Recruitment Critical Success Factor |
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Definition: The workforce plan drives the aggressive and strategic recruitment of diverse and qualified candidates for the agency’s workforce.
When the key elements of the critical success factor Recruitment are effectively implemented, agencies will realize the following results:
The Recruitment and Retention systems work together to produce many of these results.
Select this link to view the key elements and suggested performance indicators for this critical success factor. [64 KB]
Effectiveness Results
- Workforce competency gaps are closed through the use of effective recruitment and retention strategies, creating a workforce capable of excellent performance in the service of the American people.
- Senior leaders and managers are involved in strategic recruitment and retention initiatives, which ensures the necessary organizational focus and resources are allocated to achieve recruitment and retention goals.
- Recruitment strategies are appropriately aggressive and multi-faceted to ensure a sufficient flow of quality applicants to meet staffing needs identified in the workforce plan, positioning the agency for successful program accomplishment.
- Flexible compensation strategies are used as needed to attract and retain quality employees who possess mission-critical competencies.
- Quality of work/life programs are provided and obstacles to recruitment and retention of a quality workforce have been addressed, positioning the agency to be successful in acquiring and retaining the talent needed for program goals and objectives.
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Compliance Result
Recruitment, hiring, and merit promotion processes adhere to the merit system principles in 5 U.S.C. 2301 and follow other pertinent legal and regulatory guidance (including but not limited to 5 U.S.C. 3101, 3102, 3301, 3302, 3308-3318, 3319, 3502, 3503; as well as 5 CFR 315, 316, 317, 330, 332, 335, 337, 338, 550; and other congressionally-mandated enabling legislation).
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