FOR RELEASE: May 4, 1995 CONTACT: Tom DeRocco (202) 208-3983 MMS AND STATE OF ALASKA SIGN MOU, INCREASE COORDINATION ON COASTAL ZONE MANAGEMENT PROCEDURES (#50034) The U. S. Department of the Interior's Minerals Management Service (MMS) and the State of Alaska signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) on coordination procedures for consistency determinations prior to federal lease sales offshore Alaska, MMS officials announced today. "This MOU is a significant example of how we plan to work together with our constituents," said MMS Director Cynthia Quarterman. "Exchanging information prior to formal decisions will help avoid and resolve disputes with affected parties early in our process. Also, advance communications will help ensure that federal leasing proposals are consistent with State Coastal Management plans. "I appreciate the effort spent by the State of Alaska toward reaching this agreement, which has been under discussion for a while. This partnership will greatly enhance our efforts to protect the Coastal Zone," she said. MMS Alaska Regional Director Judy Gottlieb and Diane Mayer, Director of Alaska's Division of Governmental Coordination, signed the agreement at the Outer Continental Shelf (OCS) Policy Committee meeting in Houston. MMS is the federal agency that manages the nation's natural gas, oil and other mineral resources on the OCS, and collects and disburses about $4 billion yearly in revenues from offshore federal mineral leases and from onshore mineral leases on federal and Indian lands. -MMS- Subject: PR-5/4/95 Coastal Zone Management/MMS & State of Alaska Sign MOU, Increase Coordination on CZM (#50034)