these three companies were the best in the business last year. They are examples of performance excellence. "Their continued dedication to perfection saves taxpayers' money and assists us in meeting our obligation to manage responsibly the revenues from the mineral resources of our nation's public lands," he said. Since 1987, the Interior Department has been commending exceptional performances by companies that report production and pay royalties for federal and Indian minerals leases to MMS. More than 1,600 companies submit monthly reports of mineral sales and production and pay royalties for minerals that are sold or removed from these leases. The awards are given to one large and one small company in each of two categories: production reporting and royalty reporting. They are based on the accuracy and timeliness of submissions to MMS, as well as cooperation in problem resolution and other actions to improve the process. During Fiscal Year 1994, Marathon Oil Company and CIG Exploration, Inc. recorded the lowest error rates among royalty reporters in their size categories. Among production reporters, Marathon Oil Company and Caulkins Oil Company had the lowest error rates. With its latest honors, Marathon Oil becomes the first company to receive four special awards from the Interior Department. Recipients of the awards now include: Marathon Oil (four times) El Paso Natural Gas (twice) Santa Fe Energy (twice) Amerada Hess Anadarko Petroleum Caulkins Oil Company Chevron USA CIG Exploration, Inc. Columbia Gas Development Corporation CONOCO Dugan Production Jerome P. McHugh and Associates Kerns Oil and Gas Linmar Petroleum Mobil Oil Northwest Pipeline Odeco O & G Professionals Pennzoil Exploration and Production Union Pacific Western Production Company Williston Basin Interstate Pipeline Zia Data Search MMS is the federal agency that manages and regulates the nation's natural gas, oil and other mineral resources on the Outer Continental Shelf, and collects and disburses about $4 billion yearly in revenues from offshore federal mineral leases and from onshore mineral leases on federal and Indian lands. -MMS-